Empathetic Marketing in Real Estate: Unlock Success with Data

This blog explores the significance of empathetic marketing in real estate, emphasizing how investors can use data for targeted outreach. It shifts from self-focused messages to empathetic communication. By utilizing public records and creating thoughtful marketing materials, professionals can build trust and position themselves as community leaders. The blog offers practical tips for crafting engaging mailers and meaningful connections, enhancing marketing effectiveness and fostering genuine relationships.

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Growth vs. Lifestyle Businesses: Key Differences

In real estate, entrepreneurs have two business models to choose from: growth-oriented or lifestyle businesses. The choice can impact both personal happiness and financial success.

Growth-Oriented Businesses aim to grow quickly by reinvesting profits and expanding operations. These businesses often need outside funding and have a long-term focus on growing their market share.

Lifestyle Businesses prioritize steady income and personal balance. Entrepreneurs who choose this model prefer stable growth and more time for personal life over rapid expansion.

Deciding Which Path is Right for You

Choosing the right business model depends on your goals and the market. Consider these factors:

  • Ambition: Do you want fast growth and a big market impact, or do you value a balance between work and personal life?
  • Risk Tolerance: Growth businesses carry more financial risk because they rely on outside funding and reinvestment.
  • Personal Situation: Lifestyle businesses offer more flexibility, which is ideal if you have family or health commitments.

By answering these questions, real estate professionals can choose the right direction for their business.

Empathy and Data in Real Estate Marketing

Marketing is key in real estate. But old marketing messages—like "I buy houses for cash"—don't always work. Today, real estate investors are using empathetic messages that address the seller's needs and provide real solutions.

Empathy helps you connect with sellers. For example, if you're targeting homeowners in foreclosure, a kind, understanding message will build trust more than a basic sales pitch.

Empathy + Data = Powerful Messaging

Data strengthens empathetic messages by helping you understand your audience’s needs. Knowing their struggles allows you to create personal messages that connect on an emotional level.

Using Data to Drive Effective Marketing

Data-driven marketing is changing real estate. It helps professionals find sellers who need their services most. By analyzing public records and market trends, you can create messages that speak directly to sellers.

Using Public Records:
Public records can help you find homeowners in financial trouble. This allows you to reach out with specific solutions that match their needs, making your marketing more personal and effective.

Adapting to Market Changes

Real estate is a cyclical industry, meaning the market goes through ups and downs. To succeed, you need to be flexible and adjust your strategies based on market conditions.

For example, during an economic downturn, you can focus on motivated sellers, like homeowners in foreclosure. Staying updated on market trends and adjusting your marketing can help your business stay strong even during tough times.

Conclusion: Aligning Your Business with Market Needs

Success in real estate comes from aligning your business model and marketing strategies with the market's needs. Whether you choose a growth-focused or lifestyle business, empathy and data-driven decisions are essential.

By focusing on empathetic messages, using public data, and adapting to market changes, you can build a sustainable and successful real estate business that fits your goals and market demands.

Growth vs. Lifestyle Businesses in Real Estate: Insights and Strategies

In real estate, knowing the difference between growth-focused and lifestyle businesses is key. This blog explains these two models and highlights how using data and empathy in direct-to-seller marketing can help real estate professionals succeed in today’s market.

5 Proven Ways AI Transformed Brad’s Real Estate Business

Ever lost a deal because you didn’t follow up fast enough? You’re not alone. Brad, a seasoned real estate investor, faced the same challenge—until AI helped him close 15 extra deals in just five months. Now, it’s your turn to discover how AI can transform your real estate business.

With AI adoption in real estate expected to grow by 35% by 2025, there’s no better time to implement this game-changing technology. Let’s explore how Brad leveraged AI to revolutionize his lead management—and how you can, too.

Why AI-Powered Lead Management Matters in Real Estate

Brad and his twin brother have been running their real estate business since 2015, focusing on Jacksonville, Florida. As their business grew, managing leads and keeping up with follow-ups became more difficult. That’s when they turned to Wu Sender AI, a powerful platform that automates lead engagement and follow-ups, turning cold leads into hot opportunities.

Here’s why AI-powered lead management is a must-have for real estate professionals like Brad:

  • Automated Follow-Up: AI consistently follows up with leads, reducing human error and ensuring no opportunities are missed.
  • Lead Reengagement: AI revives cold leads with personalized messages, significantly increasing conversion rates.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on high-value deals while lowering operational costs.

Thanks to AI, Brad’s team closed 15 extra deals in just five months—demonstrating the immense value of automated lead management.

5 Effective AI Applications in Real Estate Lead Management

Here’s how Brad’s company used AI to optimize their operations, improve lead management, and boost conversions:

1. Automated Follow-Up on Unresponsive Leads & Instant Response

AI excels at following up with leads that have gone cold or unresponsive. Whether it’s responding instantly to new inquiries or persistently reengaging dormant leads, AI ensures no deal falls through the cracks.

For Brad, AI’s ability to follow up immediately was a game-changer. By reengaging cold leads and responding quickly to inquiries, Brad’s team closed 15 additional deals. The instant follow-up allowed them to secure appointments at just the right time, leading to higher conversions.

2. Managing Fresh Leads with AI

AI works 24/7, handling fresh leads even during after-hours and weekends. Over a recent holiday weekend, Brad’s AI system set multiple appointments for the following week, ensuring no leads slipped through the cracks while his team was unavailable.

By automating fresh lead management, Brad’s business achieved round-the-clock engagement, nurturing leads even when the team wasn’t available.

3. AI for Outbound Marketing and Personalized Messaging

AI isn’t just for follow-ups—it’s also a highly effective tool for outbound marketing. Brad’s team used AI to create and send personalized messages based on each lead’s behavior and preferences, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Through AI-driven personalized campaigns, Brad’s team saw a 20% increase in engagement rates. AI tailored its messaging to each lead’s unique needs, ensuring the right message was sent at the right time.

4. AI’s Competitive Edge: Instant Response Times

AI’s ability to respond to inquiries within seconds gives businesses a huge competitive edge. When a lead comes in, AI immediately engages, ensuring that the lead is contacted when their interest is at its peak.

Studies show that 50% of sales go to the vendor who responds first. With AI ensuring instant engagement, Brad’s team was able to stay ahead of competitors and capture leads when they were most interested.

5. AI and CRM Integration: Streamlining Lead Management

AI integrates seamlessly with CRM systems, automating repetitive tasks like scheduling follow-ups, tracking lead interactions, and organizing data. For Brad, this meant his team could focus on high-priority tasks while AI handled day-to-day lead management.

Businesses that integrate AI with their CRM systems report a 30% improvement in lead retention, and Brad’s team experienced these same benefits. AI helped streamline operations and enabled his business to close more deals efficiently.

AI vs Traditional Follow-Up: Why AI Wins

Traditional follow-up methods rely on manual processes, often leading to missed opportunities and inconsistent communication. AI automates these processes, ensuring every lead receives timely and personalized communication via text, email, or chat.

Here’s why Brad’s business thrived with AI:

  • AI helped Brad’s team close 15 extra deals in five months by reengaging cold leads and providing instant follow-ups for new prospects.
  • AI’s ability to respond within seconds ensured that leads were engaged when their interest was highest, greatly improving conversion rates.

Cost of Implementing AI in Real Estate

Brad’s AI system offers much more than just basic chatbot functionality. It integrates text, email, voice drops, and even Facebook Messenger, providing a complete lead management solution. Although it’s more expensive than simple AI tools, Brad’s system is designed specifically for real estate investors, offering customized automations and workflows that maximize conversion rates.

While the cost is similar to hiring a virtual assistant, AI provides far greater scalability, consistency, and a higher long-term return on investment (ROI). For Brad, AI was crucial in handling a large volume of leads and ensuring that no opportunities were missed.

Ready to Transform Your Real Estate Business with AI?

Don’t wait while your competitors get ahead. AI transformed Brad’s real estate business, helping him close more deals and improve lead engagement. Request a Free Demo of RiverX AI today and see how AI can revolutionize your lead management!


Brad’s story is a powerful example of how AI can transform real estate businesses. From automating follow-ups to personalizing outreach and reengaging cold leads, AI helps real estate professionals close more deals and operate more efficiently. Early adopters like Brad are already benefiting from AI, positioning their businesses for long-term success.

5 Proven Ways AI Transformed Brad’s Real Estate Business

In today’s competitive real estate market, missed follow-ups can cost you valuable deals. Brad, a seasoned real estate investor, used AI to overcome this challenge and closed 15 extra deals in just five months. This blog dives into 5 proven ways Brad leveraged AI for lead management, from automated follow-ups to personalized outreach and CRM integration. Discover how AI can streamline your operations, increase engagement, and boost conversions. Ready to transform your business? Learn how AI can take your real estate lead management to the next level!

In the world of digital marketing, your landing page can make or break your campaign's success. Whether you're running Google Ads or any other form of paid advertising, a well-optimized landing page is crucial for converting clicks into leads. If you're scratching your head wondering why your landing page isn't performing the way you want, grab a coffee and settle in. We're about to dive into the five strategies that'll transform your landing page from a dud to a lead-generating stud.

  1. Ditch the Homepage, Embrace the Landing Page

Picture this: You're at a party, and someone's telling you about their amazing vacuum cleaner. You're intrigued, so you ask for more info. Instead of giving you the details, they hand you a book about their entire company history. Frustrating, right? That's exactly what happens when you send paid traffic to your homepage.

Your homepage is like that company history book - it's trying to do too many things at once. A proper landing page, on the other hand, is laser-focused. It's got one job, and one job only: to get that visitor to take action.

So, what makes a great landing page?

  • It's cleaner than your grandmother's kitchen - no distracting menus or links
  • It's got a call-to-action that's impossible to miss (think: "GET MY CASH OFFER NOW!")
  • It talks about one thing and one thing only - solving your visitor's problem

Remember, you want your visitors to have only two options: sign up or scram. Harsh? Maybe. Effective? You bet!

  1. Master the Art of the Form

Ah, forms. The necessary evil of lead generation. But here's the thing - your form can be a conversion killer or a lead magnet, depending on how you structure it.

Think of your form like a first date. You don't start by asking for their life story, right? (If you do, we need to have a different conversation.) Instead, you start small and build up.

Here's the secret sauce:

  • Keep it simple at first. Just ask for the bare minimum - maybe property address and phone number.
  • Once they've taken that first step, then you can get a bit more personal. But here's the trick - ask one question at a time.
  • Use a multi-step form. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but for lead gen.

We've seen this approach skyrocket form completion rates from a measly 50% to a whopping 80%! That's a lot of extra leads in your pocket.

  1. Get Personal with Multiple Landing Pages

Imagine you're selling ice cream. You wouldn't offer the same flavor to everyone, would you? (If you would, remind me never to visit your ice cream shop.) The same goes for landing pages.Different people have different needs. Someone facing foreclosure has very different concerns from someone dealing with probate. So why would you use the same landing page for both?Here's what you can do:

  • Create specific landing pages for different situations (foreclosure, probate, quick sale, etc.)
  • Use dynamic content that changes based on what the person searched for
  • Make sure your ad message matches your landing page content

It's like being a mind reader, but way less creepy and way more effective.

  1. Speed It Up, Buttercup

In the world of landing pages, slow and steady does not win the race. In fact, if your page is slow, you're not even in the race - you're still tying your shoelaces at the starting line.A slow page is like a leaky bucket. You're paying for clicks, but people are bouncing before your page even loads. And to add insult to injury, Google's going to charge you more for ads if your page is slower than molasses in January.So, what can you do?

  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to check your page speed
  • Follow their recommendations to speed things up
  • Remember, every second counts. Even small improvements can make a big difference

  1. Never Stop Improving (aka CRO is Your New BFF)

Last but not least, let's talk about CRO - Conversion Rate Optimization. Fancy term, simple concept: always be testing and improving.Think of your landing page like a professional athlete. They don't just train once and call it a day. They're constantly pushing themselves, trying new techniques, and improving their performance. Your landing page should be doing the same.Here's how:

  • Run A/B tests on different elements of your page
  • Analyze the results (no, staring at numbers until your eyes cross doesn't count)
  • Make changes based on what you learn
  • Rinse and repeat

There are tools out there like VWO that can help you do this. And trust me, it's worth it. Because a landing page that was hot stuff last month might be old news today.Wrapping It UpSo there you have it, folks - five keys to unlock the potential of your landing page. It might seem like a lot, but remember: in the world of PPC, every click costs money. A high-performing landing page isn't just nice to have - it's the difference between burning cash and raking in quality leads.Don't just aim for a good landing page. Aim for a landing page that keeps getting better. Because in this game, if you're not moving forward, you're falling behind. And nobody wants to be left in the digital dust, right?Now go and conquer those landing pages! Your future leads (and your wallet) will thank you.

5 Keys to Skyrocket Your Landing Page Performance

Double your landing page conversion rate with these simple steps.

As a real estate investor, understanding the ebb and flow of foreclosure trends is crucial for identifying opportunities and navigating market shifts. The past few years have seen dramatic changes in the foreclosure landscape, from record lows to pandemic-induced freezes, and now a gradual return to normalcy. Let's dive into the data and explore what it means for your investment strategy.

The Pre-Pandemic Calm (2019)

Before COVID-19 upended the market, foreclosures were at historic lows. In 2019, only 493,066 properties received foreclosure filings - a 21% decrease from 2018 and a staggering 83% drop from the 2010 peak. This represented just 0.36% of all U.S. housing units, signaling a robust housing market with few distressed properties.

The Pandemic Plunge (2020)

When COVID-19 hit, the government stepped in with unprecedented measures. Foreclosure moratoriums and forbearance programs brought foreclosure activity to a near standstill. In 2020, foreclosure filings plummeted to 214,323 - a mere 0.16% of U.S. housing units. Bank repossessions (REOs) fell to 50,238, a 65% decrease from 2019.

The Gradual Rebound (2021-2023)

As pandemic protections began to expire, foreclosure activity started to climb:

2021: Numbers remained low due to lingering protections. 2022: Activity increased as moratoriums lifted. 2023: About 357,000 properties faced foreclosure filings - a 10% increase from 2022 and a 136% jump from 2021. However, this still only represented 0.26% of all U.S. housing units, below pre-pandemic levels.

In Q3 2023, lenders initiated foreclosure on 68,961 properties, approaching pre-pandemic levels.

Current State of Play (2024)

Now, let's look at where we stand in 2024:

  • In the first half of the year, 130,369 U.S. properties began the foreclosure process. This is actually a 3.5% decrease from the first half of 2023.
  • Total foreclosure filings increased 7.8% from 2022, reaching 177,431 in the first half of 2024.
  • Foreclosure activity remains 68% below the pre-recession average of 278,912 per quarter from 2006-2007.

State-by-State Breakdown

Foreclosure activity varies significantly by location. As of July 2024:

  • Highest foreclosure rates: New Jersey (0.21%), Illinois (0.21%), Florida (0.20%), Nevada (0.19%), South Carolina (0.19%)
  • Most foreclosure starts: California (2,342), Florida (2,339), Texas (2,222), Illinois (1,221), New York (1,145)

Some metro areas are bucking the trend. In Q3 2023, foreclosure starts decreased in:

  • Salt Lake City (down 74%)
  • Chicago (down 35%)
  • Kansas City, Missouri (down 34%)
  • Columbus, Ohio (down 22%)
  • Milwaukee (down 21%)

What This Means for Investors

  1. Regional Opportunities: Focus on states with higher foreclosure rates. New Jersey, Illinois, and Florida are particularly active markets.
  2. Gradual Normalization: The slow increase in foreclosures suggests a return to pre-pandemic conditions without a flood of distressed properties.
  3. Competitive Landscape: With foreclosure rates still below historical averages, expect competition for available properties.
  4. Local Market Knowledge: Given the wide variation in foreclosure rates across states and cities, thorough local market research is essential.
  5. Patience and Preparedness: While opportunities are increasing, we're not seeing a foreclosure boom. Be ready to act when deals arise, but don't expect a glut of cheap properties.
  6. Alternative Markets: Consider looking at markets with decreasing foreclosure rates. These areas might offer stability and long-term growth potential.
  7. Risk Assessment: The varying foreclosure rates highlight the importance of diversifying your portfolio across different regions.
  8. Financing Strategies: With interest rates higher than in recent years, factor in the cost of financing when assessing potential deals.

Strategy Adjustments

  1. Build relationships with local real estate agents and attorneys who specialize in foreclosures.
  2. Stay informed about local foreclosure laws and procedures, as they can vary by state.
  3. Consider pre-foreclosure opportunities, working directly with homeowners before the foreclosure process completes.
  4. Be prepared for potential competition from large institutional investors in high-foreclosure markets.
  5. Look beyond just the purchase price - factor in renovation costs, holding periods, and potential resale values in your calculations.


The foreclosure landscape in 2024 presents a mixed bag for real estate investors. While we're seeing an uptick in activity compared to the pandemic lows, we're still below pre-2020 levels. This gradual return to normalcy offers opportunities for prepared investors, but requires careful market analysis and swift action when deals arise.

Remember, successful investing in foreclosures isn't just about finding cheap properties - it's about understanding market dynamics, assessing true value, and having the resources to act quickly when opportunities present themselves. Stay informed, stay nimble, and always do your due diligence.

ATTOM. (2024, January 11). U.S. Foreclosure Activity Increases From 2022 But Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels. https://www.attomdata.com/news/market-trends/foreclosures/attom-2023-year-end-u-s-foreclosure-market-report/

Real Estate Foreclosure Trends

Learn 5 strategy adjustment you need to stay ahead of the current foreclosure trends. Sometimes looking back is the best way to stay ahead.

As we approach 2025, real estate investors need to be prepared for a shifting lending environment. Whether you're into rentals, wholesaling, multifamily, or single-family homes, understanding the upcoming changes in bank lending practices is crucial for your investment strategy. Let's dive into what you can expect and how to prepare, based on insights from Deloitte's 2024 banking and capital markets outlook.

The Current Landscape

First, some good news: residential properties, especially multifamily, are facing fewer lending hurdles compared to commercial real estate. As of August 2023, only 8.5% of multifamily property loans maturing in 2024 were classified as "troubled" or "potentially troubled/watchlist", compared to 17.4% for office properties and 10.5% for retail property loans (Deloitte, 2024).

However, caution is the watchword in banking circles. In Q2 2023, 68% of surveyed US banks reported tighter standards for commercial real estate loans (Deloitte, 2024). While this primarily affects commercial properties, it's likely to influence residential lending as well.

What to Expect in 2025

1. Higher Interest Rates: While we may see some easing from current levels, don't expect a return to the rock-bottom rates of recent years. This means your borrowing costs will likely remain elevated compared to historical lows.

2. Stricter Lending Standards: Banks are expected to maintain cautious lending practices. They'll be looking more closely at your financials, property performance, and overall investment strategy.

3. Regulatory Scrutiny: Smaller banks, which often work with local real estate investors, may face increased regulatory oversight. As of Q1 2023, small banks' commercial real estate loans as a percentage of risk-based capital stood at 357%, compared to 131% for the overall banking industry (Deloitte, 2024). This could potentially impact their ability to lend to residential investors as well.

4. Property Type Preferences: Multifamily properties may continue to be viewed more favorably by lenders compared to other property types.

How to Prepare

1. Strengthen Your Financials: Focus on improving cash flows and maintaining strong debt service coverage ratios. Banks will be scrutinizing these metrics closely.

2. Diversify Funding Sources: Don't rely solely on traditional banks. Explore alternatives like local credit unions, private money lenders, or partnerships with other investors.

3. Optimize Property Management: For rental and multifamily investors, strong tenant histories and well-maintained properties will be more important than ever in securing favorable loans.

4. Plan for Refinancing: If you have loans maturing around 2025, start planning your refinancing strategy now. Consider locking in longer-term fixed rates if they become available at attractive levels.

5. Embrace Technology: Use property management software and other tech tools to improve your operational efficiency and provide better data to potential lenders.

6. Stay Informed: Keep a close eye on your local housing market trends. Lenders will want to see that you understand the dynamics of where you're investing.

7. Build Banking Relationships: Don't wait until you need a loan to approach lenders. Build relationships with multiple banks now to improve your chances of securing financing when you need it.

8. Prepare for Increased Scrutiny: If you're into wholesaling or flipping, be ready to provide a strong track record of successful deals. Lenders may require more detailed information about your investment strategy and past performance.

9. Consider Your Property Mix: Given the favorable outlook for multifamily properties, you might want to consider increasing your exposure to this sector if it aligns with your investment strategy.

10. Stay Liquid: Maintain a healthy cash reserve. This not only provides a buffer against potential market downturns but also demonstrates financial stability to lenders.

The Road Ahead

While the lending environment in 2025 may present challenges, it also offers opportunities for well-prepared investors. By focusing on financial strength, diversification, and savvy property management, you can position yourself to weather potential storms and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Remember, the key to success in real estate investing is adaptability. Stay informed, be proactive, and don't hesitate to seek advice from financial professionals as you navigate this evolving landscape.

By following these guidelines and staying abreast of market trends, residential real estate investors can approach 2025 with confidence, ready to tackle whatever challenges the lending environment may bring.

Source: Deloitte. (2024). 2024 banking and capital markets outlook: Navigating the changing contours of the global economy. 

Navigating the 2025 Lending Landscape: Real Estate Investors

10 Steps to Getting Ahead in 2025

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, two popular strategies often come up in discussions: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) marketing. While both aim to generate leads and conversions, they operate differently and have unique advantages. Let's dive into these two approaches and explore how they can benefit your business.

What's Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Marketing?

Pay-Per-Lead marketing is a model where advertisers pay for qualified leads rather than for ad clicks or impressions. In this system, a third-party company generates leads through various marketing channels and sells them to businesses. In a way, it’s kind of like ordering takeout. Someone else cooks the food (gets the leads), and you pay for what you get. You only fork over cash when you get a potential customer's info. It's simple, but you don't control the kitchen, or which restaurant you’re buying from.

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing?

Pay-Per-Click marketing is an online advertising model where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. The most common platforms for PPC advertising are search engines like Google and Bing, as well as social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. In PPC, advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience and create ads that appear in search results or on social media feeds. In this way, it’s like cooking your own food or hiring a private chef. You get to control what’s made, the quality of the food, and you can put your brand on it. It’s more work and is more expensive, but you often get a better return on your investment.

How Are PPL and PPC Different?

1. Payment structure: The most significant difference is in how advertisers pay. With PPL, you pay for qualified leads, while with PPC, you pay for clicks on your ads.

2. Control: PPC gives advertisers more control over their campaigns, including ad copy, targeting, and budget allocation. PPL campaigns are typically managed by the lead generation company.

3. Branding: PPC allows businesses to build their brand through consistent messaging and visuals. PPL often doesn't offer this advantage, as leads are generated under the provider's brand.

4. Data and optimization: PPC provides extensive data for optimization, allowing advertisers to refine their campaigns continually. PPL offers limited data, as the lead generation process is managed externally.

How Are They Similar?

1. Goal-oriented: Both PPL and PPC aim to generate leads and conversions for businesses.

2. Performance-based: Advertisers in both models pay for results rather than just ad exposure.

3. Scalability: Both methods can be scaled up or down based on budget and business needs.

4. Digital focus: PPL and PPC are primarily digital marketing strategies, leveraging online channels to reach potential customers.

The Pros and Cons

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Pros:

- Lower risk, as you only pay for qualified leads

- Easier to budget and forecast

- Requires less expertise in digital marketing

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Cons:

- Less control over lead quality and generation process

- Limited branding opportunities

- Potential for shared leads (non-exclusive)

- There’s a cap on disputing leads

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Pros:

- Full control over campaigns and messaging

- Extensive data for optimization

- Builds brand awareness

- Immediate results

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Cons:

- Requires more expertise to manage effectively

- Can be more expensive initially

- Ongoing management and optimization needed

Who Should Use What?

Let's talk about who should use PPL and who should go for PPC. PPL is a great fit for newbies with tight budgets. If you're just starting out and don't have much cash to spare, PPL can get you leads without breaking the bank. It's also perfect for those who need leads right away. Can't wait around for results? PPL's got your back. And if you're someone who doesn't have the time or inclination to learn the ins and outs of marketing, PPL is your friend. It's a plug-and-play solution that doesn't require much know-how.

On the flip side, PPC is the way to go for businesses that want to build a brand. If you're in it for the long haul and want people to recognize your name, PPC helps you get there. It's also the better choice for folks who really care about lead quality. With PPC, you have more control over who sees your ads, so you're more likely to get leads that fit what you're looking for. Lastly, if you're ready to invest in long-term growth, PPC is your best bet. It takes more work up front, but it pays off down the line as you learn and improve your campaigns.

Using PPL and PPC Together

While some marketers view PPL and PPC as competing strategies, they can actually complement each other effectively. Here's how:

1. Diversification: Using both methods helps diversify your lead generation efforts, reducing reliance on a single channel.

2. Short-term vs. Long-term: PPL can provide quick results while you build and optimize your PPC campaigns for long-term success.

3. Testing and Learning: Insights gained from PPL leads can inform your PPC targeting and messaging strategies.

4. Flexibility: Combine both approaches to adjust your marketing efforts based on seasonality, budget changes, or market conditions.

Conclusion: The Power of PPC

PPC gives you the reins. You decide what to say, who to talk to, and how much to spend. You learn tons about your customers. Your brand grows stronger over time.

Sure, it's more work. But it pays off. As you get better, you'll likely spend less to get each customer.

If you're serious about growing your business online, PPC is the way to go. It's like learning to fish instead of buying fish. It takes more effort, but in the long run, you'll catch more and know exactly what you're getting.

PPL can help you out in a pinch or when you're just starting. But if you want to build something that lasts, PPC is your best bet. It's your business - take control and make it grow.

PPL vs. PPC: Understanding and Leveraging These Marketing Powerhouses

PPL or PPC: Which marketing meal will nourish your business? Discover the key differences, pros, cons, and when to use each strategy for optimal growth.

As a real estate investor, marketing is essential for generating motivated seller leads and deals for your business. But how exactly can you ensure you're getting the highest return and profits from the money you invest into marketing?

The key is diligently tracking your marketing ROI and using data-driven insights to optimize it.

What is Marketing ROI and Why It Matters

ROI stands for “return on investment”. For real estate investors, your marketing ROI shows how much profit you're generating from your marketing and lead generation activities.

Marketing ROI is calculated with this simple formula:

(Revenue from Deals - Marketing Costs) / Total Marketing Costs

A higher ROI means your marketing efforts are delivering higher returns and greater overall profitability.

Understanding your marketing ROI is critical for a few key reasons:

  • It shows which marketing channels and lead sources are worth focusing on and investing more into. You can double down on what works best.
  • Knowing ROI helps you cut excess spending on marketing activities and campaigns that have a low return. Stop wasting money.
  • Your marketing ROI enables you to set optimal budgets and spending allocations across channels.
  • A high marketing ROI proves the overall value of your marketing efforts compared to other business expenses.

Without accurately calculating your marketing ROI, you can't strategically scale your business for maximum efficiency. You end up guessing rather than making data-backed decisions.

Steps for Tracking and Improving Your Real Estate Marketing ROI

Follow these steps to start optimizing the ROI from your marketing as a real estate investor:

Track Your Marketing KPIs

Leverage a CRM platform to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like:

  • Cost per lead for each marketing channel
  • Number of leads generated per channel
  • Number of deals closed from each lead source
  • Total expenses for each marketing effort

This marketing data is required to determine the ROI.

Calculate Your ROI by Channel

Dig into the metrics to determine the ROI for each lead generation source and marketing channel.

For example, you may find:

  • Google Ads – 3X ROI
  • Direct Mailers – 5X ROI
  • Facebook Ads – 1.5X ROI

This makes it clear that direct mailers provide the highest return for your marketing dollar spent.

Invest More Into Your High-ROI Marketing

With the ROI numbers, you can strategically shift more of your marketing budget into the channels and campaigns with the best return.

In this example, putting more resources into direct mailers and scaling back Facebook Ads could lift your overall marketing ROI.

Optimize Low ROI Marketing Channels

For marketing channels with lower ROI, experiment and tweak your approach to try improving their profitability.

Maybe a different target demographic, ad copy, or real estate niche could make Facebook Ads more successful?

Continue Monitoring Your Marketing ROI

Regularly monitor your marketing ROI across channels to see how shifts in budget and optimization impact profitability over time.

Making data-driven decisions based on your marketing ROI ensures you get the highest return on your marketing investment as possible. Stop wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work. Embrace ROI tracking to scale up profits today.

How to Track and Optimize Your Marketing ROI as a Real Estate Investor

To thrive as a real estate investor, understanding and tracking your marketing KPIs is critical. We've created a guide to help you keep your data clean so you can make wise decisions.

As a real estate investor, you know that growing a successful business takes more than just hustle and handshake deals. To scale up and maximize profits over the long-term, you need to track key data and metrics about your business performance. But what specific metrics should you be measuring, and how can you use these numbers to gain insights and make smarter business decisions?

Why Tracking KPIs and Metrics Matters for Your Real Estate Business

KPI stands for "key performance indicator". These are the most critical numbers and metrics that shed light on the overall health and profitability of your real estate investing business.

Consistently tracking performance indicators and metrics like cost per lead, return on investment, deal conversion rates, lead follow up times, and more can provide substantial benefits:

  • It shows how profitable your various marketing campaigns and lead sources are. This way you can double down on what's working well.
  • Tracking conversion rates helps you pinpoint inefficiencies in how leads and deals are converting through your pipeline. If the data shows bottlenecks, you can optimize.
  • Solid metrics make it easy to spot areas of waste or excess spending. You'll know exactly where to cut back.
  • KPIs provide you with data-driven insights about your business. So you can make smart, informed decisions rather than relying on intuition.
  • They help you set performance goals and benchmarks for your team to work towards.

Without monitoring these key performance indicators, it's nearly impossible to gain visibility into your real business health and know where you should focus on improving your investing business. You end up guessing based on gut feelings rather than leveraging cold, hard data.

4 Key KPIs and Metrics Every Real Estate Investor Should Be Tracking

While there are many potential KPIs and metrics you could track for your real estate business, a few vital ones include:

Cost Per Lead

This metric shows what your average cost is to acquire a lead across the different marketing channels and lead sources you use like direct mailers, Google ads, Facebook ads, bandit signs, etc.

To calculate it:

Total $ spent on marketing / Total number of leads

Having visibility into your cost per lead is crucial to determine which lead generation strategies and marketing efforts provide you with leads at the lowest cost. This way you can double down on what works. If a channel has a high CPL, it may not be worth the spend.

Lead to Deal Conversion Rate

This ratio shows what percentage of the total leads that enter your pipeline end up converting into actual deals closed.

To calculate it:

Total number of deals closed / Total number of leads

Tracking this conversion rate will shed light on how effective your business is at nurturing leads through your pipeline and converting them into deals. A low conversion rate signals inefficiencies in your follow up process.

Marketing Return on Investment (ROI)

Your marketing ROI metric measures the overall profitability of your marketing. It shows how much revenue is generated per dollar spent on marketing.

Use this formula:

(Revenue - Marketing Costs) / Marketing Costs

This return on investment KPI is great for showing which marketing channels provide the highest return. You want your overall marketing ROI to be at least 3-5X to be successful.

Time to Convert Leads

This metric shows how long it takes for your leads to convert into deals on average.

You'll want to track the average time from when a lead enters your pipeline to when they convert to a closed deal. Faster conversion times generally mean you have higher lead quality and efficient follow up processes. Slow conversion times can signal issues.

How to Track and Analyze KPIs in Your Real Estate Business

While it's possible to manually track your real estate KPIs and metrics using spreadsheets, doing this consistently and accurately is extremely difficult. The problem is scale. As your lead sources and deals grow, spreadsheet tracking becomes unrealistic.

The best way to track your real estate investing KPIs is by using software tools and CRM systems purpose-built for real estate investors. Solutions like ReSimply automatically track your key metrics across all your lead sources, marketing campaigns, and agents. This makes the process of analyzing the data simple.

With the data organized for you, you can clearly see metrics like:

  • Which lead source has the lowest cost per lead
  • Which marketing channel provides the highest ROI
  • Which agents convert leads fastest

These CRM tools also make it easy to run reports on your KPIs. With a few clicks, you can pull up reports to spot trends and opportunities.

Leveraging this type of data-focused software empowers you to:

  • Identify the optimal marketing mix based on hard numbers
  • Double down on proven lead sources and campaigns
  • Improve areas of underperformance
  • Set and track performance goals for your team

In today's digital world, relying on spreadsheets and guesswork is no way to efficiently scale your real estate investing business. Use the power of data to unlock growth and profits.

The Importance of Tracking KPIs and Metrics in Real Estate Investing

Mastering real estate investing means tracking the right metrics. From cost per lead to ROI, these KPIs reveal where to invest and how to convert. Don’t guess—let the numbers guide your growth and profits.

For real estate investors, Facebook ads present an opportunity to directly reach motivated home sellers in your target geography. With the right strategy, you can generate seller leads and appointments cost-effectively. Here is an overview of what's needed to succeed with Facebook ads:

Dial in Your Targeting

The key is narrowing in on your ideal audience - motivated sellers primed to connect with your ad. Start with broad targeting based on demographics and interests:

  • Homeowners in your target ZIP codes
  • Ages 35-60
  • Life events like divorce, new children, etc.
  • Financial interests related to mortgages, investing, etc.

Build custom audiences from your website visitors, existing sellers and leads, and client contact lists. Combine these for laser-focused targeting.

Throughout your campaigns, analyze stats to refine targeting. Exclude ages and demographics that don't convert well. Tighten your focus on what works through ongoing optimizations.

Choose the Right Ad Placements

Be very selective with ad placements to control lead quality. Focus spend on the Facebook and Instagram feeds, Stories and Reels. Avoid low quality placements like the Audience Network and Marketplace.

Closely monitor your placement mix and lead quality as you scale up the budget. Avoid having spend shift to poor lead sources as you grow. Tweak placements continuously based on performance data.

Test Different Types of Creative

The visuals and copy of your ads greatly impact results. Experiment with different styles of video and images. Craft compelling headlines that speak directly to motivated sellers.

Try emotional appeals focused on peace of mind and convenience. Test call-to-action variations. Run A/B tests of ad creatives and place more budget toward what performs best.

Optimize for Micro-Conversions

Don't just look at cost per lead. Track micro-conversions like landing page visits, form starts, contact requests. Evaluate cost per seller appointment booked. Bid based on what directly leads to deals.

Analyze and Refine

Regularly dig into campaign analytics. Find opportunities in your targeting, placements and creatives. Double down on what moves the revenue needle and trim what doesn't.

With tight targeting, proven creative, and ongoing optimizations, Facebook ads can connect you to motivated sellers ready to transact. Follow this strategic playbook as you build your Facebook presence and buyer's list.

A Roadmap for Success with Facebook Ads for Real Estate Investors

Discover how to reel in motivated home sellers with precision: target smart, place sharp, and craft ads that seal the deal on Facebook. This playbook shows you how to navigate the digital landscape for real estate success.

As a real estate investor, the quality of leads you get from Facebook ads is critical. After all, you want to find motivated home sellers - not people looking to rent or buy. The placements you choose for your Facebook ads control who sees your ads and can make a huge difference in lead quality.

When running Facebook ads for your real estate investing business, stick to these placements:

Facebook and Instagram Feeds

The Facebook News Feed and Instagram Feed should be the core placements for your ads. These allow your ads to be seen by active users seamlessly mixed in with regular posts.

Users are primed to browse and engage with content in their feeds. They'll have time to fully read and understand your ad in this natural social media scrolling environment. You'll be able to reach potential motivated sellers who may relate to and respond to your message.

Facebook and Instagram Stories and Reels

Stories and Reels are a high-impact, engaging ad format on Facebook and Instagram. Users actively click through Stories, and Reels auto-play as they scroll.

These video ad units tend to have higher visibility and interaction rates compared to static image ads. Audiences stay focused while viewing, so you can communicate your value proposition clearly. Stories and Reels are ideal for catching attention with eye-catching content.

Avoid Facebook Audience Network

While it's tempting to cast a wide net, stay far away from the Facebook Audience Network. This encompasses third-party websites and apps outside of Facebook itself.

The Audience Network tends to have much lower quality traffic and leads. There is often more spam and irrelevant responses. Since Facebook has less oversight on these placements, fraudulent leads are also more common.

Stick to placements that Facebook has full control over - their owned-and-operated platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Don't rely on outside network inventory.

Steer Clear of Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is another placement to avoid. People browsing Marketplace may be looking to rent or buy a home - not sell. Their mindset is different.

The leads from Marketplace also tend to be more impulsive. There is less time and space to communicate the details of your offer with proper ad copy. Since the context is shopping for homes, your message may get lost.

Monitor Closely as You Scale

When running Facebook ad campaigns, it's important to optimize placements from the very start. However, you also need to monitor the network closely as you scale up your budget.

Often the poor quality placements like Audience Network can generate clicks and leads very cheaply. As you pump more budget into your campaigns, Facebook's algorithm may start shifting spend toward those placements, since they deliver metrics like leads at low costs.

Keep a very close eye on your placements as budget increases to prevent this. Make sure you already have enough data to optimize out poor lead sources early in your scaling journey. Having tight placement controls will ensure lead quality stays high month after month.

Experiment and Optimize

There is some trial and error involved in finding the best placements for your Facebook ads. Start with a wide range of options across Facebook and Instagram. Monitor lead quality from each placement closely.

Look at conversion metrics - how many leads or contacts does each placement generate? What are the costs associated with each? Tweak your placement mix and budget allocations based on the data.

Double down on placements that give you the highest conversion rates and lowest cost per lead. Cut back on or eliminate placements that don't perform. Optimization takes vigilance, but the payoff of fantastic lead quality is worth it.

By choosing the right placements for your Facebook ads, you can connect with far more motivated sellers in your target market. Avoid lead sources with spam and irrelevant responses to keep quality high as you scale. Follow these placement optimization best practices for Facebook ad success.

Optimizing Facebook Ad Placements to Improve Lead Quality

Unlock the secrets to snagging top-notch leads on Facebook: skip the junk zones, master the feed, and reel in motivated sellers like a pro!

Facebook ads can be a cost-effective way to find motivated home sellers year-round. However, Q4 brings some unique challenges. As the holidays approach, the ROI on your Facebook ad spend will likely decrease. Here’s why, along with tips to adapt and continue connecting with sellers through the new year.

Why Return on Ad Spend Drops in Q4

There are two key factors driving down Facebook advertising returns in Q4:

  1. Increased competition for ad space

Starting around Black Friday and lasting through the holidays, every industry competes fiercely for a limited pool of ad space. Retailers, software companies, political groups - everyone ramps up budgets.

This heightened competition leads Facebook to increase the pricing for impressions through their automated auction platform. Cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) can easily double quarter-over-quarter.

  1. Lower conversion rates

While competition and prices rise, home sellers become more scarce and difficult to convert. Response rates, clicks, and leads per ad impression drop significantly compared to peak seasons.

Combined, you end up paying much more per impression, yet converting fewer of those costly impressions into leads and deals. ROI sinks.

Tips to Improve Your Q4 Facebook Ad Strategy

While the above dynamics are largely outside of your control, here are 5 tips to adapt and close out the year strong:

  • Closely monitor ROI numbers and make incremental budget tweaks vs. drastic changes if needed.
  • Scale back or pause lower-performing campaigns first to cut waste on a limited budget.
  • Maintain core operating hours for your ads, but experiment with increased evening and weekend budgets when rates can improve.
  • Consider tightening your targeting to reduce irrelevant impressions and only reach serious sellers.
  • Test different ad copy and lower-funnel offers if lead volume is less important than quality.

Facebook marketing takes constant fine-tuning, even more so during the hectic holiday season. Stay nimble, watch the numbers, and keep making informed decisions. With the right adjustments, you can power through the tricky Q4 ad landscape.

Why Facebook Ad ROI Decreases in Q4 (And How to Adjust Your Strategy)

Navigating Q4 with Facebook ads? Brace for increased competition and lower conversion rates. Adjust by monitoring ROI closely, tweaking budgets incrementally, and refining targeting and ad copy. Stay agile and strategic to maintain ad effectiveness despite seasonal challenges.

The fourth quarter poses a dilemma for many real estate investing businesses. As the holidays approach, less homeowners are inclined to sell. Your tried-and-true marketing tactics may falter. Yet deals don't disappear entirely in Q4. Revenue is still vital, especially with year-end fast approaching. So should you maintain your usual marketing efforts, or scale back and batten down the hatches?

There are decent arguments on both sides. Let's dive deeper into the factors to consider if you're debating your Q4 real estate marketing plans:

The Case for Continued Marketing

Keeping up marketing preserves your revenue stream. Even if conversions dip slightly, consistent leads and deals avoid major financial disruption. This steadiness also enables you to meet annual goals. With the right messaging, you may attract new sellers who want to close quickly for tax or personal reasons.

Ongoing marketing also maintains team morale. Many staff rely on regular commissions. Volume dropping leaves them restless and disengaged. Keeping efforts consistent shows them you’re invested in Q4 success. Keep the band together, and you’ll rebuild momentum faster in January.

Certain channels may thrive with lower competition, like Google Ads. Competitors often decrease budgets around the holidays. You can gain share of voice and get quality leads at a lower cost if you lean into platforms where you only pay for actual demand.

Lastly, while inconvenient, deals still happen in November and December! Persistence puts you first in line if a rare gem emerges. While being the only eager buyer on Christmas Eve seems like a long shot, you’ll definitely miss opportunities if you pull the plug on outreach.

Arguments for Scaling Back Marketing

The biggest reason to cut back is lower ROI. Impression and click costs often rise across digital platforms like Facebook, without a matching increase in conversions. You may sink more ad spend only to spin your wheels.

Direct marketing channels also falter. Response rates to direct mail, social outreach, and cold calling tend to decrease as buyers check out for the holidays. These tactics likely require more spend to achieve fewer results.

If your team takes extended time off around the holidays, continuing marketing may waste money. Leads sit unattended, go stale, and hurt future ROI data. Pausing efforts avoids misleading data and frustration.

Lastly, you may wish to simply enjoy some downtime. As a business owner, it's healthy to recharge your own batteries as well. If you can afford it, a brief slowdown lets you relax and prepare for the new year.

As you can see, there are decent points on both sides of this debate. Analyze your specific business situation and goals to decide if scaling back makes sense or if staying the course is your best plan of attack this Q4.

Should Real Estate Investors Continue Marketing in Q4? Weighing the Pros and Cons

Protect your PPC campaigns by pooling data across clients. Avoid the risk of individual account fluctuations and maintain stable bids, leveraging your proprietary conversion insights. Beat Google at its own game with strategic data aggregation for lasting competitiveness in digital marketing.

How Data Aggregation Can Help You Compete with Google

As PPC evolves, success will depend more and more on robust data. Google has a huge advantage here with billions of search queries and users' digital footprints. But as investors, we can level the playing field by aggregating data across clients. Here’s why this strategy is critical for competing with Google's algorithms in the future:

Google Can't See Your Offline Conversions

The #1 signal Google needs is which clicks actually drive conversions. Without conversion data, their auto-bids won't optimize well.

Google sees the online conversion data from your website. But they don’t have visibility into your offline conversions like signed contracts.

By bringing data together from across your portfolio, you can connect the dots on a bigger scale. This full-funnel view lets you continually refine targeting and improve ROI.

More Data Means More Accurate Bids

Next, scale equals greater accuracy. The more historical conversions you can feed back to the algorithm, the better it can predict future performance.

Individually, each of your clients may not have enough data for robust auto-bidding. But by combining datasets, you create a large foundation for the algorithm to learn from. This results in more automated bids that truly optimize your costs.

Shared Data Protects Your Accounts

Finally, aggregating data also helps safeguard your accounts. If you rely solely on the limited data within one client's account, it's risky. If they pause spend, that campaign will struggle to re-learn.

But with shared data across many advertisers, you hedge this risk. Your bids stay stable even if an individual advertiser scales back.

While Google may seem unbeatable, remember they don’t have your proprietary conversion data. By pooling datasets across clients, investors can leverage this advantage to stay competitive in PPC as its landscape changes.

How Data Aggregation Can Help You Compete with Google

Harnessing the power of data aggregation is your secret weapon against Google's dominance in PPC. By consolidating conversion insights across your portfolio, you optimize bids with unparalleled accuracy, protect against account volatility, and outmaneuver Google's algorithms. Level the playing field and secure your competitive edge in digital advertising today.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is evolving fast. Search engines like Google are constantly rolling out new features and algorithms that change the way ads work. As real estate investors relying on PPC, we need to stay ahead of these shifts to keep our ad campaigns successful.

In this post, I'll cover some of the major PPC changes coming down the pipeline and tips you can use to future-proof your marketing.

Auto-Bidding Is Taking Over

In the early days of PPC, marketers controlled their bids 100%. We could set the exact bid for each keyword. But over time, Google has pushed advertisers to use more automated bidding strategies. These rely on their algorithms, not manual inputs, to determine bids.

Why? Google's algorithms can process way more data than any human. This lets them optimize bids better to drive more revenue for Google. As an advertiser, it's tempting to resist this loss of control. But the reality is, auto-bidding works better at scale than manual bids.

So consider starting to experiment with automated bidding for your PPC campaigns now. This will prepare you as manual bidding goes away completely in the future.

Broad Match Keywords Are the Default

Google also wants advertisers using more broad match keywords. This is where your ad can show for misspellings and related terms beyond your exact keyword.

Again, this opens up more potential inventory for Google to sell. But it risks less relevant traffic for you.

To adapt, focus on using negative keywords to narrow your reach. Avoid spending on traffic that doesn’t convert. Also lean into flexible match options like phrase match that add some control vs going completely broad.

Focus on Search Over Social

Data privacy changes are coming across all platforms. But search marketing will likely be less impacted than social media ads. Users’ search queries directly show their intent in that moment. So search ads can remain highly targeted with limited data.

Social media targeting relies much more on collecting data like demographics and interests. As users share less of this, social ads get more generic.

Shift budget from social to search now to get ahead of this trend. Search traffic converts better for motivated sellers anyway.

Feed Google More Data

Lastly, Google’s algorithms thrive on data. The more signals you can provide, the better your auto-bids, match types, and overall performance will be.

Look for ways to collect and aggregate data across clients and channels. Offline conversion data is especially powerful. Use tools like Google Analytics to feed this back into your accounts.

The future of PPC is unpredictable. But by embracing the shifts happening, your marketing will be poised for success as changes pick up speed.

Preparing for the Future of PPC: How to Future-Proof Your Marketing Campaigns

Stay ahead in PPC marketing by embracing automation and adapting to evolving trends. Prepare for Google's shift towards auto-bidding and broad match keywords, optimize your focus on search over social, and feed Google rich data to enhance performance. Future-proof your campaigns now to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising.

Looking at surface marketing metrics isn’t enough. To gain true competitive advantage, you need to go deeper to turn data into actionable insights. Advanced analytical techniques allow you to understand the “why” and “how” of marketing performance, not just the “what”. Here are ways to extract powerful insights from your data:

Go Beyond Accounting

Avoid simply tallying marketing costs and revenues. Instead, break down performance by dimensions like channel, campaign, tactic, audience, geography, partnerships and more. Analyze the interactions between factors to uncover what’s truly driving success. The deeper you go, the more potential insights you’ll uncover.

Build Performance Models

Look beyond immediate campaign results to model marketing performance over time. Techniques like regression analysis allow you to quantify how tactical changes impact key metrics. This helps you focus on improving marketing effectiveness, not just generating short-term results.

Discover Interactions

Evaluate combinations of marketing tactics to discover positive or negative synergies. Does a particular partnership drive higher conversion rates? Does cutting back on retention marketing compromise acquisition efforts? Uncovering these interactions helps optimize your mix.

Calculate Diminishing Returns

It’s common for marketing effectiveness to follow the law of diminishing returns as spending increases. Analyze how your marginal return on investment decreases at higher budget levels. This allows you to determine optimal spending ranges.

Set Up Experiments

Rather than guessing how tactical tweaks might impact performance, design rigorous experiments to definitively answer those questions. Techniques like A/B testing and multivariate testing prevent speculation and optimize your marketing.

Identify External Factors

Look wider to consider economic trends, seasonality, competitor actions, channel disruptions and other external events that may be influencing your marketing. This prevents incorrect assumptions and positions you to respond effectively.

Forecast Results

Leverage insights from statistical modeling, interaction analyses, experiments and other techniques to forecast expected marketing results under different scenarios. This enables you to anticipate outcomes before deploying changes.

Converting raw marketing data into actionable insights requires going deep. By doing so, you gain strategic advantage through understanding the true drivers behind your marketing success.

Turning Marketing Data into Insights real estate

Transform your marketing strategy with deep insights from your data: move beyond surface metrics to uncover the "why" and "how" behind performance. From building models to testing hypotheses, master the art of turning data into decisive actions for competitive advantage.

How to Make Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Making marketing decisions based on objective data analysis, rather than emotions or hunches, is critical but difficult. Human nature lends itself to all kinds of biases that can skew our decision making. Here are tips for overcoming those biases and truly making data-driven marketing choices:

Become a "Truth Warrior"

The first step is cultivating an active commitment to seeking the objective truth in your marketing data, even if it contradicts your intuitions or emotions. This means consciously trying to remove your own biases and analyzing the data from a neutral, open-minded perspective. Marketing analytics will often reveal unexpected truths that you need to accept and work with.

Look at Long-Term Trends

Don’t put too much weight on very recent ups and downs in your marketing metrics. The recency bias causes us to over-index on the latest results. For most marketing initiatives, you need to evaluate performance over larger time periods to smooth out normal fluctuations. Month-over-month and quarter-over-quarter trends typically provide a more accurate picture compared to week-by-week.

Apply Statistical Significance Testing

Rather than just eyeballing marketing results to determine if changes seem meaningful, use proper statistical techniques. Tests like t-tests, ANOVA, regression, and more allow you to quantify the probability that metric differences are actually due to significant changes in performance rather than normal statistical variation. This prevents you from overreacting to random fluctuations.

Question Narratives Around Result Changes

When marketing results shift, we naturally want to explain why through constructing narratives. For example, if leads from Facebook ads decrease, you might hypothesize it’s due to recent News Feed algorithm changes. Be very cautious about such narratives unless you have rigorous analytical proof to back them up. Keep questioning your presumed causes and dig deeper into the data.

Avoid Reactionary Changes

Related to the point above, when marketing results dip, avoid the temptation to immediately overhaul strategies or replace partners. The confirmation bias leads us to seize on temporary downs as proof of our existing suspicions. But statistically speaking, it’s unlikely a real change in underlying performance versus normal fluctuations. Wait to see sustained evidence over long time periods before making reactionary decisions.

Segment Data for Isolation

Marketing results often combine many complex factors. Try to break data down into more granular segments to isolate the true drivers behind changes. For example, view PPC results by ad group, ad copy, keyword, etc. rather than campaign level only. The more refinement, the better chance you have of narrowing down causal relationships.

Model Out Scenarios

Rather than relying on intuition, use data modeling to anticipate potential results for marketing changes before deploying them. For example, use historical performance metrics and regression analysis to forecast how a 10%, 25% or 50% increase in spending might impact lead volumes. Approaching decisions analytically vs. emotionally leads to better outcomes.

Making data-driven marketing decisions requires vigilance. With the right frameworks and discipline, you can overcome innate human biases and become a decision maker powered by objective data analysis rather than hunches.

How to Make Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Master the art of data-driven marketing decisions: cut through biases, analyze trends, and test hypotheses rigorously to boost your strategy's effectiveness. Let the numbers guide you toward smarter, more successful marketing moves.

Understanding the difference between branded and non-branded traffic is a key skill for analyzing marketing data. This simple but critical distinction impacts everything from budgeting to performance evaluation.

What’s the Difference?

Branded traffic comes from people who are already aware of your brand searching for you directly online. For example, someone searches “Acme Real Estate” after hearing your radio ad.

Non-branded traffic comes from generic searches like “homes for sale in Phoenix” where the searcher doesn't know you yet. You appear alongside other similar businesses vying for the lead.

Why It Matters

Failing to separate branded and non-branded traffic obscures real performance. If 90% of your revenue comes from 10% branded traffic, it may seem overall marketing is working great. In reality, the non-branded efforts generating new business are likely ineffective.

It also impacts budgeting. Non-branded traffic is harder to attract, but more valuable. As you scale spend, focus on non-branded channels with proven returns, not wasting budget on the low-hanging fruit of branded clicks.

And it enables smarter optimization. You can identify issues and make data-driven decisions when you isolate the two traffic types. Otherwise you may double down on flawed strategies that happen to capitalize on branding vs. drive new acquisitions.

In short, properly categorizing traffic provides clarity. You can attribute value accurately, spot red flags, and strategize effectively. Don't let it muddy the waters on real marketing performance.

The Takeaway

Splitting branded and non-branded traffic seems simple but requires diligence. Don't take aggregate data at face value. This one distinction between signal and noise makes a world of difference in analyzing and improving marketing results.

Brand vs. Non-Brand Traffic: Why the Distinction Matters‍

Discover why knowing the difference between branded and non-branded traffic is the secret sauce to leveling up your marketing game. Dive in and stop guessing—know where your real business growth is coming from!

Hiring a marketing agency can be a game-changer for driving growth. But you have to choose carefully - there are a lot of mediocre or even shady agencies out there. Here are 5 red flags to watch out for as you evaluate potential agency partners:

Account Ownership

A massive red flag is when an agency insists on owning or controlling the ad accounts they'll be managing for you. Your agency is working for you, so you should own all data and intellectual property they produce. If they resist account transfers or access, it's a power play to lock you in as a client. This lack of transparency ensures they control the narrative (and your budget).

Overpromising Results

We all love a good deal - but be wary of agencies promising massive results they can't deliver. No agency can guarantee outcomes; there are too many variables. Look for realistic projections backed by data from existing clients with similar business models. An agency should set expectations accurately, not tell you what you want to hear. Savvy marketers know quick fixes and guarantees rarely exist.

Misleading Case Studies

Case studies can paint a skewed picture. Watch for vague details, short time frames, and cherry-picked examples that are the exception, not the norm. Quality case studies include the full context - how long it took to achieve results, month to month performance, and sample sizes big enough to determine the strategy's true effectiveness. Anything less may obscure lackluster or unsustainable results.

Recommending More Budget as the Solution

While sometimes valid, recommending more ad spend as the blanket solution to improving results is a cop-out. Your agency should have the expertise to optimize performance regardless of budget size. Throwing money at a problem is the marketing equivalent of scribbling out a math mistake rather than correcting the error. Demand nuanced, tailored solutions beyond "spend more."

Adversarial Fee Structures

Pay-for-performance or other "risk-free" agency fee structures seem enticing. But they can breed friction over attribution and financial accountability. This adversarial dynamic distracts from collaborating to grow your business. Opt for fee structures that incentivize shared success, like retention-based fees.

By avoiding agencies exhibiting these 5 red flags, you’re more likely to find an authentic partner truly invested in your success. Do your due diligence and don't settle for anything less.

5 Red Flags to Look Out For When Hiring a Marketing Agency

Hiring a marketing agency can skyrocket your growth, but beware of pitfalls. Watch out for agencies that insist on owning your accounts, overpromise results, present misleading case studies, suggest more budget as a cure-all, or have adversarial fee structures. Spot these red flags to find a partner truly invested in your success!

As a real estate investor, profit margins are often thinner than a mullet in the 1980s. To keep more of your hard-earned money, you need to be ruthless about cutting unnecessary business expenses.

But how do you know where to trim the fat? Here’s a simple system for dissecting your spending:

Grab Your Bank Statements

Print out the last 2-3 months of bank statements for your business accounts. Grab some colored highlighters and get ready to channel your inner kindergarten teacher.

Categorize Every Expense

Go through the statements and highlight each expense in one of three colors:

Green - Profitable - Expenses generating high ROI or critical to operations

Yellow - Replaceable - Expenses that could be upgraded or swapped for something better

Red - Unnecessary - Expenses providing little value and ripe for cutting

Be Brutally Honest

Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment. If an expense isn’t clearly green, make it yellow or red. Be harsh and highlight that gym membership your BFF convinced you to get for the "team".

Analyze The Data

Once everything is highlighted, tally up the totals for each color. Calculate what percentage of expenses are profitable, replaceable, and unnecessary.

Make A Plan of Attack

Start by immediately cutting as many red unnecessary expenses as possible. Then explore ways to replace yellow expenses with better options. Meet with staff responsible for big buckets of spending to discuss.

Execute Without Mercy

Cancel unwanted subscriptions, eliminate extraneous tools, reduce excess payroll, end low-ROI ad campaigns. Don't justify keeping extras around “just in case” - cut first, re-add later if needed.

By critically evaluating your real estate business’s expenses in this way, most investors find they can easily save 10-20% in unnecessary costs. That quickly adds up to tens of thousands in savings each year.

Big companies have CFOs to handle this type of spend optimization. As a small business owner, you get to be your own CFO. Put these expense cutting tactics to work and you’ll be bank account F-O-T (Full Of Tens).

How to Cut Expenses in a Real Estate Business

Running a real estate business can be like squeezing into skinny jeans: tight margins everywhere! This guide shows you how to ruthlessly cut unnecessary expenses using a simple system. Grab your bank statements, some highlighters, and start slashing costs to keep your profits fat and happy!

As a real estate investor, one of the most important things you need to get right is your marketing budget. Many investors struggle to set a realistic budget that will generate leads and deals without breaking the bank.

So how much should you actually spend on marketing? The quick answer is “it depends”. It depends on factors like your market, lead sources, profit margins, and business goals. But there are some guiding principles that can help you arrive at a sustainable marketing budget.

Take the Yearly View

Don’t get caught up budgeting month-to-month. Marketing results fluctuate, so you need to level it out and look at targets for the full year. Map out your overall business goals, then work backwards to determine the marketing spend needed to get there.

For example, if you want to do 20 flips that average $30k profit this year, you’ll need enough marketing budget to generate 40+ quality leads per month. Price out your lead sources, factor in close rates, and you can calculate the marketing investment required.

Set Minimum Budget Thresholds

As a general rule of thumb, wholesaling companies should budget at least 25-30% of revenue for marketing, while flippers can get by with 15-20% minimums. If you’re well below those thresholds, you’re likely leaving deals on the table.

Don’t make the rookie mistake of cutting marketing just because you had a slow month or quarter. That shotgun blast to the foot will just make future months even worse.

Find Your Magic Marketing ROI

Not all marketing channels are created equal. Find the ones that consistently deliver the highest ROI for your business, then pour more budget into what already works.

For example, if you spend $2,000 on Google Ads and make $10,000 in profit, reinvest those winnings into more AdWords, not untested Facebook ads. Ride your winners until you’ve maxed out their potential.

Save For Rainy Days

One of the keys to a sustainable marketing budget is having a rainy day fund. When you have an unusually good month, don’t spend all that excess on your yacht fund. Sock some away so you have a 6 month cushion.

By saving during peak periods, you can maintain marketing efforts even when times are slower. This helps smooth out the natural ups and downs of the real estate market for more consistent results.

As with your personal finances, the key is avoiding wild swings and extremes. With some savvy budgeting, you can invest enough in marketing to profitably grow your business without needlessly burning through cash. Try these tips, track the results, and you’ll be flipping houses instead of flipping out over your marketing variance.

Setting a Realistic Marketing Budget as a Real Estate Investor‍

Struggling to nail your real estate marketing budget? This guide spills the secrets to setting a budget that fuels your success without draining your wallet. Learn how to plan annually, invest wisely, and save for rainy days—flip houses, not stress levels! Dive in and get your budget on track!

Optimizing Your Ad Copy and Forms for Land Investor Leads

If you want to generate quality leads for land deals through digital marketing, optimizing your ad copy and forms is crucial. With the right messaging, you can attract sellers with acreage that matches your buying criteria. Follow these tips to improve your PPC ads and landing pages:

Use Specific Acreage and Attributes in Ad Copy

Since land searches aren't as location-specific as houses, you need to spell out your criteria clearly in the ad text. State the minimum acreage you'll accept (e.g. "We buy 5+ acre parcels") and attributes like road access. This makes your ad relevant only to sellers with land you'll purchase.

Ask Detailed Screening Questions

Go beyond just asking for acreage size on your landing page form. Add screening questions about:

  • Road access (yes or no)
  • Wetlands on property (yes or no)
  • Any buildings/improvements (yes or no)
  • Septic or utilities installed (yes or no)

This filters out unqualified sellers so you don't waste budget on bad leads. It also trains PPC algorithms to target ads to relevant sellers.

Use Negative Keywords

If there are certain types of land you won't buy, add negative keywords. For example, "commercial land" or "hunting land" negatives ensure your ads only show for rural residential acreage searches.

Test Ad Copy Iteratively

Try different ad copy and landing page versions in A/B tests. See which phrasing and questions produce higher quality leads. Refine based on real data.

By continually optimizing your PPC campaign elements, you'll see lead quality and conversion rates improve over time. Be diligent, and you'll have great land seller leads in no time.

Optimizing Your Ad Copy and Forms for Land Investor Leads

Unlock the secrets to landing quality leads for your land deals! This guide shows you how to craft ad copy and forms that weed out the time-wasters and attract sellers with the acreage you want. Ready to watch your PPC game skyrocket? Dive in now!

If you want to break into land investing, one of the biggest challenges is finding motivated sellers with acreage to flip or wholesale. Traditionally, most land investors have relied on direct mail and networking in their local area. But this limits your deal potential and prevents you from scaling your land business nationwide.

That's why forward-thinking land investors are now leveraging digital marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to generate leads from motivated land sellers across the country. Here's how it works:

Target Land Owners Nationwide with Google Ads

Google Ads allows you to show your ads to people searching for terms related to selling land all over the United States. You can target searches like "sell my land fast" or "sell unused land" and have your ads appear when people anywhere in the country search those terms.

This gives you instant access to motivated land sellers that you would never be able to reach with direct mail or networking alone. No matter where the land is located, you can use digital marketing to find the owners ready to sell.

Optimizing Your Ads for High-Quality Land Seller Leads

One challenge with PPC ads for land is that you can't target specific locations or acreage sizes like you can with direct mail. But you can optimize your Google Ads to attract sellers with the type of land you want to buy.

For example, use your ad copy to state you buy "5+ acre parcels" or "10+ acres with road access". Ask screening questions in your landing page form about acreage size, road access, wetlands, and other attributes. This trains the PPC algorithm to deliver more qualified sellers.

You can also exclude broad keywords like "commercial land" if you only want residential rural acreage. Take time to test different ad copy and keywords. With some optimization, you can generate seller leads perfectly matched to the land you want in your inventory.

Cast a Wider Net for Deals with PPC Advertising

Online marketing for land investing leads allows you to go after deals wherever they exist. You aren't limited to just your own backyard. And compared to direct mail, PPC provides a near-limitless scale.

Savvy land investors are taking advantage of this untapped opportunity to build their business nationwide. They are spending a fraction per lead online compared to direct mail costs. And with no ad budget minimums, you can start small and test the waters.

If you want to expand your deal flow and buy land anywhere in the country, it's time to start marketing to sellers online. With the right PPC campaign, you can have highly motivated land leads from all over delivered straight to your inbox. There's never been an easier way to find great land deals across the United States.

Leveraging Digital Marketing to Find Motivated Land Sellers Nationwide‍

Leveraging digital marketing, particularly PPC advertising like Google Ads, is revolutionizing land investing by allowing investors to reach motivated sellers nationwide. By targeting specific search terms related to selling land across the U.S., optimizing ad content to attract sellers with desired land attributes, and casting a wide net for deals, investors can scale their businesses efficiently and cost-effectively. This approach provides access to a broader pool of motivated sellers compared to traditional methods like direct mail, making it a game-changer for expanding deal flow and acquiring land investments across diverse locations.

You know those people who start business after business and just keep crushing it? The serial entrepreneurs who make it look easy, while most struggle to get one off the ground? What's their secret sauce?

Much of it comes down to mindset. Under the hood, these successful founders often share similar traits. Let's unpack what fuels the serial entrepreneur mindset:

Key Traits of Serial Entrepreneurs:

  • Extreme ownership mentality. No finger pointing - successes and failures start and end with them. That accountability fuels improvement.
  • Willingness to learn from mistakes. They fail fast, analyze objectively, and use it as fuel to get better. No time or energy wasted dwelling on failures.
  • Tenacity and unwillingness to quit. Simply put, they're dogs. They'll outwork and out-grind any situation until they succeed. Giving up isn't in their vocabulary.
  • Commitment to constant improvement. 1% better every day in themselves and their businesses. Compounding that over years leads to big results.
  • Desire to maximize personal potential. They're intensely competitive with themselves, driven to realize their greatest possibilities in business and beyond.

This rare mindset is like rocket fuel. But how can we cultivate it?

  • Surround yourself with high-level mentors. Learn from those who've been where you want to go. Let their wisdom accelerate your growth.
  • Implement new things rapidly and iterate. Don't overthink - take action, fail fast, learn, rinse and repeat for constant momentum.
  • Analyze failures objectively for learning. Don't get emotional about setbacks. Extract the lessons rationally and move forward smarter.
  • Compete against yourself, not others. Benchmark your own past performance and seek to continually best it through disciplined daily progress.
  • Stay focused on your core skills and passions. Don't get distracted by "shiny objects" - refine what you're great at.

Why does mindset matter so much? Because it determines how you respond to the obstacles that stop others in their tracks. With the right mentality, you can overcome challenges while less determined people quit. Your mindset really does dictate your altitude.

The good news? Even if you weren't born with it, you can cultivate the mindset of successful serial entrepreneurs. Plant these seeds and watch your growth take off.

The Mindset of Serial Entrepreneurs

Discover the mindset that drives serial entrepreneurs: extreme ownership, rapid learning from failures, unwavering persistence, continuous self-improvement, and maximizing personal potential. Cultivate this mindset by seeking mentors, iterating quickly, analyzing setbacks objectively, competing against your own benchmarks, and staying focused on your strengths. Embracing this approach empowers you to overcome challenges and achieve sustained success in business and beyond.

Wholesaling real estate can be tough enough in your own backyard. So the idea of doing it nationwide? Let's just say it doesn't exactly sound like a day at the spa.

Yet some intrepid entrepreneurs out there are crushing it with national virtual wholesaling models. How do they make it work? Let's break down the perils and payoffs.

First, the Perils:

  • You gotta become a Jedi Master at exit strategies. What flies in NYC might flop in Peoria. You need to get really good at crafting the right offers based on the retail demand in each market. No easy task from a laptop in Philly for a house in Albuquerque.
  • Acquisitions analysis gets tricky from afar. It's hard enough to accurately comp deals in your own town. Now try doing it in towns you've never stepped foot in, compiled by team members who may not have the keenest eye. A recipe for thin spreads and contract fallout.
  • With nationwide lead gen, costs can get ultra low but contract fallout can be sky high. Casting a wide net lets you drive lead costs down, down, down. But without rock solid underwriting, your contracts crumble like a week-old muffin.

Of course, the Payoffs can be compelling if you nail the execution:

  • Economies of scale FTW. Lower lead costs mean higher ROI. Cast a national net and fine-tune targeting to keep those lead costs oh-so-sweet.
  • Become king of overlooked markets. While local Cash Kings duke it out in major metros, you can swoop in and snag deals in sleepy towns they ignore. Less competition equals fatter spreads.
  • Geographic diversification = lower risk. One market tanks? No problemo, you've got inventory everywhere. That nationwide coverage insulates you from the ups and downs of any given area.

So how do you enjoy those Payoffs and avoid the Perils? A few key tips:

  • Hire specialists for remote market analysis. Don't rely on your standard acquisitions folks. Bring in team members specifically skilled at comping and underwriting from afar.
  • Stick to markets with solid retail demand. Wholesale won't thrive, but you'll find hungry homebuyers from coast to coast if you target the right zip codes.
  • Use price anchoring with cash offers to maximize spreads. Even if you're pursuing a lease option, secure a lowball cash price first to anchor the seller. Your spreads with thank you.

Nationwide wholesaling isn't for the faint of heart. But with the right team, systems and strategies, the payoffs can far outweigh the perils. Time to cast a wider net?

The Perils and Payoffs of Nationwide Wholesaling

Delve into the world of nationwide wholesaling in real estate, where the risks are high but the rewards can be substantial. Learn how to navigate the challenges of remote market analysis and contract stability while leveraging lower lead costs and geographic diversification for enhanced ROI and minimized risk. Discover the keys to success in expanding your wholesaling operation across diverse markets, ensuring strategic growth and profitability in the competitive real estate landscape.

Many real estate investors fall into the trap of relying on one particular lead source to drive their entire business. Maybe they depend solely on a pay per lead company to supply motivated sellers. Or perhaps they funnel all their marketing budget into Facebook ads.

While it’s simpler to rely on a single lead generation strategy, this approach often fails in the long run. Savvy investors know they need to create a diverse and cohesive marketing strategy to drive sustainable success.

In this post, I’ll break down exactly why a diverse strategy works and how to go about building one for your real estate investing business.

The Problem with Using Only One Source

It’s easy to see the appeal of relying on a single source for leads. You can become highly specialized, dedicate your optimization efforts in one place, and reduce decision fatigue.

However, there are two big risks with this approach:

  1. Over Reliance on External Factors - If you depend entirely on one source like a pay per lead company or Facebook ads, you have no control if that source dries up or changes policies. It introduces unnecessary risk.
  2. Inability to Optimize - When you only get leads from one channel, you miss out on the data needed to properly optimize your entire sales process. You’ll convert leads at a lower rate than mixing sources.

Clearly, real estate investors need to diversify their lead generation sources. But how exactly should you go about doing that?

Keys to a Cohesive Marketing Strategy

The most successful investors use a strategic mix of short-term and long-term lead generation strategies. Here are the keys to making them work together seamlessly:

  • Mix Short and Long-Term Strategies - Use short-term sources like pay per leads to supplement long-term assets like SEO and branded PPC campaigns. Don’t rely entirely on either.
  • Build on Owned Assets - SEO, your website, and brand equity from PPC are owned assets you control. Make them the foundation.
  • Use External Sources to Supplement - Let pay per leads, Facebook ads, etc. provide a volume boost when needed, but don’t overly depend on them.
  • Track Data and Optimize - Analyze your sales process across all lead sources. Make data-driven optimization decisions.

With this framework, you get the best of both worlds - a stable foundation of owned assets complemented by flexible supplemental lead sources.

Examples of Strategies to Mix

Here are just a few examples of effective combinations of short and long-term lead gen strategies:

  • PPC Campaigns, Content Marketing, Pay Per Leads
  • Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Ads, Social Media Ads
  • Email Marketing, Direct Mail, Pay Per Lead Buying

As you can see, the options are endless. You aren’t limited to just one strategy. Cherry pick what complements your business model best.

Getting Started on Your Cohesive Strategy

If your current marketing strategy is fragmented across multiple tools and channels, here is a systematic way to develop a cohesive approach:

  1. Audit What You Currently Have - What assets and lead sources are you already using? Assess their performance honestly.
  2. Identify Gaps - Look for overreliance on any one source. Find weak points in your sales funnel. Spot areas lacking data.
  3. Develop Plan to Fill Gaps - Brainstorm new strategies to complement what’s working. Prioritize owned assets over external dependencies.

With this approach, you can pivot your mindset away from piecemeal lead generation to an integrated strategy. Hard work upfront will pay off with a smoother-running and more resilient real estate investing business.

The Bottom Line

Relying on a sole lead generation source is tempting for simplicity’s sake but almost always fails long-term. Savvy real estate investors use a strategic array of short and long-term strategies to drive sustainable success.

Mixing inbound and outbound tactics makes your marketing machine resilient - able to withstand changes in any one channel. Implement this mindset for your business to prosper through uncertainty.

Creating a Cohesive Marketing Strategy as a Real Estate Investor

Learn the art of creating a robust marketing strategy as a real estate investor by diversifying your lead sources. Discover why relying on a single channel like pay per lead or Facebook ads is risky, and instead, master a cohesive approach that blends short-term boosts with long-term assets like SEO and PPC campaigns. With practical insights on mixing strategies and optimizing data, you’ll build a resilient business prepared to thrive in fluctuating markets.

PPL vs. PPC: Pros, Cons, and When to Use Each

The debate around PPL vs PPC has been going on for years in the real estate investor space. Those who swear by PPL and those who claim PPC is far superior seem to be in endless disagreement.

The truth is, as with most things, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Both lead gen strategies have unique pros and cons, and when used strategically together, can yield great results. In this post, we’ll break down the key factors to consider and when it makes sense to use each source.

Should I Use PPL?

There are some solid advantages to using PPL as part of your marketing strategy:

  • Low Barrier to Entry - For newer investors with lower budgets, PPL allows you to get leads quickly and easily. No need to fund ad campaigns or build marketing assets.
  • No Long-Term Commitments - With PPL, you aren’t locked into any contracts. You can buy leads on-demand depending on your deal flow needs.
  • Turn On/Off Quickly - Following the last point, PPL provides flexibility. As your appointment calendar changes week to week, so can your lead buying.
  • Dispute Process - Many PPL sellers allow you to dispute truly low quality leads, as long as you follow their policies. Just don’t abuse this.

A Quick Caution…

PPL aren’t all sunshine and rainbows though. There are some distinct disadvantages to rely too heavily on this source:

  • No Brand Building - When you buy leads from a third-party, you get no brand association with the seller. Brand authority is key for conversion.
  • No Optimization - PPL sellers optimize for disputes, not for your conversions. So lead quality tends to get worse over time.
  • Misalignment of Incentives - Your goal is maximizing conversions. Their goal is minimizing disputes. See how those don’t perfectly align?

As you can see, PPL can provide a short-term influx of leads, especially when you’re constrained by budget or lack existing marketing assets. However, the lead quality is unreliable long-term.

Advantages of PPC Campaigns

On the flip side, running your own pay-per-click ads through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads has some standout benefits:

  • Build Your Brand - Your ads drive traffic directly to your site, building brand familiarity and authority with sellers.
  • Optimization Improves Quality - With closed-loop reporting, you can continuously improve targeting and landing pages.
  • More Control Over Targeting - You choose the perfect combination of keywords, locations, ad copy, etc. based on data.

There’s no question that owned paid search campaigns drive higher converting traffic when executed correctly. However, it does come with a few downsides.

Challenges that come with PPC

  • Higher Startup Costs - It takes more upfront funding to launch profitable campaigns versus buying PPL as-needed.
  • Management Fees - You’ll almost always need to work with a PPC agency to manage bidding, optimization, etc. Their monthly fees can add up.
  • Time to Optimize - It takes consistent work over months to gather data and properly optimize for conversions. No instant magic bullet.

When to Use Each Source

Now that we’ve looked at the pros and cons of PPL versus PPC, when should you use each source in your real estate investing business?

Here are a few guidelines:

  • Newer Investors - When just starting out, PPL allows you to get your feet wet before investing in owned assets.
  • Established Investors - Maintaining your own PPC campaigns while supplementing with some PPL is an efficient combination.
  • Investors Who Need Leads ASAP - If you suddenly need to generate a lot of leads quickly, PPL can fill that gap.
  • Investors with Small Budgets - For those without the funding to launch large paid search campaigns, PPL are the obvious choice.
  • Investors Who Want Branding - If branding and long-term stability are top priorities, built owned PPC and SEO assets.


The takeaway is that PPL and PPC campaigns can work hand-in-hand for savvy real estate investors. As your business grows, aim to wean off dependency on any one external source. Mixing lead generation strategies allows you to withstand changes in any one channel.

In summary, both PPL and PPC have pros and cons, and smart investors use a combination strategically to drive growth. Test what performs best for your business model and optimize accordingly.

PPL vs. PPC: Pros, Cons, and When to Use Each

Discover the nuanced debate between Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategies in real estate investing. Uncover when to leverage PPL for quick, low-commitment leads ideal for new investors or urgent needs, and when PPC shines for building brand authority and optimizing long-term conversion rates. Master the art of balancing these approaches to maximize growth and stability in your real estate business.


As a real estate broker, expanding your sales team is crucial for business growth. However, managing a larger team comes with new challenges. Developing strong sales leadership abilities is vital for successfully scaling up your brokerage. This article provides valuable tips on leading a high-performing real estate sales team as your brokerage grows.

Hiring the Right Salespeople

When searching for new sales agents, aim for candidates with a proven track record of ambition, enthusiasm, and sales triumph. Give priority to those who have demonstrated their ability to deliver results and excel in their role. Consider offering a commission-only compensation structure that is directly tied to sales objectives and performance. This will ensure that your new hires are fully invested and motivated to achieve established benchmarks.

Motivating Your Team

Don't bother with the futile attempt to strictly "hold accountable" your experienced salespeople. That kind of micromanagement usually ends up blowing up in your face. Instead, shift your focus to understanding what truly motivates each member of your team. Discover their passions and purposes beyond just making sales. Then, tailor your metrics and incentives to align with these intrinsic motivations. This fosters accountability to their core motivations, rather than just short-term metrics.

Empowering Top Talent 

Once you've assembled a team of ambitious, high-achieving sales professionals, resist the temptation to micromanage. Instead, grant your top talent the freedom and flexibility to flourish. Keep in touch through regular one-on-one meetings to offer valuable guidance and insights. However, allow your stars to operate independently and achieve their goals in their unique style. Have faith in their capabilities and provide them with the space they need to thrive.


Building strong sales leadership and management skills is crucial as you scale up your real estate brokerage. Make it a priority to hire individuals who are passionate and talented. Keep them motivated by understanding their deeper purpose. Empower your top performers to thrive. With this approach to sales leadership, y

Scaling Your Real Estate Business with Effective Sales Leadership

Discover essential strategies for scaling your real estate brokerage through effective sales leadership. Learn how to hire ambitious sales agents, motivate them intrinsically, and empower top performers to drive business growth independently. Ideal for brokers looking to build a high-performing team and achieve lasting success in the competitive real estate market.

Managing a sales team is challenging. Hiring competent salespeople, providing leads and training, and tracking results seem simple on paper, but in reality, it is a different story. Salespeople can be unpredictable, lack motivation, and fall short of their commitments. How can you hold your sales team accountable and thrive together?

Steve's Take: Salespeople Are Driven by Purpose, Not Money

Steve Trang recently sat down with Brandon Bateman to delve into the intricacies of managing a sales team. Brandon remarked, “When [managing sales people] how we do it on paper and [how we do it] in reality are completely different… it seems so easy until it definitely is not." He's not alone in this observation. Steve noticed that there is a common mistake managers make. They don't truly understand what motivates their sales force.

Ask your sales team what motivates them, and you'll often hear "money." But it's not just about money; it's about what money can do for them - fulfilling needs, supporting families, providing education, and bringing financial freedom. Money is the 'why' behind their motivation.

Uncovering Each Salesperson’s "Why"

So, how can you put this insight into action to motivate your team? Step one is to uncover each salesperson's "why." Steve shared some probing questions he employs to get to the heart of his team's motivations:

What's a goal you’ve been trying to accomplish? 

How long have you been wanting to accomplish this? 

What have you tried to do this? 

What's that going to look like when you get there? 

How's that going to feel? 

What's important about that? 

You’ll notice, these are the same types of questions you would ask a prospective real estate client. But, when asked of your salespeople, they can reveal their core motivations.

Aligning Goals and Metrics with Purpose

Once you've unraveled their purpose and motivations, what's the next step? Now it's time to align their goals and metrics with their driving purpose. In that way, you are holding them accountable to their purpose versus a metric.

Now, these metrics aren’t something you should come up with on your own. Together with your team, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) rooted in their unique "why." Then, regularly revisit these metrics to maintain accountability.

Crucial Conversations for Alignment

There will inevitably be times when things don't go as planned or goals veer off course. To handle this, establish upfront expectations for addressing them. Outline agreements and discuss your approach. This allows you to reference prior conversations and take action in line with your goals and purpose.

Accountability doesn't have to be confrontational. If you understand their motivation and engage in direct yet empathetic conversation, you can lead a motivated sales team.


So what’s the final verdict and what can we take from all this? To hold salespeople accountable, it's important to understand what drives them and maintain open communication. By connecting the 'what' of their work with the 'why' that motivates them, you can foster a culture of accountability and empower your team for success.

Motivating Your Sales Team: Strategies for Accountability

Managing a sales team is a complex task that goes beyond providing leads and training. Steve Trang and Brandon Bateman discuss the nuances of motivation, emphasizing that understanding each salesperson's "why" is key. Aligning goals with personal motivations and maintaining open communication fosters a culture of accountability and empowers teams for success.

Welcome to an exciting journey into the realm of Google Ads, where we dive deep into the concept of impression share and discover how it can revolutionize your advertising strategy. In this article, we will debunk common misconceptions surrounding impression share and provide you with the knowledge and tools to supercharge your campaign's performance. Get ready to unlock the true potential of your Google Ads account as we delve into the intricacies of impression share and its impact on your advertising success.

Unveiling the Essence of Impression Share 

Imagine impression share as the mesmerizing symphony of your ad's appearance frequency, harmonizing flawlessly with the vast ocean of searches swirling around the digital realm. It's like being transported to a captivating concert hall, where each note played represents an opportunity to captivate your audience. This dynamic metric holds the key to unlocking your advertising success, serving as the maestro that guides your campaigns towards triumph.

However, it's crucial to note that a high impression share alone is not a guaranteed ticket to victory. Just like a symphony needs more than well-timed notes to create a masterpiece, your advertising strategy requires careful consideration of other crucial factors. The value and return on investment (ROI) of each search and user interaction are like the subtle nuances that make a performance truly unforgettable. They shape the symphony of your campaign, creating a harmonious blend of captivating visuals, compelling messaging, and measurable results that resonate with your target audience.

The Impression Share Trio

Within the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, the concept of impression share takes center stage, offering a multifaceted lens through which marketers can gauge the effectiveness and reach of their ad campaigns. In this realm, three metrics emerge as true game-changers, unravelling the intricacies of ad performance and unlocking the potential for optimization: search impression share, lost impression share due to budget constraints, and lost impression share due to rank limitations. By delving into these metrics, advertisers can gain a comprehensive understanding of their ad's visibility, ensuring that they make informed decisions that propel their campaigns to new heights of success. Whether it's the nuanced analysis of search impression share, the keen examination of lost impression share due to budget restrictions, or the strategic evaluation of lost impression share due to rank challenges, each metric offers unique insights into the dynamic interplay between your ads and the digital ecosystem. Together, they form a formidable trifecta, revealing the untapped opportunities and unexplored potential that lie within your advertising efforts. So, harness the power of these metrics and unlock a world of actionable intelligence, paving the way for enhanced ad visibility, increased performance, and ultimately, triumphant marketing endeavors.

The Elusive Lost Impression Share Due to Budget 

Lost impression share due to budget reveals the percentage of missed impressions resulting from your daily budget exhausting itself before capturing all available opportunities. Picture yourself in an auction where you have the chance to acquire limited treasures. Unfortunately, your funds run dry before the auction concludes, causing you to miss out on potential opportunities. Similarly, if your budget restricts your ads from appearing throughout the day, you inadvertently sacrifice valuable impressions.

The Fierce Battle of Lost Impression Share Due to Rank

Prepare yourself for a showdown against competitors! This metric reveals the percentage of missed impressions caused by rivals who outbid you. Picture a thrilling auction where someone outmaneuvers you, snatching away a coveted item you longed to possess. Higher rankings may attract more leads, but it is essential to weigh the ROI of each search and craft an optimal bidding strategy for your business needs.

Mastering the Art of Impression Share Optimization 

To harness the true potential of impression share, skillful balance is required between bidding, budget allocation, and targeting. Resist the temptation to solely focus on boosting impression share without considering the broader landscape. Such an approach may lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses. Instead, optimize your impression share to achieve desired outcomes and align with your business goals.

Aligning Impression Share with Your Business Symphony 

Rise above the pursuit of impression share metrics and orchestrate a grand symphony of success that aligns with your broader business objectives. A high impression share alone does not guarantee profitability if the generated leads lack quality or if costs outweigh returns. Conversely, a lower impression share can still be a triumph if the captured impressions translate into a remarkable ROI. It is the harmonious interplay of visibility and profitability that holds the key to triumph in the realm of Google Ads.

Congratulations! You have embarked on an exciting expedition into the depths of impression share within Google Ads. By grasping the essence of this powerful metric, optimizing bidding strategies, and aligning impression share metrics with your business goals, you are poised to achieve unparalleled results while keeping costs in check. Now, go forth and conquer the advertising landscape with newfound wisdom. Remember, it is the perfect balance that unlocks the true potential of impression share, transforming your campaigns into masterpieces of visibility and profitability.

Mastering Impression Share for Maximum Impact

Embark on an expedition into Google Ads' impression share to revolutionize your advertising strategy. Discover the symphony of ad visibility and ROI optimization, mastering the art for unparalleled campaign success.

Diversification in Real Estate: Why Wholesale Investors Should Explore Multiple Markets

Hey there, real estate enthusiasts! As passionate investors, we often find ourselves engrossed in debates about the best approach to maximize our wholesale real estate investments. Should we focus on one market or spread our wings across multiple markets? It's a fascinating discussion, and in this blog, we'll dive into the benefits of diversifying your wholesale real estate portfolio across various markets. So settle in, and let's explore why market diversification can be a smart strategy for long-term success.

Understanding the Difference

Before we jump into the exciting world of diversification, let's take a moment to clarify the distinction between wholesaling and fix and flip. Wholesaling is all about marketing and sales, honing specific skills in those areas. On the flip side, fix and flip involves managing construction and operations, essentially running a separate business. Trying to do both at the same time means running two companies in two different markets. Quite the juggling act, huh?

Same Business Processes, Different Locations

You might be thinking, "Managing multiple markets sounds overwhelming! Can I handle it?" Take a deep breath, my friend, because here's the good news. The core business processes in wholesaling remain the same, regardless of the market. Your sales and marketing strategies, which are the backbone of your business, can be leveraged across different markets. Sure, there might be some nuances and variations to consider, but fear not! Educating yourself about specific market dynamics can be done relatively quickly, and you'll be well on your way to conquering new territories.

The Benefits of Market Diversification

Let's illustrate the advantages of diversification with a little thought experiment. Picture this: You wake up one fine morning and discover you're a billionaire. Congratulations! Now, what would you do with your newfound wealth? Would you invest all your money in a single stock, say, Tesla? Well, that would be quite risky, wouldn't it? Instead, you'd probably diversify your investment portfolio across various stocks, companies, and asset classes to minimize risk and maximize potential returns.

The same principle applies to real estate investing. By putting all your eggs in one basket, or in this case, one market, you expose yourself to various risks. Competitors entering the market can disrupt your position and impact your business. Macroeconomic factors, such as changes in interest rates or employment rates, can significantly influence market conditions and affect your profitability. By diversifying across multiple markets, you spread out these risks and protect yourself from being overly reliant on a single market's performance.

Real-Life Examples

Now, let's delve into some real-life examples to further illustrate and reinforce the significance of diversification. Consider the scenario where we have two wholesalers, each operating in distinct markets: one in Phoenix and the other on the East Coast. During a specific period, the East Coast market encounters a significant slowdown, resulting in decreased demand and sales for the wholesalers operating in that region. 

On the other hand, the Phoenix wholesalers face their own set of challenges as sellers hold out for higher prices, leading to a stagnant market. In this situation, wholesalers exclusively operating in Phoenix find themselves grappling with the adverse conditions and struggling to maintain profitability. 

However, those with diversified portfolios across multiple markets are better equipped to weather the storm. By spreading their business interests across various locations, these wholesalers have mitigated the risks associated with relying solely on a single market. 

They have strategically positioned themselves to capitalize on the opportunities that arise even when some markets hit a rough patch. This prudent approach to diversification increases their chances of success and serves as a valuable lesson for any entrepreneur or business owner seeking resilience in an unpredictable and ever-changing economic landscape.

Overcoming Fear and Misconceptions

You might be thinking, "Okay, diversification sounds great, but I'm scared to venture into multiple markets. I've had bad experiences in the past, and I'm not familiar with all these different places." I hear you, and believe me, you're not alone. Fear and hesitation can hold us back from exploring new opportunities. However, it's essential to realize that diversification can actually present new doors to open and risks to mitigate. You don't have to jump headfirst into multiple markets from the get-go.

Start small, add a few additional markets to your repertoire, and test different strategies. Find a balance that aligns with your goals and appetite for growth. The key is to step out of your comfort zone gradually and embrace the potential rewards diversification can bring.

Embracing Technology and Remote Management

The advancement of technology has made managing properties remotely more accessible than ever before. With the right systems and tools in place, you can efficiently oversee your operations and marketing efforts across multiple markets from the comfort of your home base. Virtual tools, digital marketing platforms, and collaboration software enable you to scale your business and operate efficiently, even in markets far away from your physical location. Embrace these technological advancements to expand your reach and seize opportunities in different markets.

As the real estate industry evolves and becomes increasingly competitive, successful wholesale investors are recognizing the power of market diversification. By expanding your horizons and exploring multiple markets, you reduce your exposure to specific competitors and the unpredictable ebb and flow of macroeconomic fluctuations. This, in turn, minimizes risks and maximizes your chances of achieving attractive returns on your investments.

Sure, it may require some additional effort to understand different market dynamics, but the long-term benefits are undoubtedly worth it. So, investors, consider diversifying your wholesale real estate portfolio and open yourself up to new opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of real estate investing. Remember, it's all about spreading your wings, seizing the day, and thriving in multiple markets. 

Diversification in Real Estate: Why Wholesale Investors Should Explore Multiple Markets

Explore multiple markets in wholesale real estate to minimize risk and maximize returns. By leveraging consistent processes across different locations and using technology for remote management, embrace diversification to navigate economic changes and seize long-term opportunities.

Unveiling the True Essence of Real Estate Acquisitions: A Story of Humility and Genuine Connection

Embarking on a real estate journey is filled with both triumphs and humbling moments. For Chris, a seasoned investor and team leader, the path to success has been paved with valuable lessons and transformative experiences. In this blog post, we dive into Chris's captivating story, exploring the instances that humbled him and transformed his approach to acquisitions. From significant financial losses to heartfelt encounters with homeowners in dire situations, Chris's journey has reshaped his perspective on what it truly means to connect with sellers and build trust. Join us as we unravel the core principles that guide Chris's team to success, fostering genuine relationships and delivering impactful solutions.

The Sting of Failure and the Power of Vulnerability

Chris openly admits to his fair share of failures in real estate flips. One particular loss still lingers as a defining moment that shaped his approach to acquisitions. Scaling up his operations meant no longer being able to physically visit every property his team purchased. Relying on photos and information from acquisition managers, Chris made a critical error that resulted in a $60,000 loss. The financial impact wasn't the sole concern; it was also about the livelihoods of his team members and their families. Acknowledging his mistakes, Chris introduced safeguards and took responsibility, ensuring that his team learned from the experience and improved their underwriting processes.

A Heartrending Encounter That Shattered Preconceptions

Chris's transformation wasn't solely driven by financial setbacks. One encounter with a distressed homeowner had a profound impact on his perception of the real estate industry. A woman facing foreclosure reached out for help, but her apprehension to invite Chris into her home was palpable. The dilapidated state of her property and her wheelchair-bound condition spoke volumes. Instead of pressuring her with sales tactics, Chris recognized her deep sense of shame and the need for compassion. As he listened to her story, he realized the importance of treating sellers with dignity and empathy, regardless of their circumstances. This encounter set the stage for a more authentic and impactful approach to acquisitions.

Trusting, Not Rapport-Building

Contrary to conventional sales strategies focused on building rapport, Chris emphasizes the significance of trust. He believes that sellers need to feel comfortable enough to open up and be vulnerable, fostering an environment of transparency. For Chris, it's not about being liked but rather being trusted. By allowing homeowners to share their stories without judgment, his team builds genuine connections based on mutual understanding. This shift in mindset has been instrumental in cultivating trust and achieving meaningful outcomes.

Appointments as Opportunities for Connection

Chris acknowledges that building trust and establishing meaningful connections take time. In contrast to the industry norm, his team spends an extended period during appointments, often nearing two hours. This duration allows for genuine conversations and the exploration of various challenges that arise during the process. By dedicating ample time to each appointment, his team avoids rushing through critical discussions and ensures that sellers feel heard and understood. This commitment to connection ultimately lays the foundation for successful outcomes, even if contracts are not signed immediately.

Balancing Efficiency and Empathy

Effectively managing appointments while maintaining an empathetic approach requires careful planning. Chris recognizes the importance of finding the right balance. While there is no magic formula, he ensures that his acquisitions team has sufficient time allocated for each appointment. This could mean managing a reasonable number of leads to avoid overwhelming schedules or creating gaps between appointments to allow for necessary reflection and preparation. By providing his team with the support they need, Chris ensures that they can deliver the desired level of care and attention during every interaction.

Chris's journey in real estate acquisitions serves as a testament to the transformative power of humility, empathy, and trust, through humbling experiences.

Unveiling the True Essence of Real Estate Acquisitions: A Story of Humility and Genuine Connection

Chris's real estate journey is a testament to humility and genuine connection. From learning through financial setbacks to empathetic encounters with distressed homeowners, he prioritizes trust over rapport-building. By dedicating ample time for meaningful conversations and balancing efficiency with empathy, Chris redefines success through transparent, impactful interactions.

The real estate industry has experienced an extraordinary transformation, moving beyond traditional retail methods and embracing wholesale dominance. This shift has been made possible by the incredible power of technology, creating a virtual marketplace where motivated sellers and eager buyers can connect with a simple click. Pioneering companies like OpenDoor and Offerpad have revolutionized the way real estate deals are conducted, propelling us into this new era of wholesale market dominance.

To truly thrive in this wholesale revolution, it is crucial to harness the power of technology and establish a robust online presence. This goes beyond just having a basic website. Imagine captivating virtual tours, stunning visuals, and utilizing effective marketing tools such as search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. By adapting your strategies, seeking valuable partnerships, and fostering innovation, you can position yourself at the forefront of this exciting transformation. Prepare to seize the abundant opportunities as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of wholesale market dominance.

The Shift from Retail to Wholesale

The real estate industry has taken a dramatic turn away from traditional retail methods. It's truly fascinating to witness how technology has completely transformed the game, giving rise to the dominance of wholesale markets. Now, motivated sellers and eager buyers can connect directly with ease. It's as if the world has become one massive virtual marketplace, and we owe this shift to trailblazing companies like OpenDoor and Offerpad. They are the driving force behind this new era we're experiencing.

Harnessing the Power of Technology

To make a significant impact and thrive in this new world of wholesale dominance, you must tap into the incredible power of technology. It's a game-changer, my friend. The first step is to create a compelling online presence that sets you apart from the competition. Envision a visually stunning website that offers potential buyers immersive virtual tours and captivating visuals, making them feel like they're stepping right into the properties themselves.

However, a captivating website is just the beginning. You also need to leverage powerful marketing tools like search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These tools ensure that your offerings reach the right audience at the right time. After all, a fantastic property is of no use if nobody knows about it. It's all about getting your name out there and standing out in this wholesale market revolution.

Adapting Strategies for Wholesale Triumph

The wholesale market presents a world full of exciting opportunities for those willing to adapt their strategies. Now, pay attention, because this is where the real magic happens. You must fully embrace and capitalize on the transformative changes brought forth by technology. It's time to think outside the box. Consider exploring partnerships with emerging platforms like OpenDoor and Offerpad, as they can open doors to new avenues of growth and expansion.

But here's a bold suggestion—how about unleashing your creativity and crafting unique solutions? Envision constructing a platform that effortlessly links motivated sellers with enthusiastic buyers, simplifying the transaction process for all parties involved. By embracing these tactics and establishing yourself as a pivotal figure in the wholesale market revolution, you unlock an abundance of opportunities for triumph in this swiftly progressing industry. So, are you prepared to leave your distinctive imprint?

Staying Ahead Amidst Market Turbulence

Thriving in the ever-changing real estate market demands vigilance and adaptability. Anticipate how the retail side, such as real estate agents, might react to protect their interests. Stay at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends through continuous learning and exploration.

Regularly assess and optimize your lead generation strategies, focusing on long-term gains rather than short-term fluctuations. By aligning your vision, strategy, and tactics with the rise of the wholesale market, you can confidently navigate the evolving terrain.

The tech revolution has directly led to the advent of wholesale market dominance in real estate. This paradigm shift presents unprecedented opportunities for investors who dare to embrace it. By harnessing the power of technology, cultivating a captivating online presence, and adapting strategies to the wholesale landscape, you position yourself for triumph.

Remember, the future of real estate investment lies in embracing the disruptive forces of technology and riding the wave of wholesale market dominance. Get ready to seize the thrilling opportunities that await you in this exhilarating industry transformation.

Embracing the Tech Revolution: Unleashing Wholesale Market Dominance in Real Estate

Embrace the tech revolution reshaping real estate with wholesale market dominance. From pioneering platforms to captivating online strategies, discover how to leverage technology's power and forge ahead in this transformative era. Stay agile amidst market changes and position yourself for success by adapting smart strategies that harness innovation and propel your business forward in the evolving wholesale landscape.

Mastering the Hiring Game: Strategies for Selecting Top Talent and Reliable Vendors

In today's competitive business landscape, finding the right vendor and employee is crucial for achieving success. Making the wrong choice can lead to wasted resources, poor outcomes, and frustration. In this blog, let's dive into the important factors to consider when selecting employees and vendors and how to establish effective working relationships with them. We'll draw from real-life experiences and expert advice to explore the significance of credibility, cultural fit, results-oriented collaboration, and the decision between outsourcing and in-house management. By following these guidelines, you can greatly enhance your chances of finding the perfect match for your business needs.

Let's face it, the people and processes within your business play a vital role in determining its success. It's all about finding the right individuals who complement your strengths and weaknesses. While some entrepreneurs try to handle everything themselves, others delegate without establishing proper systems and processes. The key is to strike a balance and build a team of motivated individuals with the necessary skills who can work within established frameworks.

Delegation & Identifying Needs

Finding the right level of delegation is a common challenge for business owners. Some struggle to let go and become control freaks, while others delegate without providing sufficient guidance and support. The key here is to strike a balance. Clearly define your expectations, provide guidelines, and encourage employees to take ownership of their tasks. Regular communication and feedback loops can help ensure accountability and maintain progress towards shared goals.

Before diving into hiring employees or selecting vendors, take a step back and identify your business goals. Determine the specific skills and expertise required to achieve those goals. Take the time to thoroughly analyze your needs. You can do this by conducting interviews, evaluating resumes, and even using personality assessments. This will help you find candidates who are the best fit for the job.

Building Systems and Processes

When your employees lack proper systems and processes, it affects productivity and efficiency. As a business owner, it's your responsibility to create and implement effective systems and processes that streamline operations. For instance, in my role as a Director of Sales and Marketing, I focused on developing marketing systems from scratch, implementing lead management strategies, and setting up a customer relationship management (CRM) system. Investing time and effort into building these foundations pays off in the long run.

Setting Clear Expectations & Motivations

Clear communication of expectations is vital for both employees and vendors. Be transparent about your goals, deliverables, and timelines. Establishing a culture of open communication and feedback allows everyone to understand their roles and work towards shared objectives.

Keeping your team members motivated is crucial for their engagement and productivity. Positive reinforcement, incentives, and rewards can go a long way in inspiring and motivating employees. Recognize and celebrate their achievements to encourage them to excel in their roles and contribute to the company's growth.

Assessing Skills & Credibility

Don't just focus on the current skill set of potential team members. Motivation and a willingness to learn and grow are often more valuable. Consider hiring individuals who show ambition and align with your company culture, even if they lack specific experience. You can always provide them with training and opportunities to develop the skills required for their roles.

When it comes to choosing vendors or employees, credibility is key. While charm can be appealing, it's credibility that truly matters in building a long-term partnership. Take the time to gather information about their track record, client references, and performance indicators. While this research won't give you all the answers, it will help you make an informed decision.

Cultural Fit and Results-Oriented Collaboration

In addition to credibility, cultural fit plays a significant role in successful collaborations. Engage in meaningful conversations with potential vendors and employees to gauge their compatibility with your company's values, goals, and work style. Look for partners who prioritize results, offer valuable insights, and can effectively communicate complex concepts in a simplified manner. A cultural fit enables a healthy working relationship and ensures alignment towards common objectives.

Overcoming Trust Issues with Vendors

If you've had negative experiences with vendors in the past, trust issues may arise. To address this, it's important to reflect on those experiences and identify factors that contributed to unsuccessful collaborations. Take ownership of your role in those relationships to identify areas for improvement. Learn from past mistakes and adapt your selection process accordingly to rebuild trust and find more suitable partners.

Understanding Outsourcing vs. In-House Management

Deciding whether to outsource or manage certain functions in-house depends on various factors. While some business owners prefer in-house management for perceived control and visibility, outsourcing can often provide a strategic advantage. Outsourcing allows you to tap into specialized expertise, gain fresh perspectives, and leverage existing tools and systems. Objective external insights can identify blind spots and lead to improved outcomes. However, it's crucial to maintain open communication, collaboration, and transparency with external partners to ensure mutual understanding and success.


Choosing the right employees and vendors is a critical aspect of running a successful sales and marketing operation. By defining your goals, identifying needs, building effective systems and processes, and nurturing a motivated and skilled team, you can create a thriving business. Remember, finding the right individuals may require a balance between delegation and accountability. 

Ultimately, investing time and effort in building a strong team will propel your sales and marketing strategies to new heights. By focusing on credibility, cultural fit, and results-oriented collaboration, you can increase the likelihood of finding the perfect match. Overcoming trust issues requires honest reflection and learning from past experiences. Evaluating the benefits of outsourcing versus in-house management can lead to strategic partnerships that foster innovation and growth. Remember, successful collaborations rely on open communication, shared goals, and mutual respect. By following these guidelines, you can establish strong relationships that contribute to your business's long-term success.

Mastering the Hiring Game: Strategies for Selecting Top Talent and Reliable Vendors

Mastering the hiring game means picking top talent and reliable vendors for your business. Learn how to balance delegation, build effective systems, and nurture a motivated team. Discover strategies for assessing credibility and cultural fit, and decide whether outsourcing or in-house management is best. Dive in for tips on making smart choices that lead to long-term success.

The Importance of Managing Emotions in Business

Keeping your emotions in check is super important when you're running a business. When things are going great, you feel like you're on top of the world, but when they're not, it can keep you up at night. It's super important in those moments not to let your feelings dictate the decisions you make. It's like a balancing act between your emotions and being in charge, where you gotta aim for the middle instead of getting carried away with the highs and lows.

Controlled Funnel Analysis for Informed Decision Making

There's a way to handle your feelings and stay on top of your REI business, and it's called controlled funnel analysis. Basically, you track what's going on up until a certain point in your funnel, and then make educated guesses about what comes after. So let's say it costs you 100 bucks to get one lead, and you need 20 leads to seal the deal. You can figure out that it'll probably cost you around $2,000 to close the deal. This is an awesome method because it helps you make smarter choices by comparing what you thought would happen with what actually went down.

One of the best things about controlled funnel analysis is that it helps you compare what you expected to happen with what actually happened. This means that you can adjust your strategies and tactics based on real data, rather than relying on gut feelings or assumptions. In the end, this can help you make smarter choices and ultimately be more successful in your REI business.

The Tradeoff between High ROI and High Volume

When it comes to online marketing, the end goal is usually to see a return on investment (ROI). However, it's important to keep in mind that achieving this goal isn't always easy, and it can take some time and effort. In fact, it's pretty rare to see a 10X ROI after just a couple of months of marketing efforts.

It's crucial to have patience and trust the process, especially in the early stages. This is when you're most likely to see the most extreme results - both good and bad. So while it can be tempting to get discouraged if you're not seeing the returns you were hoping for right away, it's important to remember that things can change quickly and that success may be just around the corner. Ultimately, the key is to stay focused and persistent, even when things seem tough.

The Significance of Considering Past ROI While Preparing for the Future

SEO is an excellent example of this. It's kind of like the fuel that powers your website's visibility on the web. But here's the thing: it takes a lot of work to get your site off the ground and get it to rank well in search results. In fact, it can take up to 90% of your efforts just to get to a certain point where you start to see the benefits of all that hard work.

The problem is that many companies these days are so focused on short-term results and immediate returns on investment (ROI) that they don't invest enough in the long-term benefits of SEO. It's understandable, of course - everyone wants to see a return on their investment as quickly as possible. But this mindset can actually prevent them from experiencing the full benefits of SEO.

Think of it like planting a seed. If you only focus on the initial cost of buying the seed and planting it, you might not see the point in investing in it. But if you're patient and nurture that seed over time, it will eventually grow into a beautiful tree that provides all sorts of benefits - shade, fruit, etc. SEO is like that seed. It takes time and effort to grow, but if you're willing to invest in it, the benefits can be enormous in the long run.

So, if you're thinking about investing in SEO for your website, don't just focus on the immediate returns. Consider the long-term benefits as well. By doing so, you'll be able to reap the rewards of all that hard work for years to come.

The Importance of Finding a Balance between Short-Term and Long-Term ROI

To see the real ROI of SEO, you must run it for several years and measure the revenue generated over the entire time period. It's also important to note that there's a three to six-month lag between when your SEO efforts fizzle out.

It's crucial to trust the process and focus on the long-term ROI rather than just the short-term. SEO is an excellent investment in the long run, and companies should not miss this opportunity. Ultimately, finding a balance between short-term and long-term ROI, considering past ROI while preparing for the future, and managing emotions through controlled funnel analysis are all essential elements in running a successful business.

The Importance of Managing Emotions in Business

Balancing emotions is crucial in business, where highs and lows are inevitable. Discover how controlled funnel analysis can transform your decision-making process by turning gut feelings into data-driven strategies. Plus, learn why balancing short-term gains with long-term investments, especially in SEO, can lead to sustained success. Dive in to maintain your cool and make smarter business moves.

Marketing budgets are essential for any business strategy. Without a solid budget, your marketing efforts may fall flat, and your business goals may never be reached. However, figuring out the ideal marketing budget can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we'll dive into why understanding volume and efficiency are crucial to managing your marketing budget.

Having a marketing budget is super important for any business. If you don't have a solid budget, your marketing efforts might not work out, and you might never achieve your business goals. But let's be real, figuring out how much you should spend on marketing can be a little daunting. In this blog post, we'll talk about why it's important to know how much you need and how efficient you can be with that money when managing your marketing budget.

The Importance of Marketing Budgets

So, let's talk about managing your marketing budget. It's a topic that might not be the most thrilling, but it's certainly an important one. And the first step in managing your budget effectively is understanding just how crucial it is.

A solid marketing budget can make all the difference in the success of your business. It ensures that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives, so you're not just throwing money at various tactics without any real purpose. Instead, you're investing in strategies that will help you achieve your goals, whether that's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.

On the other hand, not having a budget or having an inadequate one can be a recipe for disaster. It can lead to wasted resources as you try to figure out what works and what doesn't. And missed opportunities can be costly, especially if your competitors are making strategic investments that allow them to get ahead.

Factors to Consider When Setting Marketing Budgets

It's important to have realistic expectations and set goals that align with your business objectives. You don't want to overspend on marketing and end up in a financial bind, but you also don't want to skimp on your budget and miss out on potential opportunities. Striking a balance is key, and it all starts with understanding your goals.

Once you've got your goals in mind, it's time to do some math. Figuring out the cost per lead and how many leads you need to achieve your targets is crucial. This may sound daunting, but it's actually pretty straightforward once you break it down. By calculating these numbers, you'll be able to make informed decisions about how much to invest in your marketing efforts and where to focus your resources.

For example, if you know that you need to generate 500 leads to hit your sales target, and your cost per lead is $20, you'll know that you need to budget $10,000 for your marketing efforts. This kind of data will help you make smarter decisions about which marketing channels to invest in and how much to allocate to each one.

Balancing Volume and Efficiency in PPC Campaigns

Digital marketing is a huge aspect of any modern marketing strategy, and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are a key component of that. They allow you to drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page, which can ultimately lead to conversions and sales. However, managing PPC campaigns effectively can be a tricky balancing act. On the one hand, you want to generate as much volume as possible to reach as many potential customers as you can. But on the other hand, you need to be efficient with your resources to avoid wasting time and money on tactics that aren't delivering results.

So how do you strike the right balance between volume and efficiency in your PPC campaigns? The key is to keep a close eye on your metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, you might start with a broad targeting approach to generate a high volume of clicks, but then refine your targeting based on the data to focus on the most promising leads. It's also important to be aware of the concept of diminishing marginal returns. As you invest more in your PPC campaigns, you might see a plateau or even a decline in ROI, so it's essential to find that sweet spot where you're maximizing your results without overspending.

Debunking the Myth of More Money Equals Better Results in PPC Campaigns

So, when it comes to running successful PPC campaigns, it's not just about how much money you throw at it. You could have a big budget but still not get the results you want if you're not using it effectively. To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, you need to focus on targeting the right audience, selecting the right keywords, and creating compelling ad copy that will grab people's attention. This is where the real magic happens.

Even if you have a smaller budget, you can still achieve amazing results if you do these things well

. It's all about being smart with your money and making sure you're investing it in the right areas.

One way to get expert guidance and support for your PPC campaigns is by working with an account strategist. These professionals are experts at managing PPC campaigns and can offer you invaluable advice and tips based on their expertise. With an account strategist on your side, you can optimize your campaigns and achieve your goals without breaking the bank. They can help you identify the areas where you need to focus your attention, and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

So, if you want to get the most out of your PPC campaigns and see great results, it's important to work with a pro who knows what they're doing. With the right guidance and support, you can achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.


Managing your marketing budget requires a thoughtful and methodical approach. You must understand your business objectives, the math behind your budget, and find the right balance between volume and efficiency. With a bit of effort and understanding, your marketing budget can be a powerful tool that helps you achieve your goals and succeed in today's competitive business world.

The Crucial Role of Marketing Budgets in Business Strategy

Not sure how to nail your marketing budget? Check out our blog for tips on stretching your dollars and boosting your results. We’ll show you how to make your PPC campaigns sizzle without burning a hole in your wallet.

Introduction to Link Building and SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), not all strategies are created equal. In fact, some tactics can actually harm your website's ranking on Google. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some link building methods that Google frowns upon and discuss why they can be problematic. It's important to be aware of these forbidden SEO strategies to avoid damaging your website's online presence. Let's dive in and uncover the secrets that Google doesn't want you to know!

Problematic Link Building Tactics

Google, as a search engine, continually refines and improves its search algorithms to deliver the most relevant and useful results to its users. One of the ways it does this is by prioritizing high-quality websites in its search results. High-quality websites are those that provide valuable content, have a good user experience, and adhere to Google's guidelines.

However, some webmasters attempt to manipulate Google's algorithms in order to gain an unfair advantage in search rankings. They may use tactics such as automated software, low-quality directory listings, social bookmarking websites, private blog networks, and link swapping to artificially create backlinks to their websites. Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links from other websites pointing to a particular website. Backlinks are considered an important ranking factor by Google, as they can indicate the authority and relevance of a website.

These tactics are considered unethical and are against Google's guidelines on link schemes. Google penalizes websites that engage in such practices by reducing their visibility in search results or even removing them from its index altogether. This is because such tactics distort the natural ranking signals that Google's algorithms rely on, and they can result in low-quality and irrelevant websites appearing higher in search results, which ultimately reduces the quality of Google's search results for users.

Instead, webmasters should focus on creating original, high-quality content that provides value to their audience and building natural and relevant backlinks through legitimate strategies like guest posting and content marketing. By following these guidelines, webmasters can maintain their website's good standing with Google and attract organic traffic.

Importance of High-Quality Links

The focus on quantity over quality in SEO tactics is not only problematic but also outdated. In the past, webmasters used to employ black hat SEO techniques to boost their rankings on Google's search engine results pages. These tactics included keyword stuffing, hidden text, and cloaking, among others. However, Google's algorithms have become more sophisticated over time, making it harder for websites to rank high using these tactics.

In recent years, Google has made it clear that its priority is to provide users with high-quality and relevant search results. Therefore, it has updated its algorithms to penalize websites that use manipulative tactics to boost their rankings. One of the most significant updates was the Google Penguin update, which targeted websites with low-quality backlinks and exact match anchor text.

Nowadays, Google's algorithms evaluate the quality of a backlink based on various factors such as the relevance of the linking site to the content, the authority of the linking site, and the anchor text used in the link. As mentioned earlier, using exact match anchor text excessively is considered manipulative and can lead to penalties.

In addition to the above, Google also considers other factors such as the diversity of the anchor text, the freshness of the link, and the context of the link. For instance, a link from a reputable news site within the context of a news story is more valuable than a link from a low-quality blog post that is unrelated to the content.

Building High-Quality Links

Link building is a vital part of SEO that can help search engines determine the relevance and authority of your website. However, it's important to note that not all links are created equal, and some can actually harm your website's ranking if obtained through manipulative tactics. To avoid this, it's crucial to focus on acquiring links from related websites with high-quality content and to avoid using automated software, purchasing links from low-quality directories, and creating private blog networks.

Instead, the best approach is to create high-quality content that naturally attracts links from other reputable websites. This can include informative blog posts, engaging videos, or interactive tools that provide value to your audience. By promoting this content through legitimate channels like social media and email marketing, you can attract high-quality links and improve your website's visibility, credibility, and referral traffic.

Overall, taking a strategic and ethical approach to link building can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry and improve your website's SEO in a sustainable way.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging has been a popular link building strategy for many years. It involves creating high-quality content for another website in your niche or industry, with the aim of getting a backlink to your own website. The idea behind guest blogging is that by creating valuable content for another site, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience. At the same time, you can benefit from the backlink that is included in the guest post, which can help to improve your website's search engine rankings.

While guest blogging has been a widely used tactic, it is important to note that Google has made it clear that they don't approve of this practice as a means of link building. Google's Webmaster Guidelines state that "Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines." In other words, if you are using guest blogging solely to build backlinks and manipulate your site's search engine rankings, you could be at risk of violating Google's guidelines.

Despite Google's stance on guest blogging, the practice is still widely used within the industry, as it can be difficult for search engines to differentiate between a guest post and a regular blog post. This means that if you are able to create high-quality content that provides value to readers, you may still be able to benefit from the backlinks that come with guest blogging. However, it is important to approach guest blogging with caution, and focus on creating valuable content rather than solely on building backlinks.


When it comes to your link building strategy, it's important to maintain certain standards and focus on getting the best bang for your buck. You should aim to generate a lot of backlinks that fall on the lower end of the domain authority spectrum and slowly work your way up to more authoritative sites. By focusing on high-quality links, you'll be able to improve your search rankings and increase your website's visibility in a sustainable way.

Link Building 101: How to Improve Your Website's Visibility and Credibility

Want to boost your website's visibility and credibility? Discover the secrets of effective link building while avoiding harmful tactics. Learn how to create high-quality links through ethical strategies and improve your site's search rankings. Dive into Link Building 101 to master SEO and enhance your online presence!

Are you struggling to choose the right type of ad creative for your Facebook Ads? With so many options available, it can be quite overwhelming, especially if you're new to social media marketing. But don't worry; in this article, we'll help you understand the various types of ad creative for Facebook Ads and provide some insights on what works best.

Types of Ad Creative for Facebook Ads

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, a variety of creative ad options are available to businesses. One of the most common forms of ad creative is images. While some may view them as lazy or uncreative, images can be surprisingly effective. High-quality images relevant to your target audience can be used in different ad formats, such as carousel and single-image ads. Facebook's algorithm considers users' past behavior and preferences when it comes to ad creation, so it's important to offer different options to cater to your audience's diverse tastes.

In addition to images, videos are also becoming increasingly popular for Facebook Ads. They can be more attention-grabbing and effective in conveying a message quickly. As a social media strategist states, videos are a popular choice for ad creative. However, it's important to include captions so that users who don't turn on the sound can still understand the message. Videos can be used in various formats, such as in-stream ads, stories ads, and video poll ads.

Graphics are another option for ad creative. Infographics and data visualizations are an excellent way to convey complex information quickly, especially for educational or informational campaigns. On the other hand, animations can be eye-catching and a good option for businesses that want to show their creative side. However, it's important to note that animations can be expensive to produce and might only sometimes be the best fit for all businesses. Graphics can also be used in carousel, collection, and Instant Experience ads.

If your business has the budget for it, professional videos can be a great way to showcase your business and build trust with potential customers. These videos can be a significant investment, but they can provide viewers a high-quality and engaging experience. It's essential to ensure that the content is relevant and tailored to your target audience. However, interestingly, native content, such as videos filmed with a phone, can often perform better than expensive, professionally produced videos. This is because native content can feel more authentic and relatable to the audience.

Overall, the key to successful Facebook Ads is to experiment with different ad creative options and formats to see what works best for your business and target audience. Keep in mind that Facebook's algorithm is always evolving, so it's essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and insights to maximize the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

Tips for Creating Effective Video Content for Facebook Ads

As we delve deeper into the realm of Facebook Ads, it becomes increasingly clear that video content is an essential part of any successful advertising campaign. Not only is it a powerful medium for conveying a message, but it is also highly engaging, capturing the viewer's attention in ways that other ad formats cannot.

Pay close attention to its length is important to ensure that your video content is effective. According to social media strategists, videos that range from 20 to 32 seconds are the most effective for their clients. This is because they are long enough to convey a meaningful message but short enough to keep the viewer engaged and interested.

Of course, this is not to say that longer videos cannot be effective. Social media strategists have acknowledged that videos that exceed two minutes can still perform well, provided they capture and maintain the viewer's attention throughout. This means that the content must be compelling and the pacing must be just right to prevent the viewer from losing interest.

To ensure that your video content is effective, it is also crucial to include a call-to-action within the video's first 20 to 32 seconds. This is because viewers tend to lose interest quickly, and if they are not hooked within the first few seconds, they are likely to move on to something else. By including a call-to-action early on, you can encourage viewers to take action immediately, increasing the chances of a successful conversion.

In addition to the length and call-to-action, simplifying the message is crucial for effective communication. One useful tool in achieving this is the "so what" model. By repeatedly asking yourself "so what", you can distill the message down to its essential point, avoiding unnecessary information and rambling. This not only helps keep the audience engaged, but it also makes it easier for them to understand and remember the message.

Moreover, employing the "what if" technique can also be helpful in crafting a simple and concise message. This involves asking yourself hypothetical questions such as "what if my audience only remembers one thing from my message, what would that be?" or "what if my audience only has 30 seconds to listen to my message, what would I want them to hear?". By considering these scenarios, you can focus on the most important points and craft a clear and memorable message.


To sum up, choosing the right ad creative for Facebook Ads requires careful consideration. While images, videos, graphics, and animations are all effective options, the key is to experiment and see what works best for your business. A/B testing is a simple and effective way to measure the effectiveness of different ad creatives, such as images, videos, and graphics. Businesses can optimize their Facebook Ads campaigns and achieve their marketing objectives by testing different ad creatives.

It's essential to understand that there are other factors to consider when choosing ad creative for Facebook Ads, such as the audience, the objective of the ad, and the platform's placement. Conducting A/B testing is just one step in the process of creating successful Facebook Ads campaigns. Businesses should stay up-to-date with Facebook's latest updates, algorithm changes, and best practices. Facebook regularly updates its platform, and it's important to keep an eye on these changes to ensure that your ads continue to perform well. By staying up-to-date, businesses can maximize their return on investment and reach their goals.

 Good luck with your Facebook Ads! Thanks for reading.

How to Choose the Right Ad Creative for Facebook Ads

This guide breaks down images, videos, graphics, and animations, highlighting what works best and why. Learn the secret to engaging your audience, optimizing ad performance, and staying ahead with the latest trends. Dive in to master your Facebook Ads strategy!

As a real estate investor, driving motivated seller leads is essential for the success of your business. No leads, no deals, right? If you’re reading this guide, you likely know that digital marketing is a highly efficient channel for generating those leads. 

In this guide, we’re going to let you in on a little-known secret of digital marketing in the REI space: offline conversion data. But first, let’s cover the basics.

What is conversion tracking?

Conversion tracking is the process of tracking how people interact with your website and marketing campaigns. This information can be used to determine which ads, keywords, and landing pages are driving the most conversions.

Conversions can be anything from form submissions to phone calls to sales. By tracking conversions, you can see what's working and what's not, and make necessary adjustments to your campaigns.

How can conversion tracking help real estate investors?

Conversion tracking can help real estate investors drive more motivated seller leads in a number of ways.

First, it can help you identify which ads and keywords are driving the most leads. This information can then be used to allocate your budget more effectively.

Second, conversion tracking can help you identify which landing pages are converting the most leads. This information can then be used to optimize your landing pages for better results.

Third, conversion tracking can help you identify which types of leads are most likely to convert. This information can then be used to focus your marketing efforts on those types of leads.

I know all this! What’s the secret you mentioned?

Here comes the secret! It all starts with an acronym, GCLID, which stands for Google Click ID (Google made it up, not us) It’s basically a massive string of characters attached to the end of your ad URL. Every click that comes from Google Ads has a unique Google Click ID, which contains information on which campaign, ad group, and keyword drove that click.

This GCLID can be captured by your form submissions and call-tracking software to associate it with the lead that came through your campaign. With us so far?

From there, you can store this GCLID in your CRM on that contact’s record. Makes sense, right? Now here’s the cool part.

You can use this GCLID to feed data back into Google Ads and tell Google how that lead progressed after the initial capture. Did that lead end up being spam? You can tell Google that. Did they end up closing for a $90,000 deal spread? You can tell Google that, too.

This is the secret that we used with our 300+ real estate investor clients to drive $50M in revenue in 2022, and we’re pacing for even better results in 2023.


Conversion tracking is a valuable tool for real estate investors who want to drive more motivated seller leads. By tracking form submissions and phone calls effectively, you can determine which ads and keywords are driving the most leads and optimize your marketing campaigns accordingly. And to take things to the next level, setting up offline conversions is a MUST.

If you’re ready to crush PPC once and for all and see shockingly good results, take the first step by scheduling a free strategy consultation with our team. We’d love to work with you!

How to Drive Motivated Seller Leads with Conversion Tracking

Want to drive more motivated seller leads? Learn the secret sauce of conversion tracking in real estate investing. This guide reveals how to use offline conversion data to optimize your ads, keywords, and landing pages, turning clicks into high-value deals. Ready to crush PPC and see amazing results? Dive in!

Empathetic Marketing in Real Estate: Unlock Success with Data

This blog explores the significance of empathetic marketing in real estate, emphasizing how investors can use data for targeted outreach. It shifts from self-focused messages to empathetic communication. By utilizing public records and creating thoughtful marketing materials, professionals can build trust and position themselves as community leaders. The blog offers practical tips for crafting engaging mailers and meaningful connections, enhancing marketing effectiveness and fostering genuine relationships.

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Growth vs. Lifestyle Businesses: Key Differences

In real estate, entrepreneurs have two business models to choose from: growth-oriented or lifestyle businesses. The choice can impact both personal happiness and financial success.

Growth-Oriented Businesses aim to grow quickly by reinvesting profits and expanding operations. These businesses often need outside funding and have a long-term focus on growing their market share.

Lifestyle Businesses prioritize steady income and personal balance. Entrepreneurs who choose this model prefer stable growth and more time for personal life over rapid expansion.

Deciding Which Path is Right for You

Choosing the right business model depends on your goals and the market. Consider these factors:

  • Ambition: Do you want fast growth and a big market impact, or do you value a balance between work and personal life?
  • Risk Tolerance: Growth businesses carry more financial risk because they rely on outside funding and reinvestment.
  • Personal Situation: Lifestyle businesses offer more flexibility, which is ideal if you have family or health commitments.

By answering these questions, real estate professionals can choose the right direction for their business.

Empathy and Data in Real Estate Marketing

Marketing is key in real estate. But old marketing messages—like "I buy houses for cash"—don't always work. Today, real estate investors are using empathetic messages that address the seller's needs and provide real solutions.

Empathy helps you connect with sellers. For example, if you're targeting homeowners in foreclosure, a kind, understanding message will build trust more than a basic sales pitch.

Empathy + Data = Powerful Messaging

Data strengthens empathetic messages by helping you understand your audience’s needs. Knowing their struggles allows you to create personal messages that connect on an emotional level.

Using Data to Drive Effective Marketing

Data-driven marketing is changing real estate. It helps professionals find sellers who need their services most. By analyzing public records and market trends, you can create messages that speak directly to sellers.

Using Public Records:
Public records can help you find homeowners in financial trouble. This allows you to reach out with specific solutions that match their needs, making your marketing more personal and effective.

Adapting to Market Changes

Real estate is a cyclical industry, meaning the market goes through ups and downs. To succeed, you need to be flexible and adjust your strategies based on market conditions.

For example, during an economic downturn, you can focus on motivated sellers, like homeowners in foreclosure. Staying updated on market trends and adjusting your marketing can help your business stay strong even during tough times.

Conclusion: Aligning Your Business with Market Needs

Success in real estate comes from aligning your business model and marketing strategies with the market's needs. Whether you choose a growth-focused or lifestyle business, empathy and data-driven decisions are essential.

By focusing on empathetic messages, using public data, and adapting to market changes, you can build a sustainable and successful real estate business that fits your goals and market demands.

Growth vs. Lifestyle Businesses in Real Estate: Insights and Strategies

In real estate, knowing the difference between growth-focused and lifestyle businesses is key. This blog explains these two models and highlights how using data and empathy in direct-to-seller marketing can help real estate professionals succeed in today’s market.

5 Proven Ways AI Transformed Brad’s Real Estate Business

Ever lost a deal because you didn’t follow up fast enough? You’re not alone. Brad, a seasoned real estate investor, faced the same challenge—until AI helped him close 15 extra deals in just five months. Now, it’s your turn to discover how AI can transform your real estate business.

With AI adoption in real estate expected to grow by 35% by 2025, there’s no better time to implement this game-changing technology. Let’s explore how Brad leveraged AI to revolutionize his lead management—and how you can, too.

Why AI-Powered Lead Management Matters in Real Estate

Brad and his twin brother have been running their real estate business since 2015, focusing on Jacksonville, Florida. As their business grew, managing leads and keeping up with follow-ups became more difficult. That’s when they turned to Wu Sender AI, a powerful platform that automates lead engagement and follow-ups, turning cold leads into hot opportunities.

Here’s why AI-powered lead management is a must-have for real estate professionals like Brad:

  • Automated Follow-Up: AI consistently follows up with leads, reducing human error and ensuring no opportunities are missed.
  • Lead Reengagement: AI revives cold leads with personalized messages, significantly increasing conversion rates.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on high-value deals while lowering operational costs.

Thanks to AI, Brad’s team closed 15 extra deals in just five months—demonstrating the immense value of automated lead management.

5 Effective AI Applications in Real Estate Lead Management

Here’s how Brad’s company used AI to optimize their operations, improve lead management, and boost conversions:

1. Automated Follow-Up on Unresponsive Leads & Instant Response

AI excels at following up with leads that have gone cold or unresponsive. Whether it’s responding instantly to new inquiries or persistently reengaging dormant leads, AI ensures no deal falls through the cracks.

For Brad, AI’s ability to follow up immediately was a game-changer. By reengaging cold leads and responding quickly to inquiries, Brad’s team closed 15 additional deals. The instant follow-up allowed them to secure appointments at just the right time, leading to higher conversions.

2. Managing Fresh Leads with AI

AI works 24/7, handling fresh leads even during after-hours and weekends. Over a recent holiday weekend, Brad’s AI system set multiple appointments for the following week, ensuring no leads slipped through the cracks while his team was unavailable.

By automating fresh lead management, Brad’s business achieved round-the-clock engagement, nurturing leads even when the team wasn’t available.

3. AI for Outbound Marketing and Personalized Messaging

AI isn’t just for follow-ups—it’s also a highly effective tool for outbound marketing. Brad’s team used AI to create and send personalized messages based on each lead’s behavior and preferences, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Through AI-driven personalized campaigns, Brad’s team saw a 20% increase in engagement rates. AI tailored its messaging to each lead’s unique needs, ensuring the right message was sent at the right time.

4. AI’s Competitive Edge: Instant Response Times

AI’s ability to respond to inquiries within seconds gives businesses a huge competitive edge. When a lead comes in, AI immediately engages, ensuring that the lead is contacted when their interest is at its peak.

Studies show that 50% of sales go to the vendor who responds first. With AI ensuring instant engagement, Brad’s team was able to stay ahead of competitors and capture leads when they were most interested.

5. AI and CRM Integration: Streamlining Lead Management

AI integrates seamlessly with CRM systems, automating repetitive tasks like scheduling follow-ups, tracking lead interactions, and organizing data. For Brad, this meant his team could focus on high-priority tasks while AI handled day-to-day lead management.

Businesses that integrate AI with their CRM systems report a 30% improvement in lead retention, and Brad’s team experienced these same benefits. AI helped streamline operations and enabled his business to close more deals efficiently.

AI vs Traditional Follow-Up: Why AI Wins

Traditional follow-up methods rely on manual processes, often leading to missed opportunities and inconsistent communication. AI automates these processes, ensuring every lead receives timely and personalized communication via text, email, or chat.

Here’s why Brad’s business thrived with AI:

  • AI helped Brad’s team close 15 extra deals in five months by reengaging cold leads and providing instant follow-ups for new prospects.
  • AI’s ability to respond within seconds ensured that leads were engaged when their interest was highest, greatly improving conversion rates.

Cost of Implementing AI in Real Estate

Brad’s AI system offers much more than just basic chatbot functionality. It integrates text, email, voice drops, and even Facebook Messenger, providing a complete lead management solution. Although it’s more expensive than simple AI tools, Brad’s system is designed specifically for real estate investors, offering customized automations and workflows that maximize conversion rates.

While the cost is similar to hiring a virtual assistant, AI provides far greater scalability, consistency, and a higher long-term return on investment (ROI). For Brad, AI was crucial in handling a large volume of leads and ensuring that no opportunities were missed.

Ready to Transform Your Real Estate Business with AI?

Don’t wait while your competitors get ahead. AI transformed Brad’s real estate business, helping him close more deals and improve lead engagement. Request a Free Demo of RiverX AI today and see how AI can revolutionize your lead management!


Brad’s story is a powerful example of how AI can transform real estate businesses. From automating follow-ups to personalizing outreach and reengaging cold leads, AI helps real estate professionals close more deals and operate more efficiently. Early adopters like Brad are already benefiting from AI, positioning their businesses for long-term success.

5 Proven Ways AI Transformed Brad’s Real Estate Business

In today’s competitive real estate market, missed follow-ups can cost you valuable deals. Brad, a seasoned real estate investor, used AI to overcome this challenge and closed 15 extra deals in just five months. This blog dives into 5 proven ways Brad leveraged AI for lead management, from automated follow-ups to personalized outreach and CRM integration. Discover how AI can streamline your operations, increase engagement, and boost conversions. Ready to transform your business? Learn how AI can take your real estate lead management to the next level!

In the world of digital marketing, your landing page can make or break your campaign's success. Whether you're running Google Ads or any other form of paid advertising, a well-optimized landing page is crucial for converting clicks into leads. If you're scratching your head wondering why your landing page isn't performing the way you want, grab a coffee and settle in. We're about to dive into the five strategies that'll transform your landing page from a dud to a lead-generating stud.

  1. Ditch the Homepage, Embrace the Landing Page

Picture this: You're at a party, and someone's telling you about their amazing vacuum cleaner. You're intrigued, so you ask for more info. Instead of giving you the details, they hand you a book about their entire company history. Frustrating, right? That's exactly what happens when you send paid traffic to your homepage.

Your homepage is like that company history book - it's trying to do too many things at once. A proper landing page, on the other hand, is laser-focused. It's got one job, and one job only: to get that visitor to take action.

So, what makes a great landing page?

  • It's cleaner than your grandmother's kitchen - no distracting menus or links
  • It's got a call-to-action that's impossible to miss (think: "GET MY CASH OFFER NOW!")
  • It talks about one thing and one thing only - solving your visitor's problem

Remember, you want your visitors to have only two options: sign up or scram. Harsh? Maybe. Effective? You bet!

  1. Master the Art of the Form

Ah, forms. The necessary evil of lead generation. But here's the thing - your form can be a conversion killer or a lead magnet, depending on how you structure it.

Think of your form like a first date. You don't start by asking for their life story, right? (If you do, we need to have a different conversation.) Instead, you start small and build up.

Here's the secret sauce:

  • Keep it simple at first. Just ask for the bare minimum - maybe property address and phone number.
  • Once they've taken that first step, then you can get a bit more personal. But here's the trick - ask one question at a time.
  • Use a multi-step form. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but for lead gen.

We've seen this approach skyrocket form completion rates from a measly 50% to a whopping 80%! That's a lot of extra leads in your pocket.

  1. Get Personal with Multiple Landing Pages

Imagine you're selling ice cream. You wouldn't offer the same flavor to everyone, would you? (If you would, remind me never to visit your ice cream shop.) The same goes for landing pages.Different people have different needs. Someone facing foreclosure has very different concerns from someone dealing with probate. So why would you use the same landing page for both?Here's what you can do:

  • Create specific landing pages for different situations (foreclosure, probate, quick sale, etc.)
  • Use dynamic content that changes based on what the person searched for
  • Make sure your ad message matches your landing page content

It's like being a mind reader, but way less creepy and way more effective.

  1. Speed It Up, Buttercup

In the world of landing pages, slow and steady does not win the race. In fact, if your page is slow, you're not even in the race - you're still tying your shoelaces at the starting line.A slow page is like a leaky bucket. You're paying for clicks, but people are bouncing before your page even loads. And to add insult to injury, Google's going to charge you more for ads if your page is slower than molasses in January.So, what can you do?

  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to check your page speed
  • Follow their recommendations to speed things up
  • Remember, every second counts. Even small improvements can make a big difference

  1. Never Stop Improving (aka CRO is Your New BFF)

Last but not least, let's talk about CRO - Conversion Rate Optimization. Fancy term, simple concept: always be testing and improving.Think of your landing page like a professional athlete. They don't just train once and call it a day. They're constantly pushing themselves, trying new techniques, and improving their performance. Your landing page should be doing the same.Here's how:

  • Run A/B tests on different elements of your page
  • Analyze the results (no, staring at numbers until your eyes cross doesn't count)
  • Make changes based on what you learn
  • Rinse and repeat

There are tools out there like VWO that can help you do this. And trust me, it's worth it. Because a landing page that was hot stuff last month might be old news today.Wrapping It UpSo there you have it, folks - five keys to unlock the potential of your landing page. It might seem like a lot, but remember: in the world of PPC, every click costs money. A high-performing landing page isn't just nice to have - it's the difference between burning cash and raking in quality leads.Don't just aim for a good landing page. Aim for a landing page that keeps getting better. Because in this game, if you're not moving forward, you're falling behind. And nobody wants to be left in the digital dust, right?Now go and conquer those landing pages! Your future leads (and your wallet) will thank you.

5 Keys to Skyrocket Your Landing Page Performance

Double your landing page conversion rate with these simple steps.

As a real estate investor, understanding the ebb and flow of foreclosure trends is crucial for identifying opportunities and navigating market shifts. The past few years have seen dramatic changes in the foreclosure landscape, from record lows to pandemic-induced freezes, and now a gradual return to normalcy. Let's dive into the data and explore what it means for your investment strategy.

The Pre-Pandemic Calm (2019)

Before COVID-19 upended the market, foreclosures were at historic lows. In 2019, only 493,066 properties received foreclosure filings - a 21% decrease from 2018 and a staggering 83% drop from the 2010 peak. This represented just 0.36% of all U.S. housing units, signaling a robust housing market with few distressed properties.

The Pandemic Plunge (2020)

When COVID-19 hit, the government stepped in with unprecedented measures. Foreclosure moratoriums and forbearance programs brought foreclosure activity to a near standstill. In 2020, foreclosure filings plummeted to 214,323 - a mere 0.16% of U.S. housing units. Bank repossessions (REOs) fell to 50,238, a 65% decrease from 2019.

The Gradual Rebound (2021-2023)

As pandemic protections began to expire, foreclosure activity started to climb:

2021: Numbers remained low due to lingering protections. 2022: Activity increased as moratoriums lifted. 2023: About 357,000 properties faced foreclosure filings - a 10% increase from 2022 and a 136% jump from 2021. However, this still only represented 0.26% of all U.S. housing units, below pre-pandemic levels.

In Q3 2023, lenders initiated foreclosure on 68,961 properties, approaching pre-pandemic levels.

Current State of Play (2024)

Now, let's look at where we stand in 2024:

  • In the first half of the year, 130,369 U.S. properties began the foreclosure process. This is actually a 3.5% decrease from the first half of 2023.
  • Total foreclosure filings increased 7.8% from 2022, reaching 177,431 in the first half of 2024.
  • Foreclosure activity remains 68% below the pre-recession average of 278,912 per quarter from 2006-2007.

State-by-State Breakdown

Foreclosure activity varies significantly by location. As of July 2024:

  • Highest foreclosure rates: New Jersey (0.21%), Illinois (0.21%), Florida (0.20%), Nevada (0.19%), South Carolina (0.19%)
  • Most foreclosure starts: California (2,342), Florida (2,339), Texas (2,222), Illinois (1,221), New York (1,145)

Some metro areas are bucking the trend. In Q3 2023, foreclosure starts decreased in:

  • Salt Lake City (down 74%)
  • Chicago (down 35%)
  • Kansas City, Missouri (down 34%)
  • Columbus, Ohio (down 22%)
  • Milwaukee (down 21%)

What This Means for Investors

  1. Regional Opportunities: Focus on states with higher foreclosure rates. New Jersey, Illinois, and Florida are particularly active markets.
  2. Gradual Normalization: The slow increase in foreclosures suggests a return to pre-pandemic conditions without a flood of distressed properties.
  3. Competitive Landscape: With foreclosure rates still below historical averages, expect competition for available properties.
  4. Local Market Knowledge: Given the wide variation in foreclosure rates across states and cities, thorough local market research is essential.
  5. Patience and Preparedness: While opportunities are increasing, we're not seeing a foreclosure boom. Be ready to act when deals arise, but don't expect a glut of cheap properties.
  6. Alternative Markets: Consider looking at markets with decreasing foreclosure rates. These areas might offer stability and long-term growth potential.
  7. Risk Assessment: The varying foreclosure rates highlight the importance of diversifying your portfolio across different regions.
  8. Financing Strategies: With interest rates higher than in recent years, factor in the cost of financing when assessing potential deals.

Strategy Adjustments

  1. Build relationships with local real estate agents and attorneys who specialize in foreclosures.
  2. Stay informed about local foreclosure laws and procedures, as they can vary by state.
  3. Consider pre-foreclosure opportunities, working directly with homeowners before the foreclosure process completes.
  4. Be prepared for potential competition from large institutional investors in high-foreclosure markets.
  5. Look beyond just the purchase price - factor in renovation costs, holding periods, and potential resale values in your calculations.


The foreclosure landscape in 2024 presents a mixed bag for real estate investors. While we're seeing an uptick in activity compared to the pandemic lows, we're still below pre-2020 levels. This gradual return to normalcy offers opportunities for prepared investors, but requires careful market analysis and swift action when deals arise.

Remember, successful investing in foreclosures isn't just about finding cheap properties - it's about understanding market dynamics, assessing true value, and having the resources to act quickly when opportunities present themselves. Stay informed, stay nimble, and always do your due diligence.

ATTOM. (2024, January 11). U.S. Foreclosure Activity Increases From 2022 But Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels. https://www.attomdata.com/news/market-trends/foreclosures/attom-2023-year-end-u-s-foreclosure-market-report/

Real Estate Foreclosure Trends

Learn 5 strategy adjustment you need to stay ahead of the current foreclosure trends. Sometimes looking back is the best way to stay ahead.

As we approach 2025, real estate investors need to be prepared for a shifting lending environment. Whether you're into rentals, wholesaling, multifamily, or single-family homes, understanding the upcoming changes in bank lending practices is crucial for your investment strategy. Let's dive into what you can expect and how to prepare, based on insights from Deloitte's 2024 banking and capital markets outlook.

The Current Landscape

First, some good news: residential properties, especially multifamily, are facing fewer lending hurdles compared to commercial real estate. As of August 2023, only 8.5% of multifamily property loans maturing in 2024 were classified as "troubled" or "potentially troubled/watchlist", compared to 17.4% for office properties and 10.5% for retail property loans (Deloitte, 2024).

However, caution is the watchword in banking circles. In Q2 2023, 68% of surveyed US banks reported tighter standards for commercial real estate loans (Deloitte, 2024). While this primarily affects commercial properties, it's likely to influence residential lending as well.

What to Expect in 2025

1. Higher Interest Rates: While we may see some easing from current levels, don't expect a return to the rock-bottom rates of recent years. This means your borrowing costs will likely remain elevated compared to historical lows.

2. Stricter Lending Standards: Banks are expected to maintain cautious lending practices. They'll be looking more closely at your financials, property performance, and overall investment strategy.

3. Regulatory Scrutiny: Smaller banks, which often work with local real estate investors, may face increased regulatory oversight. As of Q1 2023, small banks' commercial real estate loans as a percentage of risk-based capital stood at 357%, compared to 131% for the overall banking industry (Deloitte, 2024). This could potentially impact their ability to lend to residential investors as well.

4. Property Type Preferences: Multifamily properties may continue to be viewed more favorably by lenders compared to other property types.

How to Prepare

1. Strengthen Your Financials: Focus on improving cash flows and maintaining strong debt service coverage ratios. Banks will be scrutinizing these metrics closely.

2. Diversify Funding Sources: Don't rely solely on traditional banks. Explore alternatives like local credit unions, private money lenders, or partnerships with other investors.

3. Optimize Property Management: For rental and multifamily investors, strong tenant histories and well-maintained properties will be more important than ever in securing favorable loans.

4. Plan for Refinancing: If you have loans maturing around 2025, start planning your refinancing strategy now. Consider locking in longer-term fixed rates if they become available at attractive levels.

5. Embrace Technology: Use property management software and other tech tools to improve your operational efficiency and provide better data to potential lenders.

6. Stay Informed: Keep a close eye on your local housing market trends. Lenders will want to see that you understand the dynamics of where you're investing.

7. Build Banking Relationships: Don't wait until you need a loan to approach lenders. Build relationships with multiple banks now to improve your chances of securing financing when you need it.

8. Prepare for Increased Scrutiny: If you're into wholesaling or flipping, be ready to provide a strong track record of successful deals. Lenders may require more detailed information about your investment strategy and past performance.

9. Consider Your Property Mix: Given the favorable outlook for multifamily properties, you might want to consider increasing your exposure to this sector if it aligns with your investment strategy.

10. Stay Liquid: Maintain a healthy cash reserve. This not only provides a buffer against potential market downturns but also demonstrates financial stability to lenders.

The Road Ahead

While the lending environment in 2025 may present challenges, it also offers opportunities for well-prepared investors. By focusing on financial strength, diversification, and savvy property management, you can position yourself to weather potential storms and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Remember, the key to success in real estate investing is adaptability. Stay informed, be proactive, and don't hesitate to seek advice from financial professionals as you navigate this evolving landscape.

By following these guidelines and staying abreast of market trends, residential real estate investors can approach 2025 with confidence, ready to tackle whatever challenges the lending environment may bring.

Source: Deloitte. (2024). 2024 banking and capital markets outlook: Navigating the changing contours of the global economy. 

Navigating the 2025 Lending Landscape: Real Estate Investors

10 Steps to Getting Ahead in 2025

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, two popular strategies often come up in discussions: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) marketing. While both aim to generate leads and conversions, they operate differently and have unique advantages. Let's dive into these two approaches and explore how they can benefit your business.

What's Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Marketing?

Pay-Per-Lead marketing is a model where advertisers pay for qualified leads rather than for ad clicks or impressions. In this system, a third-party company generates leads through various marketing channels and sells them to businesses. In a way, it’s kind of like ordering takeout. Someone else cooks the food (gets the leads), and you pay for what you get. You only fork over cash when you get a potential customer's info. It's simple, but you don't control the kitchen, or which restaurant you’re buying from.

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing?

Pay-Per-Click marketing is an online advertising model where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. The most common platforms for PPC advertising are search engines like Google and Bing, as well as social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. In PPC, advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience and create ads that appear in search results or on social media feeds. In this way, it’s like cooking your own food or hiring a private chef. You get to control what’s made, the quality of the food, and you can put your brand on it. It’s more work and is more expensive, but you often get a better return on your investment.

How Are PPL and PPC Different?

1. Payment structure: The most significant difference is in how advertisers pay. With PPL, you pay for qualified leads, while with PPC, you pay for clicks on your ads.

2. Control: PPC gives advertisers more control over their campaigns, including ad copy, targeting, and budget allocation. PPL campaigns are typically managed by the lead generation company.

3. Branding: PPC allows businesses to build their brand through consistent messaging and visuals. PPL often doesn't offer this advantage, as leads are generated under the provider's brand.

4. Data and optimization: PPC provides extensive data for optimization, allowing advertisers to refine their campaigns continually. PPL offers limited data, as the lead generation process is managed externally.

How Are They Similar?

1. Goal-oriented: Both PPL and PPC aim to generate leads and conversions for businesses.

2. Performance-based: Advertisers in both models pay for results rather than just ad exposure.

3. Scalability: Both methods can be scaled up or down based on budget and business needs.

4. Digital focus: PPL and PPC are primarily digital marketing strategies, leveraging online channels to reach potential customers.

The Pros and Cons

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Pros:

- Lower risk, as you only pay for qualified leads

- Easier to budget and forecast

- Requires less expertise in digital marketing

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) Cons:

- Less control over lead quality and generation process

- Limited branding opportunities

- Potential for shared leads (non-exclusive)

- There’s a cap on disputing leads

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Pros:

- Full control over campaigns and messaging

- Extensive data for optimization

- Builds brand awareness

- Immediate results

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Cons:

- Requires more expertise to manage effectively

- Can be more expensive initially

- Ongoing management and optimization needed

Who Should Use What?

Let's talk about who should use PPL and who should go for PPC. PPL is a great fit for newbies with tight budgets. If you're just starting out and don't have much cash to spare, PPL can get you leads without breaking the bank. It's also perfect for those who need leads right away. Can't wait around for results? PPL's got your back. And if you're someone who doesn't have the time or inclination to learn the ins and outs of marketing, PPL is your friend. It's a plug-and-play solution that doesn't require much know-how.

On the flip side, PPC is the way to go for businesses that want to build a brand. If you're in it for the long haul and want people to recognize your name, PPC helps you get there. It's also the better choice for folks who really care about lead quality. With PPC, you have more control over who sees your ads, so you're more likely to get leads that fit what you're looking for. Lastly, if you're ready to invest in long-term growth, PPC is your best bet. It takes more work up front, but it pays off down the line as you learn and improve your campaigns.

Using PPL and PPC Together

While some marketers view PPL and PPC as competing strategies, they can actually complement each other effectively. Here's how:

1. Diversification: Using both methods helps diversify your lead generation efforts, reducing reliance on a single channel.

2. Short-term vs. Long-term: PPL can provide quick results while you build and optimize your PPC campaigns for long-term success.

3. Testing and Learning: Insights gained from PPL leads can inform your PPC targeting and messaging strategies.

4. Flexibility: Combine both approaches to adjust your marketing efforts based on seasonality, budget changes, or market conditions.

Conclusion: The Power of PPC

PPC gives you the reins. You decide what to say, who to talk to, and how much to spend. You learn tons about your customers. Your brand grows stronger over time.

Sure, it's more work. But it pays off. As you get better, you'll likely spend less to get each customer.

If you're serious about growing your business online, PPC is the way to go. It's like learning to fish instead of buying fish. It takes more effort, but in the long run, you'll catch more and know exactly what you're getting.

PPL can help you out in a pinch or when you're just starting. But if you want to build something that lasts, PPC is your best bet. It's your business - take control and make it grow.

PPL vs. PPC: Understanding and Leveraging These Marketing Powerhouses

PPL or PPC: Which marketing meal will nourish your business? Discover the key differences, pros, cons, and when to use each strategy for optimal growth.

As a real estate investor, marketing is essential for generating motivated seller leads and deals for your business. But how exactly can you ensure you're getting the highest return and profits from the money you invest into marketing?

The key is diligently tracking your marketing ROI and using data-driven insights to optimize it.

What is Marketing ROI and Why It Matters

ROI stands for “return on investment”. For real estate investors, your marketing ROI shows how much profit you're generating from your marketing and lead generation activities.

Marketing ROI is calculated with this simple formula:

(Revenue from Deals - Marketing Costs) / Total Marketing Costs

A higher ROI means your marketing efforts are delivering higher returns and greater overall profitability.

Understanding your marketing ROI is critical for a few key reasons:

  • It shows which marketing channels and lead sources are worth focusing on and investing more into. You can double down on what works best.
  • Knowing ROI helps you cut excess spending on marketing activities and campaigns that have a low return. Stop wasting money.
  • Your marketing ROI enables you to set optimal budgets and spending allocations across channels.
  • A high marketing ROI proves the overall value of your marketing efforts compared to other business expenses.

Without accurately calculating your marketing ROI, you can't strategically scale your business for maximum efficiency. You end up guessing rather than making data-backed decisions.

Steps for Tracking and Improving Your Real Estate Marketing ROI

Follow these steps to start optimizing the ROI from your marketing as a real estate investor:

Track Your Marketing KPIs

Leverage a CRM platform to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like:

  • Cost per lead for each marketing channel
  • Number of leads generated per channel
  • Number of deals closed from each lead source
  • Total expenses for each marketing effort

This marketing data is required to determine the ROI.

Calculate Your ROI by Channel

Dig into the metrics to determine the ROI for each lead generation source and marketing channel.

For example, you may find:

  • Google Ads – 3X ROI
  • Direct Mailers – 5X ROI
  • Facebook Ads – 1.5X ROI

This makes it clear that direct mailers provide the highest return for your marketing dollar spent.

Invest More Into Your High-ROI Marketing

With the ROI numbers, you can strategically shift more of your marketing budget into the channels and campaigns with the best return.

In this example, putting more resources into direct mailers and scaling back Facebook Ads could lift your overall marketing ROI.

Optimize Low ROI Marketing Channels

For marketing channels with lower ROI, experiment and tweak your approach to try improving their profitability.

Maybe a different target demographic, ad copy, or real estate niche could make Facebook Ads more successful?

Continue Monitoring Your Marketing ROI

Regularly monitor your marketing ROI across channels to see how shifts in budget and optimization impact profitability over time.

Making data-driven decisions based on your marketing ROI ensures you get the highest return on your marketing investment as possible. Stop wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work. Embrace ROI tracking to scale up profits today.

How to Track and Optimize Your Marketing ROI as a Real Estate Investor

To thrive as a real estate investor, understanding and tracking your marketing KPIs is critical. We've created a guide to help you keep your data clean so you can make wise decisions.

As a real estate investor, you know that growing a successful business takes more than just hustle and handshake deals. To scale up and maximize profits over the long-term, you need to track key data and metrics about your business performance. But what specific metrics should you be measuring, and how can you use these numbers to gain insights and make smarter business decisions?

Why Tracking KPIs and Metrics Matters for Your Real Estate Business

KPI stands for "key performance indicator". These are the most critical numbers and metrics that shed light on the overall health and profitability of your real estate investing business.

Consistently tracking performance indicators and metrics like cost per lead, return on investment, deal conversion rates, lead follow up times, and more can provide substantial benefits:

  • It shows how profitable your various marketing campaigns and lead sources are. This way you can double down on what's working well.
  • Tracking conversion rates helps you pinpoint inefficiencies in how leads and deals are converting through your pipeline. If the data shows bottlenecks, you can optimize.
  • Solid metrics make it easy to spot areas of waste or excess spending. You'll know exactly where to cut back.
  • KPIs provide you with data-driven insights about your business. So you can make smart, informed decisions rather than relying on intuition.
  • They help you set performance goals and benchmarks for your team to work towards.

Without monitoring these key performance indicators, it's nearly impossible to gain visibility into your real business health and know where you should focus on improving your investing business. You end up guessing based on gut feelings rather than leveraging cold, hard data.

4 Key KPIs and Metrics Every Real Estate Investor Should Be Tracking

While there are many potential KPIs and metrics you could track for your real estate business, a few vital ones include:

Cost Per Lead

This metric shows what your average cost is to acquire a lead across the different marketing channels and lead sources you use like direct mailers, Google ads, Facebook ads, bandit signs, etc.

To calculate it:

Total $ spent on marketing / Total number of leads

Having visibility into your cost per lead is crucial to determine which lead generation strategies and marketing efforts provide you with leads at the lowest cost. This way you can double down on what works. If a channel has a high CPL, it may not be worth the spend.

Lead to Deal Conversion Rate

This ratio shows what percentage of the total leads that enter your pipeline end up converting into actual deals closed.

To calculate it:

Total number of deals closed / Total number of leads

Tracking this conversion rate will shed light on how effective your business is at nurturing leads through your pipeline and converting them into deals. A low conversion rate signals inefficiencies in your follow up process.

Marketing Return on Investment (ROI)

Your marketing ROI metric measures the overall profitability of your marketing. It shows how much revenue is generated per dollar spent on marketing.

Use this formula:

(Revenue - Marketing Costs) / Marketing Costs

This return on investment KPI is great for showing which marketing channels provide the highest return. You want your overall marketing ROI to be at least 3-5X to be successful.

Time to Convert Leads

This metric shows how long it takes for your leads to convert into deals on average.

You'll want to track the average time from when a lead enters your pipeline to when they convert to a closed deal. Faster conversion times generally mean you have higher lead quality and efficient follow up processes. Slow conversion times can signal issues.

How to Track and Analyze KPIs in Your Real Estate Business

While it's possible to manually track your real estate KPIs and metrics using spreadsheets, doing this consistently and accurately is extremely difficult. The problem is scale. As your lead sources and deals grow, spreadsheet tracking becomes unrealistic.

The best way to track your real estate investing KPIs is by using software tools and CRM systems purpose-built for real estate investors. Solutions like ReSimply automatically track your key metrics across all your lead sources, marketing campaigns, and agents. This makes the process of analyzing the data simple.

With the data organized for you, you can clearly see metrics like:

  • Which lead source has the lowest cost per lead
  • Which marketing channel provides the highest ROI
  • Which agents convert leads fastest

These CRM tools also make it easy to run reports on your KPIs. With a few clicks, you can pull up reports to spot trends and opportunities.

Leveraging this type of data-focused software empowers you to:

  • Identify the optimal marketing mix based on hard numbers
  • Double down on proven lead sources and campaigns
  • Improve areas of underperformance
  • Set and track performance goals for your team

In today's digital world, relying on spreadsheets and guesswork is no way to efficiently scale your real estate investing business. Use the power of data to unlock growth and profits.

The Importance of Tracking KPIs and Metrics in Real Estate Investing

Mastering real estate investing means tracking the right metrics. From cost per lead to ROI, these KPIs reveal where to invest and how to convert. Don’t guess—let the numbers guide your growth and profits.

For real estate investors, Facebook ads present an opportunity to directly reach motivated home sellers in your target geography. With the right strategy, you can generate seller leads and appointments cost-effectively. Here is an overview of what's needed to succeed with Facebook ads:

Dial in Your Targeting

The key is narrowing in on your ideal audience - motivated sellers primed to connect with your ad. Start with broad targeting based on demographics and interests:

  • Homeowners in your target ZIP codes
  • Ages 35-60
  • Life events like divorce, new children, etc.
  • Financial interests related to mortgages, investing, etc.

Build custom audiences from your website visitors, existing sellers and leads, and client contact lists. Combine these for laser-focused targeting.

Throughout your campaigns, analyze stats to refine targeting. Exclude ages and demographics that don't convert well. Tighten your focus on what works through ongoing optimizations.

Choose the Right Ad Placements

Be very selective with ad placements to control lead quality. Focus spend on the Facebook and Instagram feeds, Stories and Reels. Avoid low quality placements like the Audience Network and Marketplace.

Closely monitor your placement mix and lead quality as you scale up the budget. Avoid having spend shift to poor lead sources as you grow. Tweak placements continuously based on performance data.

Test Different Types of Creative

The visuals and copy of your ads greatly impact results. Experiment with different styles of video and images. Craft compelling headlines that speak directly to motivated sellers.

Try emotional appeals focused on peace of mind and convenience. Test call-to-action variations. Run A/B tests of ad creatives and place more budget toward what performs best.

Optimize for Micro-Conversions

Don't just look at cost per lead. Track micro-conversions like landing page visits, form starts, contact requests. Evaluate cost per seller appointment booked. Bid based on what directly leads to deals.

Analyze and Refine

Regularly dig into campaign analytics. Find opportunities in your targeting, placements and creatives. Double down on what moves the revenue needle and trim what doesn't.

With tight targeting, proven creative, and ongoing optimizations, Facebook ads can connect you to motivated sellers ready to transact. Follow this strategic playbook as you build your Facebook presence and buyer's list.

A Roadmap for Success with Facebook Ads for Real Estate Investors

Discover how to reel in motivated home sellers with precision: target smart, place sharp, and craft ads that seal the deal on Facebook. This playbook shows you how to navigate the digital landscape for real estate success.

As a real estate investor, the quality of leads you get from Facebook ads is critical. After all, you want to find motivated home sellers - not people looking to rent or buy. The placements you choose for your Facebook ads control who sees your ads and can make a huge difference in lead quality.

When running Facebook ads for your real estate investing business, stick to these placements:

Facebook and Instagram Feeds

The Facebook News Feed and Instagram Feed should be the core placements for your ads. These allow your ads to be seen by active users seamlessly mixed in with regular posts.

Users are primed to browse and engage with content in their feeds. They'll have time to fully read and understand your ad in this natural social media scrolling environment. You'll be able to reach potential motivated sellers who may relate to and respond to your message.

Facebook and Instagram Stories and Reels

Stories and Reels are a high-impact, engaging ad format on Facebook and Instagram. Users actively click through Stories, and Reels auto-play as they scroll.

These video ad units tend to have higher visibility and interaction rates compared to static image ads. Audiences stay focused while viewing, so you can communicate your value proposition clearly. Stories and Reels are ideal for catching attention with eye-catching content.

Avoid Facebook Audience Network

While it's tempting to cast a wide net, stay far away from the Facebook Audience Network. This encompasses third-party websites and apps outside of Facebook itself.

The Audience Network tends to have much lower quality traffic and leads. There is often more spam and irrelevant responses. Since Facebook has less oversight on these placements, fraudulent leads are also more common.

Stick to placements that Facebook has full control over - their owned-and-operated platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Don't rely on outside network inventory.

Steer Clear of Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is another placement to avoid. People browsing Marketplace may be looking to rent or buy a home - not sell. Their mindset is different.

The leads from Marketplace also tend to be more impulsive. There is less time and space to communicate the details of your offer with proper ad copy. Since the context is shopping for homes, your message may get lost.

Monitor Closely as You Scale

When running Facebook ad campaigns, it's important to optimize placements from the very start. However, you also need to monitor the network closely as you scale up your budget.

Often the poor quality placements like Audience Network can generate clicks and leads very cheaply. As you pump more budget into your campaigns, Facebook's algorithm may start shifting spend toward those placements, since they deliver metrics like leads at low costs.

Keep a very close eye on your placements as budget increases to prevent this. Make sure you already have enough data to optimize out poor lead sources early in your scaling journey. Having tight placement controls will ensure lead quality stays high month after month.

Experiment and Optimize

There is some trial and error involved in finding the best placements for your Facebook ads. Start with a wide range of options across Facebook and Instagram. Monitor lead quality from each placement closely.

Look at conversion metrics - how many leads or contacts does each placement generate? What are the costs associated with each? Tweak your placement mix and budget allocations based on the data.

Double down on placements that give you the highest conversion rates and lowest cost per lead. Cut back on or eliminate placements that don't perform. Optimization takes vigilance, but the payoff of fantastic lead quality is worth it.

By choosing the right placements for your Facebook ads, you can connect with far more motivated sellers in your target market. Avoid lead sources with spam and irrelevant responses to keep quality high as you scale. Follow these placement optimization best practices for Facebook ad success.

Optimizing Facebook Ad Placements to Improve Lead Quality

Unlock the secrets to snagging top-notch leads on Facebook: skip the junk zones, master the feed, and reel in motivated sellers like a pro!

Facebook ads can be a cost-effective way to find motivated home sellers year-round. However, Q4 brings some unique challenges. As the holidays approach, the ROI on your Facebook ad spend will likely decrease. Here’s why, along with tips to adapt and continue connecting with sellers through the new year.

Why Return on Ad Spend Drops in Q4

There are two key factors driving down Facebook advertising returns in Q4:

  1. Increased competition for ad space

Starting around Black Friday and lasting through the holidays, every industry competes fiercely for a limited pool of ad space. Retailers, software companies, political groups - everyone ramps up budgets.

This heightened competition leads Facebook to increase the pricing for impressions through their automated auction platform. Cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) can easily double quarter-over-quarter.

  1. Lower conversion rates

While competition and prices rise, home sellers become more scarce and difficult to convert. Response rates, clicks, and leads per ad impression drop significantly compared to peak seasons.

Combined, you end up paying much more per impression, yet converting fewer of those costly impressions into leads and deals. ROI sinks.

Tips to Improve Your Q4 Facebook Ad Strategy

While the above dynamics are largely outside of your control, here are 5 tips to adapt and close out the year strong:

  • Closely monitor ROI numbers and make incremental budget tweaks vs. drastic changes if needed.
  • Scale back or pause lower-performing campaigns first to cut waste on a limited budget.
  • Maintain core operating hours for your ads, but experiment with increased evening and weekend budgets when rates can improve.
  • Consider tightening your targeting to reduce irrelevant impressions and only reach serious sellers.
  • Test different ad copy and lower-funnel offers if lead volume is less important than quality.

Facebook marketing takes constant fine-tuning, even more so during the hectic holiday season. Stay nimble, watch the numbers, and keep making informed decisions. With the right adjustments, you can power through the tricky Q4 ad landscape.

Why Facebook Ad ROI Decreases in Q4 (And How to Adjust Your Strategy)

Navigating Q4 with Facebook ads? Brace for increased competition and lower conversion rates. Adjust by monitoring ROI closely, tweaking budgets incrementally, and refining targeting and ad copy. Stay agile and strategic to maintain ad effectiveness despite seasonal challenges.

The fourth quarter poses a dilemma for many real estate investing businesses. As the holidays approach, less homeowners are inclined to sell. Your tried-and-true marketing tactics may falter. Yet deals don't disappear entirely in Q4. Revenue is still vital, especially with year-end fast approaching. So should you maintain your usual marketing efforts, or scale back and batten down the hatches?

There are decent arguments on both sides. Let's dive deeper into the factors to consider if you're debating your Q4 real estate marketing plans:

The Case for Continued Marketing

Keeping up marketing preserves your revenue stream. Even if conversions dip slightly, consistent leads and deals avoid major financial disruption. This steadiness also enables you to meet annual goals. With the right messaging, you may attract new sellers who want to close quickly for tax or personal reasons.

Ongoing marketing also maintains team morale. Many staff rely on regular commissions. Volume dropping leaves them restless and disengaged. Keeping efforts consistent shows them you’re invested in Q4 success. Keep the band together, and you’ll rebuild momentum faster in January.

Certain channels may thrive with lower competition, like Google Ads. Competitors often decrease budgets around the holidays. You can gain share of voice and get quality leads at a lower cost if you lean into platforms where you only pay for actual demand.

Lastly, while inconvenient, deals still happen in November and December! Persistence puts you first in line if a rare gem emerges. While being the only eager buyer on Christmas Eve seems like a long shot, you’ll definitely miss opportunities if you pull the plug on outreach.

Arguments for Scaling Back Marketing

The biggest reason to cut back is lower ROI. Impression and click costs often rise across digital platforms like Facebook, without a matching increase in conversions. You may sink more ad spend only to spin your wheels.

Direct marketing channels also falter. Response rates to direct mail, social outreach, and cold calling tend to decrease as buyers check out for the holidays. These tactics likely require more spend to achieve fewer results.

If your team takes extended time off around the holidays, continuing marketing may waste money. Leads sit unattended, go stale, and hurt future ROI data. Pausing efforts avoids misleading data and frustration.

Lastly, you may wish to simply enjoy some downtime. As a business owner, it's healthy to recharge your own batteries as well. If you can afford it, a brief slowdown lets you relax and prepare for the new year.

As you can see, there are decent points on both sides of this debate. Analyze your specific business situation and goals to decide if scaling back makes sense or if staying the course is your best plan of attack this Q4.

Should Real Estate Investors Continue Marketing in Q4? Weighing the Pros and Cons

Protect your PPC campaigns by pooling data across clients. Avoid the risk of individual account fluctuations and maintain stable bids, leveraging your proprietary conversion insights. Beat Google at its own game with strategic data aggregation for lasting competitiveness in digital marketing.

How Data Aggregation Can Help You Compete with Google

As PPC evolves, success will depend more and more on robust data. Google has a huge advantage here with billions of search queries and users' digital footprints. But as investors, we can level the playing field by aggregating data across clients. Here’s why this strategy is critical for competing with Google's algorithms in the future:

Google Can't See Your Offline Conversions

The #1 signal Google needs is which clicks actually drive conversions. Without conversion data, their auto-bids won't optimize well.

Google sees the online conversion data from your website. But they don’t have visibility into your offline conversions like signed contracts.

By bringing data together from across your portfolio, you can connect the dots on a bigger scale. This full-funnel view lets you continually refine targeting and improve ROI.

More Data Means More Accurate Bids

Next, scale equals greater accuracy. The more historical conversions you can feed back to the algorithm, the better it can predict future performance.

Individually, each of your clients may not have enough data for robust auto-bidding. But by combining datasets, you create a large foundation for the algorithm to learn from. This results in more automated bids that truly optimize your costs.

Shared Data Protects Your Accounts

Finally, aggregating data also helps safeguard your accounts. If you rely solely on the limited data within one client's account, it's risky. If they pause spend, that campaign will struggle to re-learn.

But with shared data across many advertisers, you hedge this risk. Your bids stay stable even if an individual advertiser scales back.

While Google may seem unbeatable, remember they don’t have your proprietary conversion data. By pooling datasets across clients, investors can leverage this advantage to stay competitive in PPC as its landscape changes.

How Data Aggregation Can Help You Compete with Google

Harnessing the power of data aggregation is your secret weapon against Google's dominance in PPC. By consolidating conversion insights across your portfolio, you optimize bids with unparalleled accuracy, protect against account volatility, and outmaneuver Google's algorithms. Level the playing field and secure your competitive edge in digital advertising today.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is evolving fast. Search engines like Google are constantly rolling out new features and algorithms that change the way ads work. As real estate investors relying on PPC, we need to stay ahead of these shifts to keep our ad campaigns successful.

In this post, I'll cover some of the major PPC changes coming down the pipeline and tips you can use to future-proof your marketing.

Auto-Bidding Is Taking Over

In the early days of PPC, marketers controlled their bids 100%. We could set the exact bid for each keyword. But over time, Google has pushed advertisers to use more automated bidding strategies. These rely on their algorithms, not manual inputs, to determine bids.

Why? Google's algorithms can process way more data than any human. This lets them optimize bids better to drive more revenue for Google. As an advertiser, it's tempting to resist this loss of control. But the reality is, auto-bidding works better at scale than manual bids.

So consider starting to experiment with automated bidding for your PPC campaigns now. This will prepare you as manual bidding goes away completely in the future.

Broad Match Keywords Are the Default

Google also wants advertisers using more broad match keywords. This is where your ad can show for misspellings and related terms beyond your exact keyword.

Again, this opens up more potential inventory for Google to sell. But it risks less relevant traffic for you.

To adapt, focus on using negative keywords to narrow your reach. Avoid spending on traffic that doesn’t convert. Also lean into flexible match options like phrase match that add some control vs going completely broad.

Focus on Search Over Social

Data privacy changes are coming across all platforms. But search marketing will likely be less impacted than social media ads. Users’ search queries directly show their intent in that moment. So search ads can remain highly targeted with limited data.

Social media targeting relies much more on collecting data like demographics and interests. As users share less of this, social ads get more generic.

Shift budget from social to search now to get ahead of this trend. Search traffic converts better for motivated sellers anyway.

Feed Google More Data

Lastly, Google’s algorithms thrive on data. The more signals you can provide, the better your auto-bids, match types, and overall performance will be.

Look for ways to collect and aggregate data across clients and channels. Offline conversion data is especially powerful. Use tools like Google Analytics to feed this back into your accounts.

The future of PPC is unpredictable. But by embracing the shifts happening, your marketing will be poised for success as changes pick up speed.

Preparing for the Future of PPC: How to Future-Proof Your Marketing Campaigns

Stay ahead in PPC marketing by embracing automation and adapting to evolving trends. Prepare for Google's shift towards auto-bidding and broad match keywords, optimize your focus on search over social, and feed Google rich data to enhance performance. Future-proof your campaigns now to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising.

Looking at surface marketing metrics isn’t enough. To gain true competitive advantage, you need to go deeper to turn data into actionable insights. Advanced analytical techniques allow you to understand the “why” and “how” of marketing performance, not just the “what”. Here are ways to extract powerful insights from your data:

Go Beyond Accounting

Avoid simply tallying marketing costs and revenues. Instead, break down performance by dimensions like channel, campaign, tactic, audience, geography, partnerships and more. Analyze the interactions between factors to uncover what’s truly driving success. The deeper you go, the more potential insights you’ll uncover.

Build Performance Models

Look beyond immediate campaign results to model marketing performance over time. Techniques like regression analysis allow you to quantify how tactical changes impact key metrics. This helps you focus on improving marketing effectiveness, not just generating short-term results.

Discover Interactions

Evaluate combinations of marketing tactics to discover positive or negative synergies. Does a particular partnership drive higher conversion rates? Does cutting back on retention marketing compromise acquisition efforts? Uncovering these interactions helps optimize your mix.

Calculate Diminishing Returns

It’s common for marketing effectiveness to follow the law of diminishing returns as spending increases. Analyze how your marginal return on investment decreases at higher budget levels. This allows you to determine optimal spending ranges.

Set Up Experiments

Rather than guessing how tactical tweaks might impact performance, design rigorous experiments to definitively answer those questions. Techniques like A/B testing and multivariate testing prevent speculation and optimize your marketing.

Identify External Factors

Look wider to consider economic trends, seasonality, competitor actions, channel disruptions and other external events that may be influencing your marketing. This prevents incorrect assumptions and positions you to respond effectively.

Forecast Results

Leverage insights from statistical modeling, interaction analyses, experiments and other techniques to forecast expected marketing results under different scenarios. This enables you to anticipate outcomes before deploying changes.

Converting raw marketing data into actionable insights requires going deep. By doing so, you gain strategic advantage through understanding the true drivers behind your marketing success.

Turning Marketing Data into Insights real estate

Transform your marketing strategy with deep insights from your data: move beyond surface metrics to uncover the "why" and "how" behind performance. From building models to testing hypotheses, master the art of turning data into decisive actions for competitive advantage.

How to Make Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Making marketing decisions based on objective data analysis, rather than emotions or hunches, is critical but difficult. Human nature lends itself to all kinds of biases that can skew our decision making. Here are tips for overcoming those biases and truly making data-driven marketing choices:

Become a "Truth Warrior"

The first step is cultivating an active commitment to seeking the objective truth in your marketing data, even if it contradicts your intuitions or emotions. This means consciously trying to remove your own biases and analyzing the data from a neutral, open-minded perspective. Marketing analytics will often reveal unexpected truths that you need to accept and work with.

Look at Long-Term Trends

Don’t put too much weight on very recent ups and downs in your marketing metrics. The recency bias causes us to over-index on the latest results. For most marketing initiatives, you need to evaluate performance over larger time periods to smooth out normal fluctuations. Month-over-month and quarter-over-quarter trends typically provide a more accurate picture compared to week-by-week.

Apply Statistical Significance Testing

Rather than just eyeballing marketing results to determine if changes seem meaningful, use proper statistical techniques. Tests like t-tests, ANOVA, regression, and more allow you to quantify the probability that metric differences are actually due to significant changes in performance rather than normal statistical variation. This prevents you from overreacting to random fluctuations.

Question Narratives Around Result Changes

When marketing results shift, we naturally want to explain why through constructing narratives. For example, if leads from Facebook ads decrease, you might hypothesize it’s due to recent News Feed algorithm changes. Be very cautious about such narratives unless you have rigorous analytical proof to back them up. Keep questioning your presumed causes and dig deeper into the data.

Avoid Reactionary Changes

Related to the point above, when marketing results dip, avoid the temptation to immediately overhaul strategies or replace partners. The confirmation bias leads us to seize on temporary downs as proof of our existing suspicions. But statistically speaking, it’s unlikely a real change in underlying performance versus normal fluctuations. Wait to see sustained evidence over long time periods before making reactionary decisions.

Segment Data for Isolation

Marketing results often combine many complex factors. Try to break data down into more granular segments to isolate the true drivers behind changes. For example, view PPC results by ad group, ad copy, keyword, etc. rather than campaign level only. The more refinement, the better chance you have of narrowing down causal relationships.

Model Out Scenarios

Rather than relying on intuition, use data modeling to anticipate potential results for marketing changes before deploying them. For example, use historical performance metrics and regression analysis to forecast how a 10%, 25% or 50% increase in spending might impact lead volumes. Approaching decisions analytically vs. emotionally leads to better outcomes.

Making data-driven marketing decisions requires vigilance. With the right frameworks and discipline, you can overcome innate human biases and become a decision maker powered by objective data analysis rather than hunches.

How to Make Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Master the art of data-driven marketing decisions: cut through biases, analyze trends, and test hypotheses rigorously to boost your strategy's effectiveness. Let the numbers guide you toward smarter, more successful marketing moves.

Understanding the difference between branded and non-branded traffic is a key skill for analyzing marketing data. This simple but critical distinction impacts everything from budgeting to performance evaluation.

What’s the Difference?

Branded traffic comes from people who are already aware of your brand searching for you directly online. For example, someone searches “Acme Real Estate” after hearing your radio ad.

Non-branded traffic comes from generic searches like “homes for sale in Phoenix” where the searcher doesn't know you yet. You appear alongside other similar businesses vying for the lead.

Why It Matters

Failing to separate branded and non-branded traffic obscures real performance. If 90% of your revenue comes from 10% branded traffic, it may seem overall marketing is working great. In reality, the non-branded efforts generating new business are likely ineffective.

It also impacts budgeting. Non-branded traffic is harder to attract, but more valuable. As you scale spend, focus on non-branded channels with proven returns, not wasting budget on the low-hanging fruit of branded clicks.

And it enables smarter optimization. You can identify issues and make data-driven decisions when you isolate the two traffic types. Otherwise you may double down on flawed strategies that happen to capitalize on branding vs. drive new acquisitions.

In short, properly categorizing traffic provides clarity. You can attribute value accurately, spot red flags, and strategize effectively. Don't let it muddy the waters on real marketing performance.

The Takeaway

Splitting branded and non-branded traffic seems simple but requires diligence. Don't take aggregate data at face value. This one distinction between signal and noise makes a world of difference in analyzing and improving marketing results.

Brand vs. Non-Brand Traffic: Why the Distinction Matters‍

Discover why knowing the difference between branded and non-branded traffic is the secret sauce to leveling up your marketing game. Dive in and stop guessing—know where your real business growth is coming from!

Hiring a marketing agency can be a game-changer for driving growth. But you have to choose carefully - there are a lot of mediocre or even shady agencies out there. Here are 5 red flags to watch out for as you evaluate potential agency partners:

Account Ownership

A massive red flag is when an agency insists on owning or controlling the ad accounts they'll be managing for you. Your agency is working for you, so you should own all data and intellectual property they produce. If they resist account transfers or access, it's a power play to lock you in as a client. This lack of transparency ensures they control the narrative (and your budget).

Overpromising Results

We all love a good deal - but be wary of agencies promising massive results they can't deliver. No agency can guarantee outcomes; there are too many variables. Look for realistic projections backed by data from existing clients with similar business models. An agency should set expectations accurately, not tell you what you want to hear. Savvy marketers know quick fixes and guarantees rarely exist.

Misleading Case Studies

Case studies can paint a skewed picture. Watch for vague details, short time frames, and cherry-picked examples that are the exception, not the norm. Quality case studies include the full context - how long it took to achieve results, month to month performance, and sample sizes big enough to determine the strategy's true effectiveness. Anything less may obscure lackluster or unsustainable results.

Recommending More Budget as the Solution

While sometimes valid, recommending more ad spend as the blanket solution to improving results is a cop-out. Your agency should have the expertise to optimize performance regardless of budget size. Throwing money at a problem is the marketing equivalent of scribbling out a math mistake rather than correcting the error. Demand nuanced, tailored solutions beyond "spend more."

Adversarial Fee Structures

Pay-for-performance or other "risk-free" agency fee structures seem enticing. But they can breed friction over attribution and financial accountability. This adversarial dynamic distracts from collaborating to grow your business. Opt for fee structures that incentivize shared success, like retention-based fees.

By avoiding agencies exhibiting these 5 red flags, you’re more likely to find an authentic partner truly invested in your success. Do your due diligence and don't settle for anything less.

5 Red Flags to Look Out For When Hiring a Marketing Agency

Hiring a marketing agency can skyrocket your growth, but beware of pitfalls. Watch out for agencies that insist on owning your accounts, overpromise results, present misleading case studies, suggest more budget as a cure-all, or have adversarial fee structures. Spot these red flags to find a partner truly invested in your success!

As a real estate investor, profit margins are often thinner than a mullet in the 1980s. To keep more of your hard-earned money, you need to be ruthless about cutting unnecessary business expenses.

But how do you know where to trim the fat? Here’s a simple system for dissecting your spending:

Grab Your Bank Statements

Print out the last 2-3 months of bank statements for your business accounts. Grab some colored highlighters and get ready to channel your inner kindergarten teacher.

Categorize Every Expense

Go through the statements and highlight each expense in one of three colors:

Green - Profitable - Expenses generating high ROI or critical to operations

Yellow - Replaceable - Expenses that could be upgraded or swapped for something better

Red - Unnecessary - Expenses providing little value and ripe for cutting

Be Brutally Honest

Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment. If an expense isn’t clearly green, make it yellow or red. Be harsh and highlight that gym membership your BFF convinced you to get for the "team".

Analyze The Data

Once everything is highlighted, tally up the totals for each color. Calculate what percentage of expenses are profitable, replaceable, and unnecessary.

Make A Plan of Attack

Start by immediately cutting as many red unnecessary expenses as possible. Then explore ways to replace yellow expenses with better options. Meet with staff responsible for big buckets of spending to discuss.

Execute Without Mercy

Cancel unwanted subscriptions, eliminate extraneous tools, reduce excess payroll, end low-ROI ad campaigns. Don't justify keeping extras around “just in case” - cut first, re-add later if needed.

By critically evaluating your real estate business’s expenses in this way, most investors find they can easily save 10-20% in unnecessary costs. That quickly adds up to tens of thousands in savings each year.

Big companies have CFOs to handle this type of spend optimization. As a small business owner, you get to be your own CFO. Put these expense cutting tactics to work and you’ll be bank account F-O-T (Full Of Tens).

How to Cut Expenses in a Real Estate Business

Running a real estate business can be like squeezing into skinny jeans: tight margins everywhere! This guide shows you how to ruthlessly cut unnecessary expenses using a simple system. Grab your bank statements, some highlighters, and start slashing costs to keep your profits fat and happy!

As a real estate investor, one of the most important things you need to get right is your marketing budget. Many investors struggle to set a realistic budget that will generate leads and deals without breaking the bank.

So how much should you actually spend on marketing? The quick answer is “it depends”. It depends on factors like your market, lead sources, profit margins, and business goals. But there are some guiding principles that can help you arrive at a sustainable marketing budget.

Take the Yearly View

Don’t get caught up budgeting month-to-month. Marketing results fluctuate, so you need to level it out and look at targets for the full year. Map out your overall business goals, then work backwards to determine the marketing spend needed to get there.

For example, if you want to do 20 flips that average $30k profit this year, you’ll need enough marketing budget to generate 40+ quality leads per month. Price out your lead sources, factor in close rates, and you can calculate the marketing investment required.

Set Minimum Budget Thresholds

As a general rule of thumb, wholesaling companies should budget at least 25-30% of revenue for marketing, while flippers can get by with 15-20% minimums. If you’re well below those thresholds, you’re likely leaving deals on the table.

Don’t make the rookie mistake of cutting marketing just because you had a slow month or quarter. That shotgun blast to the foot will just make future months even worse.

Find Your Magic Marketing ROI

Not all marketing channels are created equal. Find the ones that consistently deliver the highest ROI for your business, then pour more budget into what already works.

For example, if you spend $2,000 on Google Ads and make $10,000 in profit, reinvest those winnings into more AdWords, not untested Facebook ads. Ride your winners until you’ve maxed out their potential.

Save For Rainy Days

One of the keys to a sustainable marketing budget is having a rainy day fund. When you have an unusually good month, don’t spend all that excess on your yacht fund. Sock some away so you have a 6 month cushion.

By saving during peak periods, you can maintain marketing efforts even when times are slower. This helps smooth out the natural ups and downs of the real estate market for more consistent results.

As with your personal finances, the key is avoiding wild swings and extremes. With some savvy budgeting, you can invest enough in marketing to profitably grow your business without needlessly burning through cash. Try these tips, track the results, and you’ll be flipping houses instead of flipping out over your marketing variance.

Setting a Realistic Marketing Budget as a Real Estate Investor‍

Struggling to nail your real estate marketing budget? This guide spills the secrets to setting a budget that fuels your success without draining your wallet. Learn how to plan annually, invest wisely, and save for rainy days—flip houses, not stress levels! Dive in and get your budget on track!

Optimizing Your Ad Copy and Forms for Land Investor Leads

If you want to generate quality leads for land deals through digital marketing, optimizing your ad copy and forms is crucial. With the right messaging, you can attract sellers with acreage that matches your buying criteria. Follow these tips to improve your PPC ads and landing pages:

Use Specific Acreage and Attributes in Ad Copy

Since land searches aren't as location-specific as houses, you need to spell out your criteria clearly in the ad text. State the minimum acreage you'll accept (e.g. "We buy 5+ acre parcels") and attributes like road access. This makes your ad relevant only to sellers with land you'll purchase.

Ask Detailed Screening Questions

Go beyond just asking for acreage size on your landing page form. Add screening questions about:

  • Road access (yes or no)
  • Wetlands on property (yes or no)
  • Any buildings/improvements (yes or no)
  • Septic or utilities installed (yes or no)

This filters out unqualified sellers so you don't waste budget on bad leads. It also trains PPC algorithms to target ads to relevant sellers.

Use Negative Keywords

If there are certain types of land you won't buy, add negative keywords. For example, "commercial land" or "hunting land" negatives ensure your ads only show for rural residential acreage searches.

Test Ad Copy Iteratively

Try different ad copy and landing page versions in A/B tests. See which phrasing and questions produce higher quality leads. Refine based on real data.

By continually optimizing your PPC campaign elements, you'll see lead quality and conversion rates improve over time. Be diligent, and you'll have great land seller leads in no time.

Optimizing Your Ad Copy and Forms for Land Investor Leads

Unlock the secrets to landing quality leads for your land deals! This guide shows you how to craft ad copy and forms that weed out the time-wasters and attract sellers with the acreage you want. Ready to watch your PPC game skyrocket? Dive in now!

If you want to break into land investing, one of the biggest challenges is finding motivated sellers with acreage to flip or wholesale. Traditionally, most land investors have relied on direct mail and networking in their local area. But this limits your deal potential and prevents you from scaling your land business nationwide.

That's why forward-thinking land investors are now leveraging digital marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to generate leads from motivated land sellers across the country. Here's how it works:

Target Land Owners Nationwide with Google Ads

Google Ads allows you to show your ads to people searching for terms related to selling land all over the United States. You can target searches like "sell my land fast" or "sell unused land" and have your ads appear when people anywhere in the country search those terms.

This gives you instant access to motivated land sellers that you would never be able to reach with direct mail or networking alone. No matter where the land is located, you can use digital marketing to find the owners ready to sell.

Optimizing Your Ads for High-Quality Land Seller Leads

One challenge with PPC ads for land is that you can't target specific locations or acreage sizes like you can with direct mail. But you can optimize your Google Ads to attract sellers with the type of land you want to buy.

For example, use your ad copy to state you buy "5+ acre parcels" or "10+ acres with road access". Ask screening questions in your landing page form about acreage size, road access, wetlands, and other attributes. This trains the PPC algorithm to deliver more qualified sellers.

You can also exclude broad keywords like "commercial land" if you only want residential rural acreage. Take time to test different ad copy and keywords. With some optimization, you can generate seller leads perfectly matched to the land you want in your inventory.

Cast a Wider Net for Deals with PPC Advertising

Online marketing for land investing leads allows you to go after deals wherever they exist. You aren't limited to just your own backyard. And compared to direct mail, PPC provides a near-limitless scale.

Savvy land investors are taking advantage of this untapped opportunity to build their business nationwide. They are spending a fraction per lead online compared to direct mail costs. And with no ad budget minimums, you can start small and test the waters.

If you want to expand your deal flow and buy land anywhere in the country, it's time to start marketing to sellers online. With the right PPC campaign, you can have highly motivated land leads from all over delivered straight to your inbox. There's never been an easier way to find great land deals across the United States.

Leveraging Digital Marketing to Find Motivated Land Sellers Nationwide‍

Leveraging digital marketing, particularly PPC advertising like Google Ads, is revolutionizing land investing by allowing investors to reach motivated sellers nationwide. By targeting specific search terms related to selling land across the U.S., optimizing ad content to attract sellers with desired land attributes, and casting a wide net for deals, investors can scale their businesses efficiently and cost-effectively. This approach provides access to a broader pool of motivated sellers compared to traditional methods like direct mail, making it a game-changer for expanding deal flow and acquiring land investments across diverse locations.

You know those people who start business after business and just keep crushing it? The serial entrepreneurs who make it look easy, while most struggle to get one off the ground? What's their secret sauce?

Much of it comes down to mindset. Under the hood, these successful founders often share similar traits. Let's unpack what fuels the serial entrepreneur mindset:

Key Traits of Serial Entrepreneurs:

  • Extreme ownership mentality. No finger pointing - successes and failures start and end with them. That accountability fuels improvement.
  • Willingness to learn from mistakes. They fail fast, analyze objectively, and use it as fuel to get better. No time or energy wasted dwelling on failures.
  • Tenacity and unwillingness to quit. Simply put, they're dogs. They'll outwork and out-grind any situation until they succeed. Giving up isn't in their vocabulary.
  • Commitment to constant improvement. 1% better every day in themselves and their businesses. Compounding that over years leads to big results.
  • Desire to maximize personal potential. They're intensely competitive with themselves, driven to realize their greatest possibilities in business and beyond.

This rare mindset is like rocket fuel. But how can we cultivate it?

  • Surround yourself with high-level mentors. Learn from those who've been where you want to go. Let their wisdom accelerate your growth.
  • Implement new things rapidly and iterate. Don't overthink - take action, fail fast, learn, rinse and repeat for constant momentum.
  • Analyze failures objectively for learning. Don't get emotional about setbacks. Extract the lessons rationally and move forward smarter.
  • Compete against yourself, not others. Benchmark your own past performance and seek to continually best it through disciplined daily progress.
  • Stay focused on your core skills and passions. Don't get distracted by "shiny objects" - refine what you're great at.

Why does mindset matter so much? Because it determines how you respond to the obstacles that stop others in their tracks. With the right mentality, you can overcome challenges while less determined people quit. Your mindset really does dictate your altitude.

The good news? Even if you weren't born with it, you can cultivate the mindset of successful serial entrepreneurs. Plant these seeds and watch your growth take off.

The Mindset of Serial Entrepreneurs

Discover the mindset that drives serial entrepreneurs: extreme ownership, rapid learning from failures, unwavering persistence, continuous self-improvement, and maximizing personal potential. Cultivate this mindset by seeking mentors, iterating quickly, analyzing setbacks objectively, competing against your own benchmarks, and staying focused on your strengths. Embracing this approach empowers you to overcome challenges and achieve sustained success in business and beyond.

Wholesaling real estate can be tough enough in your own backyard. So the idea of doing it nationwide? Let's just say it doesn't exactly sound like a day at the spa.

Yet some intrepid entrepreneurs out there are crushing it with national virtual wholesaling models. How do they make it work? Let's break down the perils and payoffs.

First, the Perils:

  • You gotta become a Jedi Master at exit strategies. What flies in NYC might flop in Peoria. You need to get really good at crafting the right offers based on the retail demand in each market. No easy task from a laptop in Philly for a house in Albuquerque.
  • Acquisitions analysis gets tricky from afar. It's hard enough to accurately comp deals in your own town. Now try doing it in towns you've never stepped foot in, compiled by team members who may not have the keenest eye. A recipe for thin spreads and contract fallout.
  • With nationwide lead gen, costs can get ultra low but contract fallout can be sky high. Casting a wide net lets you drive lead costs down, down, down. But without rock solid underwriting, your contracts crumble like a week-old muffin.

Of course, the Payoffs can be compelling if you nail the execution:

  • Economies of scale FTW. Lower lead costs mean higher ROI. Cast a national net and fine-tune targeting to keep those lead costs oh-so-sweet.
  • Become king of overlooked markets. While local Cash Kings duke it out in major metros, you can swoop in and snag deals in sleepy towns they ignore. Less competition equals fatter spreads.
  • Geographic diversification = lower risk. One market tanks? No problemo, you've got inventory everywhere. That nationwide coverage insulates you from the ups and downs of any given area.

So how do you enjoy those Payoffs and avoid the Perils? A few key tips:

  • Hire specialists for remote market analysis. Don't rely on your standard acquisitions folks. Bring in team members specifically skilled at comping and underwriting from afar.
  • Stick to markets with solid retail demand. Wholesale won't thrive, but you'll find hungry homebuyers from coast to coast if you target the right zip codes.
  • Use price anchoring with cash offers to maximize spreads. Even if you're pursuing a lease option, secure a lowball cash price first to anchor the seller. Your spreads with thank you.

Nationwide wholesaling isn't for the faint of heart. But with the right team, systems and strategies, the payoffs can far outweigh the perils. Time to cast a wider net?

The Perils and Payoffs of Nationwide Wholesaling

Delve into the world of nationwide wholesaling in real estate, where the risks are high but the rewards can be substantial. Learn how to navigate the challenges of remote market analysis and contract stability while leveraging lower lead costs and geographic diversification for enhanced ROI and minimized risk. Discover the keys to success in expanding your wholesaling operation across diverse markets, ensuring strategic growth and profitability in the competitive real estate landscape.

Many real estate investors fall into the trap of relying on one particular lead source to drive their entire business. Maybe they depend solely on a pay per lead company to supply motivated sellers. Or perhaps they funnel all their marketing budget into Facebook ads.

While it’s simpler to rely on a single lead generation strategy, this approach often fails in the long run. Savvy investors know they need to create a diverse and cohesive marketing strategy to drive sustainable success.

In this post, I’ll break down exactly why a diverse strategy works and how to go about building one for your real estate investing business.

The Problem with Using Only One Source

It’s easy to see the appeal of relying on a single source for leads. You can become highly specialized, dedicate your optimization efforts in one place, and reduce decision fatigue.

However, there are two big risks with this approach:

  1. Over Reliance on External Factors - If you depend entirely on one source like a pay per lead company or Facebook ads, you have no control if that source dries up or changes policies. It introduces unnecessary risk.
  2. Inability to Optimize - When you only get leads from one channel, you miss out on the data needed to properly optimize your entire sales process. You’ll convert leads at a lower rate than mixing sources.

Clearly, real estate investors need to diversify their lead generation sources. But how exactly should you go about doing that?

Keys to a Cohesive Marketing Strategy

The most successful investors use a strategic mix of short-term and long-term lead generation strategies. Here are the keys to making them work together seamlessly:

  • Mix Short and Long-Term Strategies - Use short-term sources like pay per leads to supplement long-term assets like SEO and branded PPC campaigns. Don’t rely entirely on either.
  • Build on Owned Assets - SEO, your website, and brand equity from PPC are owned assets you control. Make them the foundation.
  • Use External Sources to Supplement - Let pay per leads, Facebook ads, etc. provide a volume boost when needed, but don’t overly depend on them.
  • Track Data and Optimize - Analyze your sales process across all lead sources. Make data-driven optimization decisions.

With this framework, you get the best of both worlds - a stable foundation of owned assets complemented by flexible supplemental lead sources.

Examples of Strategies to Mix

Here are just a few examples of effective combinations of short and long-term lead gen strategies:

  • PPC Campaigns, Content Marketing, Pay Per Leads
  • Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Ads, Social Media Ads
  • Email Marketing, Direct Mail, Pay Per Lead Buying

As you can see, the options are endless. You aren’t limited to just one strategy. Cherry pick what complements your business model best.

Getting Started on Your Cohesive Strategy

If your current marketing strategy is fragmented across multiple tools and channels, here is a systematic way to develop a cohesive approach:

  1. Audit What You Currently Have - What assets and lead sources are you already using? Assess their performance honestly.
  2. Identify Gaps - Look for overreliance on any one source. Find weak points in your sales funnel. Spot areas lacking data.
  3. Develop Plan to Fill Gaps - Brainstorm new strategies to complement what’s working. Prioritize owned assets over external dependencies.

With this approach, you can pivot your mindset away from piecemeal lead generation to an integrated strategy. Hard work upfront will pay off with a smoother-running and more resilient real estate investing business.

The Bottom Line

Relying on a sole lead generation source is tempting for simplicity’s sake but almost always fails long-term. Savvy real estate investors use a strategic array of short and long-term strategies to drive sustainable success.

Mixing inbound and outbound tactics makes your marketing machine resilient - able to withstand changes in any one channel. Implement this mindset for your business to prosper through uncertainty.

Creating a Cohesive Marketing Strategy as a Real Estate Investor

Learn the art of creating a robust marketing strategy as a real estate investor by diversifying your lead sources. Discover why relying on a single channel like pay per lead or Facebook ads is risky, and instead, master a cohesive approach that blends short-term boosts with long-term assets like SEO and PPC campaigns. With practical insights on mixing strategies and optimizing data, you’ll build a resilient business prepared to thrive in fluctuating markets.

PPL vs. PPC: Pros, Cons, and When to Use Each

The debate around PPL vs PPC has been going on for years in the real estate investor space. Those who swear by PPL and those who claim PPC is far superior seem to be in endless disagreement.

The truth is, as with most things, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Both lead gen strategies have unique pros and cons, and when used strategically together, can yield great results. In this post, we’ll break down the key factors to consider and when it makes sense to use each source.

Should I Use PPL?

There are some solid advantages to using PPL as part of your marketing strategy:

  • Low Barrier to Entry - For newer investors with lower budgets, PPL allows you to get leads quickly and easily. No need to fund ad campaigns or build marketing assets.
  • No Long-Term Commitments - With PPL, you aren’t locked into any contracts. You can buy leads on-demand depending on your deal flow needs.
  • Turn On/Off Quickly - Following the last point, PPL provides flexibility. As your appointment calendar changes week to week, so can your lead buying.
  • Dispute Process - Many PPL sellers allow you to dispute truly low quality leads, as long as you follow their policies. Just don’t abuse this.

A Quick Caution…

PPL aren’t all sunshine and rainbows though. There are some distinct disadvantages to rely too heavily on this source:

  • No Brand Building - When you buy leads from a third-party, you get no brand association with the seller. Brand authority is key for conversion.
  • No Optimization - PPL sellers optimize for disputes, not for your conversions. So lead quality tends to get worse over time.
  • Misalignment of Incentives - Your goal is maximizing conversions. Their goal is minimizing disputes. See how those don’t perfectly align?

As you can see, PPL can provide a short-term influx of leads, especially when you’re constrained by budget or lack existing marketing assets. However, the lead quality is unreliable long-term.

Advantages of PPC Campaigns

On the flip side, running your own pay-per-click ads through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads has some standout benefits:

  • Build Your Brand - Your ads drive traffic directly to your site, building brand familiarity and authority with sellers.
  • Optimization Improves Quality - With closed-loop reporting, you can continuously improve targeting and landing pages.
  • More Control Over Targeting - You choose the perfect combination of keywords, locations, ad copy, etc. based on data.

There’s no question that owned paid search campaigns drive higher converting traffic when executed correctly. However, it does come with a few downsides.

Challenges that come with PPC

  • Higher Startup Costs - It takes more upfront funding to launch profitable campaigns versus buying PPL as-needed.
  • Management Fees - You’ll almost always need to work with a PPC agency to manage bidding, optimization, etc. Their monthly fees can add up.
  • Time to Optimize - It takes consistent work over months to gather data and properly optimize for conversions. No instant magic bullet.

When to Use Each Source

Now that we’ve looked at the pros and cons of PPL versus PPC, when should you use each source in your real estate investing business?

Here are a few guidelines:

  • Newer Investors - When just starting out, PPL allows you to get your feet wet before investing in owned assets.
  • Established Investors - Maintaining your own PPC campaigns while supplementing with some PPL is an efficient combination.
  • Investors Who Need Leads ASAP - If you suddenly need to generate a lot of leads quickly, PPL can fill that gap.
  • Investors with Small Budgets - For those without the funding to launch large paid search campaigns, PPL are the obvious choice.
  • Investors Who Want Branding - If branding and long-term stability are top priorities, built owned PPC and SEO assets.


The takeaway is that PPL and PPC campaigns can work hand-in-hand for savvy real estate investors. As your business grows, aim to wean off dependency on any one external source. Mixing lead generation strategies allows you to withstand changes in any one channel.

In summary, both PPL and PPC have pros and cons, and smart investors use a combination strategically to drive growth. Test what performs best for your business model and optimize accordingly.

PPL vs. PPC: Pros, Cons, and When to Use Each

Discover the nuanced debate between Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategies in real estate investing. Uncover when to leverage PPL for quick, low-commitment leads ideal for new investors or urgent needs, and when PPC shines for building brand authority and optimizing long-term conversion rates. Master the art of balancing these approaches to maximize growth and stability in your real estate business.


As a real estate broker, expanding your sales team is crucial for business growth. However, managing a larger team comes with new challenges. Developing strong sales leadership abilities is vital for successfully scaling up your brokerage. This article provides valuable tips on leading a high-performing real estate sales team as your brokerage grows.

Hiring the Right Salespeople

When searching for new sales agents, aim for candidates with a proven track record of ambition, enthusiasm, and sales triumph. Give priority to those who have demonstrated their ability to deliver results and excel in their role. Consider offering a commission-only compensation structure that is directly tied to sales objectives and performance. This will ensure that your new hires are fully invested and motivated to achieve established benchmarks.

Motivating Your Team

Don't bother with the futile attempt to strictly "hold accountable" your experienced salespeople. That kind of micromanagement usually ends up blowing up in your face. Instead, shift your focus to understanding what truly motivates each member of your team. Discover their passions and purposes beyond just making sales. Then, tailor your metrics and incentives to align with these intrinsic motivations. This fosters accountability to their core motivations, rather than just short-term metrics.

Empowering Top Talent 

Once you've assembled a team of ambitious, high-achieving sales professionals, resist the temptation to micromanage. Instead, grant your top talent the freedom and flexibility to flourish. Keep in touch through regular one-on-one meetings to offer valuable guidance and insights. However, allow your stars to operate independently and achieve their goals in their unique style. Have faith in their capabilities and provide them with the space they need to thrive.


Building strong sales leadership and management skills is crucial as you scale up your real estate brokerage. Make it a priority to hire individuals who are passionate and talented. Keep them motivated by understanding their deeper purpose. Empower your top performers to thrive. With this approach to sales leadership, y

Scaling Your Real Estate Business with Effective Sales Leadership

Discover essential strategies for scaling your real estate brokerage through effective sales leadership. Learn how to hire ambitious sales agents, motivate them intrinsically, and empower top performers to drive business growth independently. Ideal for brokers looking to build a high-performing team and achieve lasting success in the competitive real estate market.

Managing a sales team is challenging. Hiring competent salespeople, providing leads and training, and tracking results seem simple on paper, but in reality, it is a different story. Salespeople can be unpredictable, lack motivation, and fall short of their commitments. How can you hold your sales team accountable and thrive together?

Steve's Take: Salespeople Are Driven by Purpose, Not Money

Steve Trang recently sat down with Brandon Bateman to delve into the intricacies of managing a sales team. Brandon remarked, “When [managing sales people] how we do it on paper and [how we do it] in reality are completely different… it seems so easy until it definitely is not." He's not alone in this observation. Steve noticed that there is a common mistake managers make. They don't truly understand what motivates their sales force.

Ask your sales team what motivates them, and you'll often hear "money." But it's not just about money; it's about what money can do for them - fulfilling needs, supporting families, providing education, and bringing financial freedom. Money is the 'why' behind their motivation.

Uncovering Each Salesperson’s "Why"

So, how can you put this insight into action to motivate your team? Step one is to uncover each salesperson's "why." Steve shared some probing questions he employs to get to the heart of his team's motivations:

What's a goal you’ve been trying to accomplish? 

How long have you been wanting to accomplish this? 

What have you tried to do this? 

What's that going to look like when you get there? 

How's that going to feel? 

What's important about that? 

You’ll notice, these are the same types of questions you would ask a prospective real estate client. But, when asked of your salespeople, they can reveal their core motivations.

Aligning Goals and Metrics with Purpose

Once you've unraveled their purpose and motivations, what's the next step? Now it's time to align their goals and metrics with their driving purpose. In that way, you are holding them accountable to their purpose versus a metric.

Now, these metrics aren’t something you should come up with on your own. Together with your team, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) rooted in their unique "why." Then, regularly revisit these metrics to maintain accountability.

Crucial Conversations for Alignment

There will inevitably be times when things don't go as planned or goals veer off course. To handle this, establish upfront expectations for addressing them. Outline agreements and discuss your approach. This allows you to reference prior conversations and take action in line with your goals and purpose.

Accountability doesn't have to be confrontational. If you understand their motivation and engage in direct yet empathetic conversation, you can lead a motivated sales team.


So what’s the final verdict and what can we take from all this? To hold salespeople accountable, it's important to understand what drives them and maintain open communication. By connecting the 'what' of their work with the 'why' that motivates them, you can foster a culture of accountability and empower your team for success.

Motivating Your Sales Team: Strategies for Accountability

Managing a sales team is a complex task that goes beyond providing leads and training. Steve Trang and Brandon Bateman discuss the nuances of motivation, emphasizing that understanding each salesperson's "why" is key. Aligning goals with personal motivations and maintaining open communication fosters a culture of accountability and empowers teams for success.

Welcome to an exciting journey into the realm of Google Ads, where we dive deep into the concept of impression share and discover how it can revolutionize your advertising strategy. In this article, we will debunk common misconceptions surrounding impression share and provide you with the knowledge and tools to supercharge your campaign's performance. Get ready to unlock the true potential of your Google Ads account as we delve into the intricacies of impression share and its impact on your advertising success.

Unveiling the Essence of Impression Share 

Imagine impression share as the mesmerizing symphony of your ad's appearance frequency, harmonizing flawlessly with the vast ocean of searches swirling around the digital realm. It's like being transported to a captivating concert hall, where each note played represents an opportunity to captivate your audience. This dynamic metric holds the key to unlocking your advertising success, serving as the maestro that guides your campaigns towards triumph.

However, it's crucial to note that a high impression share alone is not a guaranteed ticket to victory. Just like a symphony needs more than well-timed notes to create a masterpiece, your advertising strategy requires careful consideration of other crucial factors. The value and return on investment (ROI) of each search and user interaction are like the subtle nuances that make a performance truly unforgettable. They shape the symphony of your campaign, creating a harmonious blend of captivating visuals, compelling messaging, and measurable results that resonate with your target audience.

The Impression Share Trio

Within the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, the concept of impression share takes center stage, offering a multifaceted lens through which marketers can gauge the effectiveness and reach of their ad campaigns. In this realm, three metrics emerge as true game-changers, unravelling the intricacies of ad performance and unlocking the potential for optimization: search impression share, lost impression share due to budget constraints, and lost impression share due to rank limitations. By delving into these metrics, advertisers can gain a comprehensive understanding of their ad's visibility, ensuring that they make informed decisions that propel their campaigns to new heights of success. Whether it's the nuanced analysis of search impression share, the keen examination of lost impression share due to budget restrictions, or the strategic evaluation of lost impression share due to rank challenges, each metric offers unique insights into the dynamic interplay between your ads and the digital ecosystem. Together, they form a formidable trifecta, revealing the untapped opportunities and unexplored potential that lie within your advertising efforts. So, harness the power of these metrics and unlock a world of actionable intelligence, paving the way for enhanced ad visibility, increased performance, and ultimately, triumphant marketing endeavors.

The Elusive Lost Impression Share Due to Budget 

Lost impression share due to budget reveals the percentage of missed impressions resulting from your daily budget exhausting itself before capturing all available opportunities. Picture yourself in an auction where you have the chance to acquire limited treasures. Unfortunately, your funds run dry before the auction concludes, causing you to miss out on potential opportunities. Similarly, if your budget restricts your ads from appearing throughout the day, you inadvertently sacrifice valuable impressions.

The Fierce Battle of Lost Impression Share Due to Rank

Prepare yourself for a showdown against competitors! This metric reveals the percentage of missed impressions caused by rivals who outbid you. Picture a thrilling auction where someone outmaneuvers you, snatching away a coveted item you longed to possess. Higher rankings may attract more leads, but it is essential to weigh the ROI of each search and craft an optimal bidding strategy for your business needs.

Mastering the Art of Impression Share Optimization 

To harness the true potential of impression share, skillful balance is required between bidding, budget allocation, and targeting. Resist the temptation to solely focus on boosting impression share without considering the broader landscape. Such an approach may lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses. Instead, optimize your impression share to achieve desired outcomes and align with your business goals.

Aligning Impression Share with Your Business Symphony 

Rise above the pursuit of impression share metrics and orchestrate a grand symphony of success that aligns with your broader business objectives. A high impression share alone does not guarantee profitability if the generated leads lack quality or if costs outweigh returns. Conversely, a lower impression share can still be a triumph if the captured impressions translate into a remarkable ROI. It is the harmonious interplay of visibility and profitability that holds the key to triumph in the realm of Google Ads.

Congratulations! You have embarked on an exciting expedition into the depths of impression share within Google Ads. By grasping the essence of this powerful metric, optimizing bidding strategies, and aligning impression share metrics with your business goals, you are poised to achieve unparalleled results while keeping costs in check. Now, go forth and conquer the advertising landscape with newfound wisdom. Remember, it is the perfect balance that unlocks the true potential of impression share, transforming your campaigns into masterpieces of visibility and profitability.

Mastering Impression Share for Maximum Impact

Embark on an expedition into Google Ads' impression share to revolutionize your advertising strategy. Discover the symphony of ad visibility and ROI optimization, mastering the art for unparalleled campaign success.

Diversification in Real Estate: Why Wholesale Investors Should Explore Multiple Markets

Hey there, real estate enthusiasts! As passionate investors, we often find ourselves engrossed in debates about the best approach to maximize our wholesale real estate investments. Should we focus on one market or spread our wings across multiple markets? It's a fascinating discussion, and in this blog, we'll dive into the benefits of diversifying your wholesale real estate portfolio across various markets. So settle in, and let's explore why market diversification can be a smart strategy for long-term success.

Understanding the Difference

Before we jump into the exciting world of diversification, let's take a moment to clarify the distinction between wholesaling and fix and flip. Wholesaling is all about marketing and sales, honing specific skills in those areas. On the flip side, fix and flip involves managing construction and operations, essentially running a separate business. Trying to do both at the same time means running two companies in two different markets. Quite the juggling act, huh?

Same Business Processes, Different Locations

You might be thinking, "Managing multiple markets sounds overwhelming! Can I handle it?" Take a deep breath, my friend, because here's the good news. The core business processes in wholesaling remain the same, regardless of the market. Your sales and marketing strategies, which are the backbone of your business, can be leveraged across different markets. Sure, there might be some nuances and variations to consider, but fear not! Educating yourself about specific market dynamics can be done relatively quickly, and you'll be well on your way to conquering new territories.

The Benefits of Market Diversification

Let's illustrate the advantages of diversification with a little thought experiment. Picture this: You wake up one fine morning and discover you're a billionaire. Congratulations! Now, what would you do with your newfound wealth? Would you invest all your money in a single stock, say, Tesla? Well, that would be quite risky, wouldn't it? Instead, you'd probably diversify your investment portfolio across various stocks, companies, and asset classes to minimize risk and maximize potential returns.

The same principle applies to real estate investing. By putting all your eggs in one basket, or in this case, one market, you expose yourself to various risks. Competitors entering the market can disrupt your position and impact your business. Macroeconomic factors, such as changes in interest rates or employment rates, can significantly influence market conditions and affect your profitability. By diversifying across multiple markets, you spread out these risks and protect yourself from being overly reliant on a single market's performance.

Real-Life Examples

Now, let's delve into some real-life examples to further illustrate and reinforce the significance of diversification. Consider the scenario where we have two wholesalers, each operating in distinct markets: one in Phoenix and the other on the East Coast. During a specific period, the East Coast market encounters a significant slowdown, resulting in decreased demand and sales for the wholesalers operating in that region. 

On the other hand, the Phoenix wholesalers face their own set of challenges as sellers hold out for higher prices, leading to a stagnant market. In this situation, wholesalers exclusively operating in Phoenix find themselves grappling with the adverse conditions and struggling to maintain profitability. 

However, those with diversified portfolios across multiple markets are better equipped to weather the storm. By spreading their business interests across various locations, these wholesalers have mitigated the risks associated with relying solely on a single market. 

They have strategically positioned themselves to capitalize on the opportunities that arise even when some markets hit a rough patch. This prudent approach to diversification increases their chances of success and serves as a valuable lesson for any entrepreneur or business owner seeking resilience in an unpredictable and ever-changing economic landscape.

Overcoming Fear and Misconceptions

You might be thinking, "Okay, diversification sounds great, but I'm scared to venture into multiple markets. I've had bad experiences in the past, and I'm not familiar with all these different places." I hear you, and believe me, you're not alone. Fear and hesitation can hold us back from exploring new opportunities. However, it's essential to realize that diversification can actually present new doors to open and risks to mitigate. You don't have to jump headfirst into multiple markets from the get-go.

Start small, add a few additional markets to your repertoire, and test different strategies. Find a balance that aligns with your goals and appetite for growth. The key is to step out of your comfort zone gradually and embrace the potential rewards diversification can bring.

Embracing Technology and Remote Management

The advancement of technology has made managing properties remotely more accessible than ever before. With the right systems and tools in place, you can efficiently oversee your operations and marketing efforts across multiple markets from the comfort of your home base. Virtual tools, digital marketing platforms, and collaboration software enable you to scale your business and operate efficiently, even in markets far away from your physical location. Embrace these technological advancements to expand your reach and seize opportunities in different markets.

As the real estate industry evolves and becomes increasingly competitive, successful wholesale investors are recognizing the power of market diversification. By expanding your horizons and exploring multiple markets, you reduce your exposure to specific competitors and the unpredictable ebb and flow of macroeconomic fluctuations. This, in turn, minimizes risks and maximizes your chances of achieving attractive returns on your investments.

Sure, it may require some additional effort to understand different market dynamics, but the long-term benefits are undoubtedly worth it. So, investors, consider diversifying your wholesale real estate portfolio and open yourself up to new opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of real estate investing. Remember, it's all about spreading your wings, seizing the day, and thriving in multiple markets. 

Diversification in Real Estate: Why Wholesale Investors Should Explore Multiple Markets

Explore multiple markets in wholesale real estate to minimize risk and maximize returns. By leveraging consistent processes across different locations and using technology for remote management, embrace diversification to navigate economic changes and seize long-term opportunities.

Unveiling the True Essence of Real Estate Acquisitions: A Story of Humility and Genuine Connection

Embarking on a real estate journey is filled with both triumphs and humbling moments. For Chris, a seasoned investor and team leader, the path to success has been paved with valuable lessons and transformative experiences. In this blog post, we dive into Chris's captivating story, exploring the instances that humbled him and transformed his approach to acquisitions. From significant financial losses to heartfelt encounters with homeowners in dire situations, Chris's journey has reshaped his perspective on what it truly means to connect with sellers and build trust. Join us as we unravel the core principles that guide Chris's team to success, fostering genuine relationships and delivering impactful solutions.

The Sting of Failure and the Power of Vulnerability

Chris openly admits to his fair share of failures in real estate flips. One particular loss still lingers as a defining moment that shaped his approach to acquisitions. Scaling up his operations meant no longer being able to physically visit every property his team purchased. Relying on photos and information from acquisition managers, Chris made a critical error that resulted in a $60,000 loss. The financial impact wasn't the sole concern; it was also about the livelihoods of his team members and their families. Acknowledging his mistakes, Chris introduced safeguards and took responsibility, ensuring that his team learned from the experience and improved their underwriting processes.

A Heartrending Encounter That Shattered Preconceptions

Chris's transformation wasn't solely driven by financial setbacks. One encounter with a distressed homeowner had a profound impact on his perception of the real estate industry. A woman facing foreclosure reached out for help, but her apprehension to invite Chris into her home was palpable. The dilapidated state of her property and her wheelchair-bound condition spoke volumes. Instead of pressuring her with sales tactics, Chris recognized her deep sense of shame and the need for compassion. As he listened to her story, he realized the importance of treating sellers with dignity and empathy, regardless of their circumstances. This encounter set the stage for a more authentic and impactful approach to acquisitions.

Trusting, Not Rapport-Building

Contrary to conventional sales strategies focused on building rapport, Chris emphasizes the significance of trust. He believes that sellers need to feel comfortable enough to open up and be vulnerable, fostering an environment of transparency. For Chris, it's not about being liked but rather being trusted. By allowing homeowners to share their stories without judgment, his team builds genuine connections based on mutual understanding. This shift in mindset has been instrumental in cultivating trust and achieving meaningful outcomes.

Appointments as Opportunities for Connection

Chris acknowledges that building trust and establishing meaningful connections take time. In contrast to the industry norm, his team spends an extended period during appointments, often nearing two hours. This duration allows for genuine conversations and the exploration of various challenges that arise during the process. By dedicating ample time to each appointment, his team avoids rushing through critical discussions and ensures that sellers feel heard and understood. This commitment to connection ultimately lays the foundation for successful outcomes, even if contracts are not signed immediately.

Balancing Efficiency and Empathy

Effectively managing appointments while maintaining an empathetic approach requires careful planning. Chris recognizes the importance of finding the right balance. While there is no magic formula, he ensures that his acquisitions team has sufficient time allocated for each appointment. This could mean managing a reasonable number of leads to avoid overwhelming schedules or creating gaps between appointments to allow for necessary reflection and preparation. By providing his team with the support they need, Chris ensures that they can deliver the desired level of care and attention during every interaction.

Chris's journey in real estate acquisitions serves as a testament to the transformative power of humility, empathy, and trust, through humbling experiences.

Unveiling the True Essence of Real Estate Acquisitions: A Story of Humility and Genuine Connection

Chris's real estate journey is a testament to humility and genuine connection. From learning through financial setbacks to empathetic encounters with distressed homeowners, he prioritizes trust over rapport-building. By dedicating ample time for meaningful conversations and balancing efficiency with empathy, Chris redefines success through transparent, impactful interactions.

The real estate industry has experienced an extraordinary transformation, moving beyond traditional retail methods and embracing wholesale dominance. This shift has been made possible by the incredible power of technology, creating a virtual marketplace where motivated sellers and eager buyers can connect with a simple click. Pioneering companies like OpenDoor and Offerpad have revolutionized the way real estate deals are conducted, propelling us into this new era of wholesale market dominance.

To truly thrive in this wholesale revolution, it is crucial to harness the power of technology and establish a robust online presence. This goes beyond just having a basic website. Imagine captivating virtual tours, stunning visuals, and utilizing effective marketing tools such as search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. By adapting your strategies, seeking valuable partnerships, and fostering innovation, you can position yourself at the forefront of this exciting transformation. Prepare to seize the abundant opportunities as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of wholesale market dominance.

The Shift from Retail to Wholesale

The real estate industry has taken a dramatic turn away from traditional retail methods. It's truly fascinating to witness how technology has completely transformed the game, giving rise to the dominance of wholesale markets. Now, motivated sellers and eager buyers can connect directly with ease. It's as if the world has become one massive virtual marketplace, and we owe this shift to trailblazing companies like OpenDoor and Offerpad. They are the driving force behind this new era we're experiencing.

Harnessing the Power of Technology

To make a significant impact and thrive in this new world of wholesale dominance, you must tap into the incredible power of technology. It's a game-changer, my friend. The first step is to create a compelling online presence that sets you apart from the competition. Envision a visually stunning website that offers potential buyers immersive virtual tours and captivating visuals, making them feel like they're stepping right into the properties themselves.

However, a captivating website is just the beginning. You also need to leverage powerful marketing tools like search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These tools ensure that your offerings reach the right audience at the right time. After all, a fantastic property is of no use if nobody knows about it. It's all about getting your name out there and standing out in this wholesale market revolution.

Adapting Strategies for Wholesale Triumph

The wholesale market presents a world full of exciting opportunities for those willing to adapt their strategies. Now, pay attention, because this is where the real magic happens. You must fully embrace and capitalize on the transformative changes brought forth by technology. It's time to think outside the box. Consider exploring partnerships with emerging platforms like OpenDoor and Offerpad, as they can open doors to new avenues of growth and expansion.

But here's a bold suggestion—how about unleashing your creativity and crafting unique solutions? Envision constructing a platform that effortlessly links motivated sellers with enthusiastic buyers, simplifying the transaction process for all parties involved. By embracing these tactics and establishing yourself as a pivotal figure in the wholesale market revolution, you unlock an abundance of opportunities for triumph in this swiftly progressing industry. So, are you prepared to leave your distinctive imprint?

Staying Ahead Amidst Market Turbulence

Thriving in the ever-changing real estate market demands vigilance and adaptability. Anticipate how the retail side, such as real estate agents, might react to protect their interests. Stay at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends through continuous learning and exploration.

Regularly assess and optimize your lead generation strategies, focusing on long-term gains rather than short-term fluctuations. By aligning your vision, strategy, and tactics with the rise of the wholesale market, you can confidently navigate the evolving terrain.

The tech revolution has directly led to the advent of wholesale market dominance in real estate. This paradigm shift presents unprecedented opportunities for investors who dare to embrace it. By harnessing the power of technology, cultivating a captivating online presence, and adapting strategies to the wholesale landscape, you position yourself for triumph.

Remember, the future of real estate investment lies in embracing the disruptive forces of technology and riding the wave of wholesale market dominance. Get ready to seize the thrilling opportunities that await you in this exhilarating industry transformation.

Embracing the Tech Revolution: Unleashing Wholesale Market Dominance in Real Estate

Embrace the tech revolution reshaping real estate with wholesale market dominance. From pioneering platforms to captivating online strategies, discover how to leverage technology's power and forge ahead in this transformative era. Stay agile amidst market changes and position yourself for success by adapting smart strategies that harness innovation and propel your business forward in the evolving wholesale landscape.

Mastering the Hiring Game: Strategies for Selecting Top Talent and Reliable Vendors

In today's competitive business landscape, finding the right vendor and employee is crucial for achieving success. Making the wrong choice can lead to wasted resources, poor outcomes, and frustration. In this blog, let's dive into the important factors to consider when selecting employees and vendors and how to establish effective working relationships with them. We'll draw from real-life experiences and expert advice to explore the significance of credibility, cultural fit, results-oriented collaboration, and the decision between outsourcing and in-house management. By following these guidelines, you can greatly enhance your chances of finding the perfect match for your business needs.

Let's face it, the people and processes within your business play a vital role in determining its success. It's all about finding the right individuals who complement your strengths and weaknesses. While some entrepreneurs try to handle everything themselves, others delegate without establishing proper systems and processes. The key is to strike a balance and build a team of motivated individuals with the necessary skills who can work within established frameworks.

Delegation & Identifying Needs

Finding the right level of delegation is a common challenge for business owners. Some struggle to let go and become control freaks, while others delegate without providing sufficient guidance and support. The key here is to strike a balance. Clearly define your expectations, provide guidelines, and encourage employees to take ownership of their tasks. Regular communication and feedback loops can help ensure accountability and maintain progress towards shared goals.

Before diving into hiring employees or selecting vendors, take a step back and identify your business goals. Determine the specific skills and expertise required to achieve those goals. Take the time to thoroughly analyze your needs. You can do this by conducting interviews, evaluating resumes, and even using personality assessments. This will help you find candidates who are the best fit for the job.

Building Systems and Processes

When your employees lack proper systems and processes, it affects productivity and efficiency. As a business owner, it's your responsibility to create and implement effective systems and processes that streamline operations. For instance, in my role as a Director of Sales and Marketing, I focused on developing marketing systems from scratch, implementing lead management strategies, and setting up a customer relationship management (CRM) system. Investing time and effort into building these foundations pays off in the long run.

Setting Clear Expectations & Motivations

Clear communication of expectations is vital for both employees and vendors. Be transparent about your goals, deliverables, and timelines. Establishing a culture of open communication and feedback allows everyone to understand their roles and work towards shared objectives.

Keeping your team members motivated is crucial for their engagement and productivity. Positive reinforcement, incentives, and rewards can go a long way in inspiring and motivating employees. Recognize and celebrate their achievements to encourage them to excel in their roles and contribute to the company's growth.

Assessing Skills & Credibility

Don't just focus on the current skill set of potential team members. Motivation and a willingness to learn and grow are often more valuable. Consider hiring individuals who show ambition and align with your company culture, even if they lack specific experience. You can always provide them with training and opportunities to develop the skills required for their roles.

When it comes to choosing vendors or employees, credibility is key. While charm can be appealing, it's credibility that truly matters in building a long-term partnership. Take the time to gather information about their track record, client references, and performance indicators. While this research won't give you all the answers, it will help you make an informed decision.

Cultural Fit and Results-Oriented Collaboration

In addition to credibility, cultural fit plays a significant role in successful collaborations. Engage in meaningful conversations with potential vendors and employees to gauge their compatibility with your company's values, goals, and work style. Look for partners who prioritize results, offer valuable insights, and can effectively communicate complex concepts in a simplified manner. A cultural fit enables a healthy working relationship and ensures alignment towards common objectives.

Overcoming Trust Issues with Vendors

If you've had negative experiences with vendors in the past, trust issues may arise. To address this, it's important to reflect on those experiences and identify factors that contributed to unsuccessful collaborations. Take ownership of your role in those relationships to identify areas for improvement. Learn from past mistakes and adapt your selection process accordingly to rebuild trust and find more suitable partners.

Understanding Outsourcing vs. In-House Management

Deciding whether to outsource or manage certain functions in-house depends on various factors. While some business owners prefer in-house management for perceived control and visibility, outsourcing can often provide a strategic advantage. Outsourcing allows you to tap into specialized expertise, gain fresh perspectives, and leverage existing tools and systems. Objective external insights can identify blind spots and lead to improved outcomes. However, it's crucial to maintain open communication, collaboration, and transparency with external partners to ensure mutual understanding and success.


Choosing the right employees and vendors is a critical aspect of running a successful sales and marketing operation. By defining your goals, identifying needs, building effective systems and processes, and nurturing a motivated and skilled team, you can create a thriving business. Remember, finding the right individuals may require a balance between delegation and accountability. 

Ultimately, investing time and effort in building a strong team will propel your sales and marketing strategies to new heights. By focusing on credibility, cultural fit, and results-oriented collaboration, you can increase the likelihood of finding the perfect match. Overcoming trust issues requires honest reflection and learning from past experiences. Evaluating the benefits of outsourcing versus in-house management can lead to strategic partnerships that foster innovation and growth. Remember, successful collaborations rely on open communication, shared goals, and mutual respect. By following these guidelines, you can establish strong relationships that contribute to your business's long-term success.

Mastering the Hiring Game: Strategies for Selecting Top Talent and Reliable Vendors

Mastering the hiring game means picking top talent and reliable vendors for your business. Learn how to balance delegation, build effective systems, and nurture a motivated team. Discover strategies for assessing credibility and cultural fit, and decide whether outsourcing or in-house management is best. Dive in for tips on making smart choices that lead to long-term success.

The Importance of Managing Emotions in Business

Keeping your emotions in check is super important when you're running a business. When things are going great, you feel like you're on top of the world, but when they're not, it can keep you up at night. It's super important in those moments not to let your feelings dictate the decisions you make. It's like a balancing act between your emotions and being in charge, where you gotta aim for the middle instead of getting carried away with the highs and lows.

Controlled Funnel Analysis for Informed Decision Making

There's a way to handle your feelings and stay on top of your REI business, and it's called controlled funnel analysis. Basically, you track what's going on up until a certain point in your funnel, and then make educated guesses about what comes after. So let's say it costs you 100 bucks to get one lead, and you need 20 leads to seal the deal. You can figure out that it'll probably cost you around $2,000 to close the deal. This is an awesome method because it helps you make smarter choices by comparing what you thought would happen with what actually went down.

One of the best things about controlled funnel analysis is that it helps you compare what you expected to happen with what actually happened. This means that you can adjust your strategies and tactics based on real data, rather than relying on gut feelings or assumptions. In the end, this can help you make smarter choices and ultimately be more successful in your REI business.

The Tradeoff between High ROI and High Volume

When it comes to online marketing, the end goal is usually to see a return on investment (ROI). However, it's important to keep in mind that achieving this goal isn't always easy, and it can take some time and effort. In fact, it's pretty rare to see a 10X ROI after just a couple of months of marketing efforts.

It's crucial to have patience and trust the process, especially in the early stages. This is when you're most likely to see the most extreme results - both good and bad. So while it can be tempting to get discouraged if you're not seeing the returns you were hoping for right away, it's important to remember that things can change quickly and that success may be just around the corner. Ultimately, the key is to stay focused and persistent, even when things seem tough.

The Significance of Considering Past ROI While Preparing for the Future

SEO is an excellent example of this. It's kind of like the fuel that powers your website's visibility on the web. But here's the thing: it takes a lot of work to get your site off the ground and get it to rank well in search results. In fact, it can take up to 90% of your efforts just to get to a certain point where you start to see the benefits of all that hard work.

The problem is that many companies these days are so focused on short-term results and immediate returns on investment (ROI) that they don't invest enough in the long-term benefits of SEO. It's understandable, of course - everyone wants to see a return on their investment as quickly as possible. But this mindset can actually prevent them from experiencing the full benefits of SEO.

Think of it like planting a seed. If you only focus on the initial cost of buying the seed and planting it, you might not see the point in investing in it. But if you're patient and nurture that seed over time, it will eventually grow into a beautiful tree that provides all sorts of benefits - shade, fruit, etc. SEO is like that seed. It takes time and effort to grow, but if you're willing to invest in it, the benefits can be enormous in the long run.

So, if you're thinking about investing in SEO for your website, don't just focus on the immediate returns. Consider the long-term benefits as well. By doing so, you'll be able to reap the rewards of all that hard work for years to come.

The Importance of Finding a Balance between Short-Term and Long-Term ROI

To see the real ROI of SEO, you must run it for several years and measure the revenue generated over the entire time period. It's also important to note that there's a three to six-month lag between when your SEO efforts fizzle out.

It's crucial to trust the process and focus on the long-term ROI rather than just the short-term. SEO is an excellent investment in the long run, and companies should not miss this opportunity. Ultimately, finding a balance between short-term and long-term ROI, considering past ROI while preparing for the future, and managing emotions through controlled funnel analysis are all essential elements in running a successful business.

The Importance of Managing Emotions in Business

Balancing emotions is crucial in business, where highs and lows are inevitable. Discover how controlled funnel analysis can transform your decision-making process by turning gut feelings into data-driven strategies. Plus, learn why balancing short-term gains with long-term investments, especially in SEO, can lead to sustained success. Dive in to maintain your cool and make smarter business moves.

Marketing budgets are essential for any business strategy. Without a solid budget, your marketing efforts may fall flat, and your business goals may never be reached. However, figuring out the ideal marketing budget can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we'll dive into why understanding volume and efficiency are crucial to managing your marketing budget.

Having a marketing budget is super important for any business. If you don't have a solid budget, your marketing efforts might not work out, and you might never achieve your business goals. But let's be real, figuring out how much you should spend on marketing can be a little daunting. In this blog post, we'll talk about why it's important to know how much you need and how efficient you can be with that money when managing your marketing budget.

The Importance of Marketing Budgets

So, let's talk about managing your marketing budget. It's a topic that might not be the most thrilling, but it's certainly an important one. And the first step in managing your budget effectively is understanding just how crucial it is.

A solid marketing budget can make all the difference in the success of your business. It ensures that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives, so you're not just throwing money at various tactics without any real purpose. Instead, you're investing in strategies that will help you achieve your goals, whether that's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.

On the other hand, not having a budget or having an inadequate one can be a recipe for disaster. It can lead to wasted resources as you try to figure out what works and what doesn't. And missed opportunities can be costly, especially if your competitors are making strategic investments that allow them to get ahead.

Factors to Consider When Setting Marketing Budgets

It's important to have realistic expectations and set goals that align with your business objectives. You don't want to overspend on marketing and end up in a financial bind, but you also don't want to skimp on your budget and miss out on potential opportunities. Striking a balance is key, and it all starts with understanding your goals.

Once you've got your goals in mind, it's time to do some math. Figuring out the cost per lead and how many leads you need to achieve your targets is crucial. This may sound daunting, but it's actually pretty straightforward once you break it down. By calculating these numbers, you'll be able to make informed decisions about how much to invest in your marketing efforts and where to focus your resources.

For example, if you know that you need to generate 500 leads to hit your sales target, and your cost per lead is $20, you'll know that you need to budget $10,000 for your marketing efforts. This kind of data will help you make smarter decisions about which marketing channels to invest in and how much to allocate to each one.

Balancing Volume and Efficiency in PPC Campaigns

Digital marketing is a huge aspect of any modern marketing strategy, and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are a key component of that. They allow you to drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page, which can ultimately lead to conversions and sales. However, managing PPC campaigns effectively can be a tricky balancing act. On the one hand, you want to generate as much volume as possible to reach as many potential customers as you can. But on the other hand, you need to be efficient with your resources to avoid wasting time and money on tactics that aren't delivering results.

So how do you strike the right balance between volume and efficiency in your PPC campaigns? The key is to keep a close eye on your metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, you might start with a broad targeting approach to generate a high volume of clicks, but then refine your targeting based on the data to focus on the most promising leads. It's also important to be aware of the concept of diminishing marginal returns. As you invest more in your PPC campaigns, you might see a plateau or even a decline in ROI, so it's essential to find that sweet spot where you're maximizing your results without overspending.

Debunking the Myth of More Money Equals Better Results in PPC Campaigns

So, when it comes to running successful PPC campaigns, it's not just about how much money you throw at it. You could have a big budget but still not get the results you want if you're not using it effectively. To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, you need to focus on targeting the right audience, selecting the right keywords, and creating compelling ad copy that will grab people's attention. This is where the real magic happens.

Even if you have a smaller budget, you can still achieve amazing results if you do these things well

. It's all about being smart with your money and making sure you're investing it in the right areas.

One way to get expert guidance and support for your PPC campaigns is by working with an account strategist. These professionals are experts at managing PPC campaigns and can offer you invaluable advice and tips based on their expertise. With an account strategist on your side, you can optimize your campaigns and achieve your goals without breaking the bank. They can help you identify the areas where you need to focus your attention, and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

So, if you want to get the most out of your PPC campaigns and see great results, it's important to work with a pro who knows what they're doing. With the right guidance and support, you can achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.


Managing your marketing budget requires a thoughtful and methodical approach. You must understand your business objectives, the math behind your budget, and find the right balance between volume and efficiency. With a bit of effort and understanding, your marketing budget can be a powerful tool that helps you achieve your goals and succeed in today's competitive business world.

The Crucial Role of Marketing Budgets in Business Strategy

Not sure how to nail your marketing budget? Check out our blog for tips on stretching your dollars and boosting your results. We’ll show you how to make your PPC campaigns sizzle without burning a hole in your wallet.

Introduction to Link Building and SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), not all strategies are created equal. In fact, some tactics can actually harm your website's ranking on Google. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some link building methods that Google frowns upon and discuss why they can be problematic. It's important to be aware of these forbidden SEO strategies to avoid damaging your website's online presence. Let's dive in and uncover the secrets that Google doesn't want you to know!

Problematic Link Building Tactics

Google, as a search engine, continually refines and improves its search algorithms to deliver the most relevant and useful results to its users. One of the ways it does this is by prioritizing high-quality websites in its search results. High-quality websites are those that provide valuable content, have a good user experience, and adhere to Google's guidelines.

However, some webmasters attempt to manipulate Google's algorithms in order to gain an unfair advantage in search rankings. They may use tactics such as automated software, low-quality directory listings, social bookmarking websites, private blog networks, and link swapping to artificially create backlinks to their websites. Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links from other websites pointing to a particular website. Backlinks are considered an important ranking factor by Google, as they can indicate the authority and relevance of a website.

These tactics are considered unethical and are against Google's guidelines on link schemes. Google penalizes websites that engage in such practices by reducing their visibility in search results or even removing them from its index altogether. This is because such tactics distort the natural ranking signals that Google's algorithms rely on, and they can result in low-quality and irrelevant websites appearing higher in search results, which ultimately reduces the quality of Google's search results for users.

Instead, webmasters should focus on creating original, high-quality content that provides value to their audience and building natural and relevant backlinks through legitimate strategies like guest posting and content marketing. By following these guidelines, webmasters can maintain their website's good standing with Google and attract organic traffic.

Importance of High-Quality Links

The focus on quantity over quality in SEO tactics is not only problematic but also outdated. In the past, webmasters used to employ black hat SEO techniques to boost their rankings on Google's search engine results pages. These tactics included keyword stuffing, hidden text, and cloaking, among others. However, Google's algorithms have become more sophisticated over time, making it harder for websites to rank high using these tactics.

In recent years, Google has made it clear that its priority is to provide users with high-quality and relevant search results. Therefore, it has updated its algorithms to penalize websites that use manipulative tactics to boost their rankings. One of the most significant updates was the Google Penguin update, which targeted websites with low-quality backlinks and exact match anchor text.

Nowadays, Google's algorithms evaluate the quality of a backlink based on various factors such as the relevance of the linking site to the content, the authority of the linking site, and the anchor text used in the link. As mentioned earlier, using exact match anchor text excessively is considered manipulative and can lead to penalties.

In addition to the above, Google also considers other factors such as the diversity of the anchor text, the freshness of the link, and the context of the link. For instance, a link from a reputable news site within the context of a news story is more valuable than a link from a low-quality blog post that is unrelated to the content.

Building High-Quality Links

Link building is a vital part of SEO that can help search engines determine the relevance and authority of your website. However, it's important to note that not all links are created equal, and some can actually harm your website's ranking if obtained through manipulative tactics. To avoid this, it's crucial to focus on acquiring links from related websites with high-quality content and to avoid using automated software, purchasing links from low-quality directories, and creating private blog networks.

Instead, the best approach is to create high-quality content that naturally attracts links from other reputable websites. This can include informative blog posts, engaging videos, or interactive tools that provide value to your audience. By promoting this content through legitimate channels like social media and email marketing, you can attract high-quality links and improve your website's visibility, credibility, and referral traffic.

Overall, taking a strategic and ethical approach to link building can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry and improve your website's SEO in a sustainable way.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging has been a popular link building strategy for many years. It involves creating high-quality content for another website in your niche or industry, with the aim of getting a backlink to your own website. The idea behind guest blogging is that by creating valuable content for another site, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience. At the same time, you can benefit from the backlink that is included in the guest post, which can help to improve your website's search engine rankings.

While guest blogging has been a widely used tactic, it is important to note that Google has made it clear that they don't approve of this practice as a means of link building. Google's Webmaster Guidelines state that "Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines." In other words, if you are using guest blogging solely to build backlinks and manipulate your site's search engine rankings, you could be at risk of violating Google's guidelines.

Despite Google's stance on guest blogging, the practice is still widely used within the industry, as it can be difficult for search engines to differentiate between a guest post and a regular blog post. This means that if you are able to create high-quality content that provides value to readers, you may still be able to benefit from the backlinks that come with guest blogging. However, it is important to approach guest blogging with caution, and focus on creating valuable content rather than solely on building backlinks.


When it comes to your link building strategy, it's important to maintain certain standards and focus on getting the best bang for your buck. You should aim to generate a lot of backlinks that fall on the lower end of the domain authority spectrum and slowly work your way up to more authoritative sites. By focusing on high-quality links, you'll be able to improve your search rankings and increase your website's visibility in a sustainable way.

Link Building 101: How to Improve Your Website's Visibility and Credibility

Want to boost your website's visibility and credibility? Discover the secrets of effective link building while avoiding harmful tactics. Learn how to create high-quality links through ethical strategies and improve your site's search rankings. Dive into Link Building 101 to master SEO and enhance your online presence!

Are you struggling to choose the right type of ad creative for your Facebook Ads? With so many options available, it can be quite overwhelming, especially if you're new to social media marketing. But don't worry; in this article, we'll help you understand the various types of ad creative for Facebook Ads and provide some insights on what works best.

Types of Ad Creative for Facebook Ads

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, a variety of creative ad options are available to businesses. One of the most common forms of ad creative is images. While some may view them as lazy or uncreative, images can be surprisingly effective. High-quality images relevant to your target audience can be used in different ad formats, such as carousel and single-image ads. Facebook's algorithm considers users' past behavior and preferences when it comes to ad creation, so it's important to offer different options to cater to your audience's diverse tastes.

In addition to images, videos are also becoming increasingly popular for Facebook Ads. They can be more attention-grabbing and effective in conveying a message quickly. As a social media strategist states, videos are a popular choice for ad creative. However, it's important to include captions so that users who don't turn on the sound can still understand the message. Videos can be used in various formats, such as in-stream ads, stories ads, and video poll ads.

Graphics are another option for ad creative. Infographics and data visualizations are an excellent way to convey complex information quickly, especially for educational or informational campaigns. On the other hand, animations can be eye-catching and a good option for businesses that want to show their creative side. However, it's important to note that animations can be expensive to produce and might only sometimes be the best fit for all businesses. Graphics can also be used in carousel, collection, and Instant Experience ads.

If your business has the budget for it, professional videos can be a great way to showcase your business and build trust with potential customers. These videos can be a significant investment, but they can provide viewers a high-quality and engaging experience. It's essential to ensure that the content is relevant and tailored to your target audience. However, interestingly, native content, such as videos filmed with a phone, can often perform better than expensive, professionally produced videos. This is because native content can feel more authentic and relatable to the audience.

Overall, the key to successful Facebook Ads is to experiment with different ad creative options and formats to see what works best for your business and target audience. Keep in mind that Facebook's algorithm is always evolving, so it's essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and insights to maximize the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

Tips for Creating Effective Video Content for Facebook Ads

As we delve deeper into the realm of Facebook Ads, it becomes increasingly clear that video content is an essential part of any successful advertising campaign. Not only is it a powerful medium for conveying a message, but it is also highly engaging, capturing the viewer's attention in ways that other ad formats cannot.

Pay close attention to its length is important to ensure that your video content is effective. According to social media strategists, videos that range from 20 to 32 seconds are the most effective for their clients. This is because they are long enough to convey a meaningful message but short enough to keep the viewer engaged and interested.

Of course, this is not to say that longer videos cannot be effective. Social media strategists have acknowledged that videos that exceed two minutes can still perform well, provided they capture and maintain the viewer's attention throughout. This means that the content must be compelling and the pacing must be just right to prevent the viewer from losing interest.

To ensure that your video content is effective, it is also crucial to include a call-to-action within the video's first 20 to 32 seconds. This is because viewers tend to lose interest quickly, and if they are not hooked within the first few seconds, they are likely to move on to something else. By including a call-to-action early on, you can encourage viewers to take action immediately, increasing the chances of a successful conversion.

In addition to the length and call-to-action, simplifying the message is crucial for effective communication. One useful tool in achieving this is the "so what" model. By repeatedly asking yourself "so what", you can distill the message down to its essential point, avoiding unnecessary information and rambling. This not only helps keep the audience engaged, but it also makes it easier for them to understand and remember the message.

Moreover, employing the "what if" technique can also be helpful in crafting a simple and concise message. This involves asking yourself hypothetical questions such as "what if my audience only remembers one thing from my message, what would that be?" or "what if my audience only has 30 seconds to listen to my message, what would I want them to hear?". By considering these scenarios, you can focus on the most important points and craft a clear and memorable message.


To sum up, choosing the right ad creative for Facebook Ads requires careful consideration. While images, videos, graphics, and animations are all effective options, the key is to experiment and see what works best for your business. A/B testing is a simple and effective way to measure the effectiveness of different ad creatives, such as images, videos, and graphics. Businesses can optimize their Facebook Ads campaigns and achieve their marketing objectives by testing different ad creatives.

It's essential to understand that there are other factors to consider when choosing ad creative for Facebook Ads, such as the audience, the objective of the ad, and the platform's placement. Conducting A/B testing is just one step in the process of creating successful Facebook Ads campaigns. Businesses should stay up-to-date with Facebook's latest updates, algorithm changes, and best practices. Facebook regularly updates its platform, and it's important to keep an eye on these changes to ensure that your ads continue to perform well. By staying up-to-date, businesses can maximize their return on investment and reach their goals.

 Good luck with your Facebook Ads! Thanks for reading.

How to Choose the Right Ad Creative for Facebook Ads

This guide breaks down images, videos, graphics, and animations, highlighting what works best and why. Learn the secret to engaging your audience, optimizing ad performance, and staying ahead with the latest trends. Dive in to master your Facebook Ads strategy!

As a real estate investor, driving motivated seller leads is essential for the success of your business. No leads, no deals, right? If you’re reading this guide, you likely know that digital marketing is a highly efficient channel for generating those leads. 

In this guide, we’re going to let you in on a little-known secret of digital marketing in the REI space: offline conversion data. But first, let’s cover the basics.

What is conversion tracking?

Conversion tracking is the process of tracking how people interact with your website and marketing campaigns. This information can be used to determine which ads, keywords, and landing pages are driving the most conversions.

Conversions can be anything from form submissions to phone calls to sales. By tracking conversions, you can see what's working and what's not, and make necessary adjustments to your campaigns.

How can conversion tracking help real estate investors?

Conversion tracking can help real estate investors drive more motivated seller leads in a number of ways.

First, it can help you identify which ads and keywords are driving the most leads. This information can then be used to allocate your budget more effectively.

Second, conversion tracking can help you identify which landing pages are converting the most leads. This information can then be used to optimize your landing pages for better results.

Third, conversion tracking can help you identify which types of leads are most likely to convert. This information can then be used to focus your marketing efforts on those types of leads.

I know all this! What’s the secret you mentioned?

Here comes the secret! It all starts with an acronym, GCLID, which stands for Google Click ID (Google made it up, not us) It’s basically a massive string of characters attached to the end of your ad URL. Every click that comes from Google Ads has a unique Google Click ID, which contains information on which campaign, ad group, and keyword drove that click.

This GCLID can be captured by your form submissions and call-tracking software to associate it with the lead that came through your campaign. With us so far?

From there, you can store this GCLID in your CRM on that contact’s record. Makes sense, right? Now here’s the cool part.

You can use this GCLID to feed data back into Google Ads and tell Google how that lead progressed after the initial capture. Did that lead end up being spam? You can tell Google that. Did they end up closing for a $90,000 deal spread? You can tell Google that, too.

This is the secret that we used with our 300+ real estate investor clients to drive $50M in revenue in 2022, and we’re pacing for even better results in 2023.


Conversion tracking is a valuable tool for real estate investors who want to drive more motivated seller leads. By tracking form submissions and phone calls effectively, you can determine which ads and keywords are driving the most leads and optimize your marketing campaigns accordingly. And to take things to the next level, setting up offline conversions is a MUST.

If you’re ready to crush PPC once and for all and see shockingly good results, take the first step by scheduling a free strategy consultation with our team. We’d love to work with you!

How to Drive Motivated Seller Leads with Conversion Tracking

Want to drive more motivated seller leads? Learn the secret sauce of conversion tracking in real estate investing. This guide reveals how to use offline conversion data to optimize your ads, keywords, and landing pages, turning clicks into high-value deals. Ready to crush PPC and see amazing results? Dive in!