
Google Ads

Motivated sellers are looking for you online—get in front of them with our flagship PPC service for real estate investors.

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Transform Your Business

4 reasons why Google Ads is a game-changing channel

Fast Cash Conversion

High motivation means fast deal cycles.

Large Deal Spreads

Create better margins and lower overhead with highly motivated leads.

Don't Chase—Be Chased

Unlike outbound channels, Google Ads generates leads that already want to sell.

High Growth Potential

With its Display Network and YouTube placements, Google Ads scales efficiently with your business.

Elite PPC strategy + machine learning = 💰

Our Predictive Data-Stacking Method makes all the difference

Collective Data

The Bateman Collective Difference

Predictive Data

Training Google & Facebook algorithms to target high-value sellers

Closed-Loop Data

Using funnel data to drive smarter optimization

We train our Collective Data on the ad spend and funnel performance of all Bateman Collective clients, then feed that data into each individual account.

The result? Faster ramp-up times, significantly better lead quality, and higher close rates.

The future of PPC for real estate is here—are you on board?

Get Started

Ultimate PPC Toolkit

Get the essential elements of a successful PPC campaign (without the secret sauce).

Download Now

Our results speak for themselves

“It’s ridiculous the return that we get. And they’re the fattest deals  too, they are the absolute best biggest money making deals we get.”

Chris Burrow
CEO, Maximum Cash Homebuyers

“People ask me all the time who we recommend for PPC and I always tell them Bateman Collective."

Steve Trang
CEO, Real Estate Disruptors

"Now that we've been working with Bateman Collective, we've been getting a steady stream of leads on both Google and now Facebook as well. And our team is super happy every time a new lead comes in."

J.P. Kilduff
CEO, Veteran Land Buyers

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Ready to join the big leagues?

Start with a free strategy consultation.

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Google Ads

Motivated sellers are looking for you online—get in front of them with our flagship PPC service for real estate investors.

Get A Consultation

Transform Your Business

4 reasons why Google Ads is a game-changing channel

Fast Cash Conversion

High motivation means fast deal cycles.

Large Deal Spreads

Create better margins and lower overhead with highly motivated leads.

Don't Chase—Be Chased

Unlike outbound channels, Google Ads generates leads that already want to sell.

High Growth Potential

With its Display Network and YouTube placements, Google Ads scales efficiently with your business.

Elite PPC strategy + machine learning = 💰

Our Predictive Data-Stacking Method makes all the difference

Collective Data

The Bateman Collective Difference

Predictive Data

Training Google & Facebook algorithms to target high-value sellers

Closed-Loop Data

Using funnel data to drive smarter optimization

We train our Collective Data on the ad spend and funnel performance of all Bateman Collective clients, then feed that data into each individual account.

The result? Faster ramp-up times, significantly better lead quality, and higher close rates.

The future of PPC for real estate is here—are you on board?

Get Started

Ultimate PPC Toolkit

Get the essential elements of a successful PPC campaign (without the secret sauce).

Download Now

Our results speak for themselves

“It’s ridiculous the return that we get. And they’re the fattest deals  too, they are the absolute best biggest money making deals we get.”

Chris Burrow
CEO, Maximum Cash Homebuyers

“People ask me all the time who we recommend for PPC and I always tell them Bateman Collective."

Steve Trang
CEO, Real Estate Disruptors

"Now that we've been working with Bateman Collective, we've been getting a steady stream of leads on both Google and now Facebook as well. And our team is super happy every time a new lead comes in."

J.P. Kilduff
CEO, Veteran Land Buyers

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Ready to join the big leagues?

Start with a free strategy consultation.

Get A Consultation